June 17th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Volume 317, Tom Bukovac, “English Birds”

00:00 - 70's imagery
01:20 - Van Halen tuning / Hi friends!
01:43 - The Butter trick
02:10 - Rock Williams band story
03:07 - Lesson: The Butter trick (get that fu fu) / Knife pick attack with upstroke
05:10 - Early morning chess / Uncle Larry Garage Sale Tele went fast
05:57 - '52 Goldtop
06:25 - 3rd & Lindsley Bukovac & Guthrie special guests gig
07:05 - Wrist pain, arm pain, carpal tunnel / Arthritis / Hand stretches
10:27 - "Got a pool guy yet, Larry?" / Need for a pool guy
11:08 - What does it cost to make a record in Nashville?  / Break down of costs
14:10 - Milwaukee completely furnished studio for cheap
14:56 - Funniest comment? Namath DJ your party
17:20 - Some gal that interviews people
18:00 - Tube amps and Eric "Ebo" Borash

Uncle Larry dives into some deep VCB waters and serves up the recipe for butter tone, whilst continuing the tour through the various colors of XTS t shirts

May 5th, 2020

Homeskoolin’ Volume 21, Tom Bukovac, “The Over/Under”

00:00 - Intro trippy jam
02:56 - Welcome
03:21 - Viewer Comment Bin
03:50 - Wipe down guitars?
05:11 - Closing your eyes
05:36 - Rolling Rock and beer
06:27 - Vince Gill / Acoustic / SG
10:21 - Vegas
11:21 - Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
14:38 - Old Southern Joke reference
18:11 - 4 Chord loop lesson

A brief chat existential jam and a rummage through the viewer comment bin. order a Homeskoolin' t shirt at guitarhouse.net  Homeskoolin' tip jar is PayPal tombukovac@gmail.com


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