March 28th, 2023

Homeskoolin' Volume 204, Tom Bukovac, "A.I. Blues"

00:00 - Sweet, slow and dreamy tune
02:42 - Hello, Homeskoolers' / Sad school shooting in Nashville
03:38 - Cat Stevens - Trouble
04:36 - Harmony Soveriegn conversion guitar
05:50 - Originality, "reminds me of...", sounds like / All music is "stolen" vs. plagiarism vs. 100% original
10:00 - VCB (Viewer Comment Bin) / Pet peeves - "You're not wrong."
10:45 - Kemper, modeling, and loving amps
11:51 - Vinyl for Plexi Soul
12:30 - JHS and DigiTech Bad Monkey / Klon and lower gain setting
14:45 - ChatGPT and AI (Artificial Intelligence)
16:47 - "What session would you have loved to be present?" / Led Zeppelin - Black Dog / Dancing Days

Uncle Larry gets into the VCB and recent sad events in Nashville


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