May 13th, 2021

Homeskoolin’ Volume 105, Tom Bukovac, “The Bluebird 6 Minor”

00:00 - Mellow, galloping intro with delay
02:30 - Hello, class!
03:06 - Busy / Projects
03:45 - VCB - Hot stuff
04:14 - Tesla Cyber Truck
05:08 - '65 Impala
05:21 - Tom's guitar shop (Second Gear Used Music)
06:55 - Terrible audio quality in videos / Take it easy
07:40 - Oregon Trail settlers
08:17 - Listener sings over Tom's material (Pat)
09:08 - Making chords more interesting
09:50 - Bluebird 6th minor chord lesson
12:18 - Men At Work lessons (Who Can It Be Now / Overkill)
13:52 - Crazy, bad ass chord lesson

A not so brief chat on Elon Musk and also an explanation of the inner workings of the ancient mysterious “Bluebird 6 Minor chord”.

Homeskoolin merch available at
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Venmo tip jar is @Tom-Bukovac-1