April 27th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Got Drums?” GoDrums by Musicwill.org

00:00 - Music Will Drum Kit
03:10 - Playing and dancing

The coolest portable drum kit ever made….GoDrum my Musicwill


Musicwill.org has been kicking ass for years encouraging music programs in schools....and the guy that founded it…Dave Wish, is a force of positive nature.

Please check into it and get involved bringing one of these amazing kits into YOUR kid’s school music program …..

If you have any questions please contact Dave at

I can already tell you as a father of two young boys…kids absolutely LOVE to mess around with this kit...it is a total no brainer.

Special thank you to my dear friend Chris “Stix” Mchugh (producer of the Plexi Soul record” and his sweet gal Laila for participating in this video).

September 15th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Bonus…”The Drum Kit Of The Future?”

00:00 - Introduction to a good cause

So, i played this crazy gig tonight for my dear old friend Chris Donahoe (you may remember him from the “Community Of Tenderness” video i did a while back) at the Gibson Garage in Nashville…the local Gibson show room.

All i was told is that it was a charity gig for a foundation that used to be “Little Kids Rock” that has been renamed “Music Will”.

We rehearsed all morning, five songs, and then went to soundcheck... while we were all waiting around and hanging out after the soundcheck, our drummer, my dear old friend and legendary session drummer Chris “Stix” Mchugh (fellow Genesis fan who also happened to be the producer of my “Plexi Soul” record) started talking about this super cool prototype drum kit that he saw backstage…a great sounding little portable kit that you can pick up and carry around with one hand...and it all fits inside the plastic trash bucket that also doubles as the kick drum.

we were all totally blown away by it…especially Stix…. and we were all like “ok, so where can we buy one of these right now?”

but they are only in prototype stages at this point...apparently only 30 in existence at this point, according to the inventor Dave.

All i know is this... it’s a VERY rare moment when a bunch of jaded session players are totally blown away by ANY piece of gear enough to pull out their wallets...it does not happen very often, trust me.

My first thought was “damn, whoever invented this little drum kit is about to make a fucking BOAT LOAD of cash".... But it turns out it’s much different than that....

The guy who invented it, Dave Wish, is somehow amazingly NOT trying to get rich off of this invention, he is actually ONLY interested in furnishing schools with thousands of these kits…and he needs help.

I’m not sure what this all means or how it could all play out, but maybe some of YOU guys will have some ideas

check it out...this is very cool my friends...



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