February 13th, 2025
Homeskoolin’ Volume 399, Tom Bukovac, “Signs Of Life”

00:00 - Somber playing
03:12 - What's up, friends! / Bad sickness
04:19 - Watched every history documentary (Dust Bowl, Vietnam)
07:04 - Bending in tune
08:24 - Bending in 440 Hz and muscle memory
09:40 - Lesson: Locking the bend
10:38 - Lesson: Shake off the bend
14:04 - '60 Tele Custom wiring converted to modern
Uncle Larry’s first moments of feeling human again after being all beat to hell from a three day bout of some kind of virus…classic “road sickness” that tried like hell to stop me from ever making it to “episode 400”
Whatever it was, it felt like Covid but I tested negative ….body aches, low grade fever, cough etc
Anyway, after watching every history documentary on PBS over the last three days, something that I already knew became even clearer to me…
there has never been a time in human history where a typical person has it any easier than they do right now…..
You guys have heard me talk about this before….as much as I absolutely romanticize the past and often live in a self made world of beautiful nostalgia…i CLEARLY understand that we are VERY VERY lucky to be here now, at this point in history….
all I’m saying here friends is this…enjoy every moment, every second….because there were sooooo many generations before us that had to STRUGGLE with aspects of life that not only do we take for granted, we don’t even THINK about
Things are so easy for us now that we spend the energy that generations before us had to spend fighting for survival tearing each other apart….and this extends all the way from criticizing and judging cultures thousands of miles away from us, to husbands and wives tearing each other apart because they can’t “get what they need” out of the relationship
If you ever start feeling that your life is shit, there’s so much stuff out there on your very own streaming service that puts everything you could ever want to watch at your fingertips that can give you PLENTY of perspective…park your ass in your favorite recliner sometime and watch the “Dust Bowl” documentary by Ken Burns and then tell me how shitty your life is