January 17th, 2025

Homeskoolin’ Volume 392, Tom Bukovac, “Burst Believer Fever”

00:00 - Hello, friends (creepy version) / Running out of gas
03:00 - Teaching the song "Signs"
04:25 - Mailbox Burst / History of the Burst
13:00 - Alex Harvey Band - Faith Healer
13:57 - VCB (Viewer Comment Bin) / Thanks for videos
14:58 - Homeskoolin' family
15:55 - Lady Madonna improve
16:20 - Alfred Hitchcock intro
17:30 - Losing weight / Richard Simmons
18:55 - Hockey
19:20 - Jeff Beck mods
20:19 - Tom Bukovac vs Charlie Davidson vs Devin Falco
22:20 - Gibson Burst
28:33 - Playing

Uncle Larry restrings 8 6785 (Jenny Jenny…who can I turn to?) whilst slaving over a hot slab of recent VCB after a long day at the session mill.

here is a fascinating video you have probably already seen...but if you haven't, you're welcome