July 4th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Holiday Bonus “Independence Blues”

00:00 - National Anthem

Happy 4th to all cats

March 14th, 2023

Homeskoolin' Bonus "Super Echo Twin"

00:00 - Jamming away on the Silvertone
02:35 - '64 Ampeg Super Echo Twin ET2


You gotta admit...people really knew how to name shit back in the 50's and 60's...

I mean..."super echo twin"...how bad ass is that???

Fender Stratocaster and Telecaster

Vibrolux and Tremolux

Think about what Ford was coming up with:

Ford Galaxie 500...Mustang...Falcon....Fairlane

and then there was

Camaro (which a lot of people don't realize is a little used Spanish word for "friend")

AMC Rambler

Buick Skylark

Pontiac Tempest and GTO with fuckin' Tri-Power Ram Air

Plymouth Barracuda and Fury

Dodge Coronet with a goddamn Hemi Six Pack

I'm talking some bad ass names for some seriously awesome shit right here people.


Chris Craft

You get what i'm saying.....

or maybe it was just that all the cool names weren't already taken back in those days.

Now we have "Veloster"..."Tiguan"...."Prius"..."Swift"

We are doomed

and totally unrelated...

If you want to relieve some of the massive burning guilt that has built up inside you from learning and stealing SO MANY of my licks and ideas for free, then i suggest you visit the Homeskoolin' PayPal tip jar at tombukovac@gmail.com
Venmo is @Tom-Bukovac-1

If you want some soft comfy high quality Homeskoolin' merch go here:

September 12th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Volume 163, Tom Bukovac, “Charcuterie & Crudite Blues”

00:00 - Raw pickin' and chuggin' intro
03:40 - Hello, class! / Being back home / Upcoming gigs and musicians
06:00 - Jim Irsay private plane and hotel
09:10 - Danny Nucci
10:00 - Buddy Guy encounter
12:08 - Harmony Silvertone Jupiter / h47 Stratotone guitar (1423)
15:00 - Lesson: Nastiest G Minor 6th chord (Bluesy Pentatonic)

A brief discussion on how once you fly private one time, you’re basically ruined for life. And….a look at how nasty a minor 6th can be.


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