September 3rd, 2020

Homeskoolin Volume 67, Tom Bukovac “Rattlin’ Tube Blues”

00:00 - Long raunchy rock jam intro / "I'm in a mood today."
03:50 - Hello, class!
04:10 - Video / "Boys being boys" / Gambling
04:38 - Dave Stewart project / Sweet Dreams tracks
05:32 - 40,000 Subscribers / Thanks
06:02 - Viewer Comment Bin / Motorcycle?
06:50 - Go for it / Make mistakes
07:42 - Been to the Crossroads? No, Cleveland.
08:30 - Teach your parts to recording artist?
09:18 - Rob Thomas beat boxing
10:26 - Pick lesson / Major to minor blues lick
12:53 - How to get out of a rut?

A brief look through the VCB and a good illustration of why octal tubes suck.

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