October 27th, 2023
Homeskoolin' Bonus, "The Early Years"
Chapters00:00 - Bending the Country out of that thing
01:36 - Real quick check-in
02:02 - Old school pedalboard
04:11 - Boss Dual Overdrive SD-2, Boss Tremolo TR-2, Hughes & Kettner, Tube Rotosphere, Nobels, ODS-1, Boss, Dual Overdrive, SD-2, V-Wah, PW-10, Tremolo, TR-2, GE-7, Ernie Ball, Volume
05:53 - Custom Shop Tele relic / Uncle Larry's Garage Sale notice
08:09 - Lesson: Old Country Western licks
Thanks to Jeff Grossman for unearthing that ancient photo
This tele is a custom shop 2021 "1960 Telecaster Custom HVREL"
which i assume stands for "heavy relic"...or "heavy fake memories" as i call it
Its a super fancy custom shop piece that comes ALL the outrageous case candy...AND i put some good brass saddles on it for ya...you're welcome