January 7th, 2025

Homeskoolin’ Volume 386, Tom Bukovac, “Mic It Up”

00:00 - Beautiful sounds from the 90s
08:43 - Hello, friends! / MN Chorus / Talking Scott Baggett / Christmas lights
10:40 - Loading out shows / Bands and being a bass player
12:16 - Phases of guitar players life
13:53 - Tube amps vs modelers / Oxbox
15:27 - Miking an amp / Different kinds of mics
19:37 - Jimmy Page, Jimi Hendrix
20:20 - Lesson: Demonstration of miking an amp (video)

Uncle Larry explores the dynamic subtleties and tonal possibilities of a couple 70 year old P90s and gets into some deep talks regarding mic’ing tube amplifiers

the microphone tutorial at the end was made by my dear friend Drew Bollman....engineer to the stars...
thank you my dear man

December 13th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Mad Loop Friday”

00:00 - Playing bass to a loop
01:04 - Switching to overdub guitar
02:14 - Another overdub

Uncle Larry gives it to ya on a Friday night old school r&b style

A little thing I made up through a luscious old 64 electric instruments twin reverb

When I was a young man, you were TRULY SOMEBODY if you had yourself a twin reverb…it was a rite of passage…still is I suppose

November 17th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Volume 361, Tom Bukovac, “The Downward Pull”

00:00 - Hello, friends...hello, friends...
01:22 - Changing strings
02:56 - "Downward pull"
05:24 - Mark Morton - Lamb of God story
14:40 - Less than 50 instruments
15:15 - Love YouTube comments
19:10 - Kick ass Electro-Harmonix pedals (Big Muffs, Ram's Head, Electric Mistress)
21:00 - Dead center on strings / Jeff Senn
23:03 - George Gruhn Versitar
23:37 - Gibson Les Paul TV Special
24:45 - NFL betting
25:50 - MXR Stereo Chorus / New York gig

Uncle Larry has a little chat with ya while changing the strings on one of his old mules.

Thanks for the continued support of the channel friends

September 14th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Volume 340, Tom Bukovac, “Camera Shy”

00:00 - Plucking those unusual chords beautifully
01:07 - Changing it up to an amazing progression
01:32 - Lesson: Dm - Gm - C - F - Ab/C - Caug - F (Etta James - At Last) / Best R&B Singer
03:21 - Gibson Les Paul Special from the '50s / What friends' guitars do you like?
05:27 - Greetings first (pet peeve) / Family
06:15 - The Doors - Love Me Two Times
07:35 - VCB (Viewer Comment Bin) / "Sonically Pleasing Record?" AC/DC - Back in Black
08:50 - Rage Against the Machine - Killing in the Name Of (damn good sonic pleasing properties)
09:48 - Lesson: Rage Against the Machine - Killing in the Name Of
11:00 - Dodge Ram truck stereo with Zach Bryan music
11:43 - Forgotten how good records can sound
12:46 - Keith Urban
13:07 - V vs. Explorer
14:11 - "Has YouTube changed you?" / Ham in front of a camera now
16:30 - "Guilty pleasure album?" / CDs and multi-load CD player / Liz Phair
18:17 - Banding together in Nashville / Variety
19:48 - Bruce Springsteen concert best ever / Bad muther fucker
21:53 - "Good guitar sound live?" / Blackface Deluxe Reverb & Tweed Deluxe

Uncle Larry gets deep in the weeds early on a Saturday morning ….

What’s he building in there??

July 15th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Volume 325, Tom Bukovac, “The Fumble”

00:00 - Making that guitar hum along
03:10 - Howya doing? / Blake Shelton
04:10 - VCB (Viewer Comment Bin) / Moving and cleaning crew
05:18 - Beers starts to hinder playing? (6 beers)
06:03 - Classical?
06:40 - J.D. Vance
07:07 - "Lightning in a Bottle?" / Sometimes magic happens while creating / Demo is always better
09:29 - Missing kitchen, missing garage / Changing something that's good
10:06 - "Wall of amps"
10:24 - AC/DC Marshall cabinets on stage
11:44 - Fuckin' kick ass cleaning company
12:06 - "The Fumble"
13:33 - The landscape of life ("Old man going through changes" - "Divorce", "Flood", "Death of Best Friend", "Rebirth")

Uncle Larry covers some events of the day and brings back a painful memory that still haunts Clevelanders to this day....can you imagine living with the fact that YOU are the guy who is associated with an event known by any sports fan in America simply as "The Fumble"....

Even Scott Norwood feels sorry for the poor guy....

The truth is that Earnest Byner's career game that day was the only reason that his team was even in the position of potentially winning that game in the first place...but nobody remembers that part.

...and dig this backline friends…damn...
The Jimi Hendrix Experience - Foxey L...

music is so much cooler now

July 1st, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Volume 323, Tom Bukovac, “Mrs. Duckwiler? Please Hold My Calls”

00:00 - Raw Blues
02:32 - Hello, friends! / Squeaky chair / Leisrure Time Lager
03:37 - Thank you for donations / Churning out material
04:33 - Missing Episode 244
05:09 - Raw Dogging Flights (no entertainment on plane)
06:42 - Gibson Les Paul TV Special (07:26 - story) / Brian Willis (Quarterflash)
08:29 - Gwen Stephani record and good P90 sound
10:13 - Recording tone Heaven with Goldtop (Starstruck Studios)
11:12 - Top 5 guitars / Cannot pick them out
13:50 - Great rhythm guitar track? / Ry Cooder (based entire rhythm guitar upon him)
16:00 - Lesson: Rhythm / Not putting your guitar volume on 10 / Germanium fuzz

Uncle Larry gets jiggy with an old 225 Parsons Street Firebird plugged into a forgotten old Epiphone tube amp with some particularly trashy reverb

Thank you guys for the continued support of my pitiful little homegrown channel....i hope you guys TRULY understand how much i appreciate the donations and the kind comments. it inspires me to continue on.

study this people...study it so much that it seeps into your soul and your playing.

people just played differently back in this era...musicians were speaking a much deeper more soulful language....and it was happening EVERYWHERE

the tulsa sound with the leon russell crew... the muscle shoals band...the memphis studio crew... the nashville sound...it was all so rhythmic and so musical

pay REALLY CLOSE attention to this pocket that these guys have cooking here.

so relaxed., so funky....the chug, the churn, the wobble of this rhythm section is just fucking unbelievable.
no it's certainly not "perfect", or even "precise".... but it's human as fuck...and it gets that booty shakin' more than a computer ever could.
just one of many great examples of the mature/wise beyond their years musical interplay that was commonplace back in these days...no big deal, it was just the way people played.

oh, and imagine this friends....these guys were all in their 20's when they did this shit

and TOTALLY unrelated, but equally as awesome....
you guys have all seen this before...but it's time to watch it again....pure comedic genius