November 27th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Volume 365, Tom Bukovac, “Dual Gate Shifter Blues”

00:00 - Hello friends / Jenn Senn in Shell Pink / Changing strings
04:19 - Gibson Firebrand X talk / Pickups
05:02 - Cutting the strings
05:39 - Spanish tuning
07:41 - Strings D'Addario
08:40 - Stratocaster string wraps
09:03 - Pontiac GTO / Looking for a mechanic
11:23 - Birthday gig Dec. 20th 3rd & Lindsley / Thanks
13:33 - NFL: Giants
18:53 - Playing: The Who - Teenage Wasteland
20:02 - Special 'Blues over Major' playing
21:35 - Strings stretching and changing intonation / Cutting the spring
24:54 - Lesson: Test chord (Bmaj/E) [0 14 16 16 16 0]

Uncle Larry tries to exhume a Senn Strat from a thick coated shell of acidic hand residue and waxes rhapsodic about ratchet shifters and the internet


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