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September 4th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Volume 332, Tom Bukovac, “Reclaimed Youth”

00:00 - Just an intro tune
02:44 - What's up cats / Lennon's vocals on Sexy Sadie
03:21 - "One of the coolest piano sounds"
04:15 - Martin acoustic / "Everybody should have a Martin" / Playing
05:22 - Recapture youth
06:43 - First guitar Applause acoustic
07:49 - First electric Crestline SG copy
08:22 - Lesson: First lick Chuck Berry
08:45 - Arya / Gibson Les Paul / Fairweather band
10:21 - Fairweather story cont. / Jeffrey Moore guitar rig / '65 Lake Placid Blue Stratocaster
11:18 - 2 Deluxe Reverb amps facing each other
12:36 - "Still have that Strat?" / Worked out a deal for the guitar
14:53 - Thanks / Heated discussions / StringLocker cleaning the carcusses
15:38 - Update
16:45 - Lesson: Chord progression with DbMaj7 with the claw -> F#Maj7 -> BMaj7 -> EMaj7 (Cycle of 5ths)

Uncle Larry gets a bit sentimental on a Wednesday morning.

August 20th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Bringin’ Back The Brown Pants Of Yesterday”

00:00 - Little song in the control room.

Hello friends, one of the many people that showed up during yesterday’s 12 hour cavalcade of stars session that I was on was this kid Josh Weathers…I like his voice, but I LOVE them brown pants

Cast of characters for your records….

Sweet Little Danny Friszell was producing and engineering

Tony Lucido on bass

Moose Brown on Hammond

Pat McGrath on acoustic

Russ Pahl on steel


August 18th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Bonus….”Thank You”

00:00 - Image montage of friends
00:30 - Hello, friends / Appreciation for the fans at Guthrie Trapp & Tom Bukovac gig

Still buzzin’ from this amazing weekend friends…just a sincere thank you to all that came along to see and be a part if this celebration of music and life

I can’t find the words to explain how special it was for me to spend the entire weekend with all my best friends, who also happen to be some of the finest musicians to ever roam this earth

Nothin but love to you all

August 12th, 2024

Homeskoolin' Volume 329, Tom Bukovac, "I Can't Gopher That"

00:00 - Singing a Country song
02:45 - Hello, friends! / Jeffrey Steele / Thanks
04:15 - Sold out show
04:30 - Hanging with John Oates / David Kalmusky
05:41 - Tape on guitar to kill ring / Good sympathetic vibration is good
06:38 - Martin D-38 guitar / Checklist of things to buy
08:14 - Lesson: Cool way to play an Emaj7 [0 11 13 13 0 0]
09:23 - Job begging / "Must be present to win" (email from viewer) / Earn your place, no short cuts
13:09 - John Oates in session

Peter Blacklarge caterwauls a simple country song for ya'....

speaking of old country...this shit right here is so fucking bad ass....one day i am going to be in a band this good friends, i swear i am...

July 26th, 2024

Homeskoolin' Volume 327, Tom Bukovac, "Viewer Poll Results"

00:00 - Giddy up! / What's up, friends! / Dave Cohen & Elle King / Overdubs
02:05 - Vinyl records update / Thank you's!
03:15 - "Junk Food" and The Gear Page results / British cunt
04:05 - Lesson: Chords
08:14 - VCB (Viewer Comment Bin) / New channel room versus kitchen / Yuengling oldest beer in America
09:14 - Calm speaking voice (Bob Ross)
09:47 - '63 Gibson SJ with ceramic "plastic" bridge
12:00 - AC30 Trapezoidal head / Silverdog speakers
12:37 - Being in a cover band & Van Halen / Douche
14:57 - Signing records & Vince Gill rehearsals

Uncle Larry answers some VCB and shows the Homeskoolers the chords to his last video “Junk Food Larry”…



They showed up at Baked Alaska Distribution headquarters this afternoon friends..

oh, and the viewer poll results are officially in regarding our friend Sean from the Gearpage…

July 25th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Volume 326, Tom Bukovac, “Junk Food Larry"

00:00 - Nice calming vibrations
02:56 - What's up, friends! / Intro / Nashville guitar day / Fretboard Journal call
04:56 - "Insufferable" Larry in the studio / Visions
05:55 - Guthrie Trapp & Tom Bukovac - In Stereo vinyl final product
06:42 - Gruhn's, Guitar Magazine, Eric "Ebo" Borash
08:09 - Album thanks
08:28 - The Gear Page guy equates videos to "junk food"
09:57 - VCB (Viewer Comment Bin) / Cast of characters
12:21 - Les Paul measuring tool for the safe
12:34 - "Need to see curled lip"
13:05 - Guthrie Trapp New York trip and gigs in November
14:30 - Joe's Shanghai, Blue Ribbon Sushi / Drinking beer from glass
15:00 - "Guitar players mostly playing for other guitar players?"
16:12 - Musicians that constantly use the volume and tone / Nuances in tone
17:58 - Compression (compressor / 1176) / Darkening the tone
18:45 - Football season
19:23 - Sessionman get paid? / Never ask someone about finances / Unspoken bro code
20:33 -'57 Les Paul Gibson getting refretted at Gruhn's

Uncle Larry strums a little tune for ya' on a chunky old Gibson with “double grams" as they say in the biz...

can you play like this?.....yeah me neither...

so let's say you feel like you are indeed learning a lot from these silly videos i make...and maybe you are starting to feel a liiiiiiiiittttle bit guilty that you haven't thrown something in the tip jar to help with my personal one man crusade to bring chords back to music...well friends, you can fix that today....

my PayPal is tombukovac@gmail.com
venmo is @Tom-Bukovac-1

July 22nd, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Sympathetic For The Devil”

00:00 - Triple capo for sympathetic buzz kill

after a million sessions and 55 years on this planet I am STILL learning…

Thank you to Bryan Sutton for this life hack

July 12th, 2024

Homeskoolin Bonus “Key Change”

00:00 - Playing aBeck - Lonesome Tears in the new house

Anybody got any cool lyric ideas for this?

Just kiddin’

I know it’s a half step down, I just like the way it sounds in this key

June 13th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Bonus Jam “Soul Free”

00:00 - Old van / Fretboard gymnastics

Another one for the night owls of the Western Hemisphere...


June 12th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Bryan-Vision”

00:00 - Singing and playing

Uncle Larry filmed his natural habitat by an up and coming bluegrass guitar picker


June 2nd, 2024

Homeskoolin’ …”An Open Letter To Little Johnny In Nowheresville Nebraska”

00:00 - Strumming the Online Chess song
00:44 - Sunday chilling / Gear questions / Imitation pedalboards appreciated
02:07 - Pedalboard build journey for years
03:29 - Learn how to touch the guitar
04:06 - Each piece of gear on pedalboard was a discovery
05:12 - Side ebay business selling gear / Remembering the gear that works
06:47 - Boss SD-2, Tube Screamers, Rotosphere, Volume pedals, Boss GE-7 (EQ), Line 6 M9 / Making pedalboards
09:00 - 5 different pedalboards and use them all
10:03 - Key components on pedalboard (incremental gain, eq, trail, volume)
10:55 - Pedalboard #1 (mid-size case for demos when don't have cartage)
12:03 - Pedalboard #2 (2nd largest for touring)
13:30 - Pedalboard case
13:44 - Pedalboard #3 (bare essentials)
14:13 - Pedalboard #4 (video making board)

Uncle Larry goes waaaaay off brand with this pedalboard “excursion”

June 1st, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Dobro Jones”

00:00 - Folk Bobby McGee
02:30 - Beard Dobro / Wade Bowen record

I will never forget what my dear old grandmother used to say over and over when I was a very young lad..

“Son, all I ask is that you remember me this one thing…if any human being on this earth ever figures out a way to build a round neck resonator guitar that is actually properly intonated, PLEASE promise me you will buy one”

Thank you Paul Beard
Thank you Gruhn Guitars

I swear 3 different times in the last month I have been in the studio and this exact scenario has happened…

Producer: “man a resonator would be fucking killer on this track, did anybody bring one?”

Collective guitar players:
(Sheepishly) “Uhhh…no”

Well those days are over friends

And….do you guys remember a while back when Duke Levine was in town and we were working on a record together?
Well it’s finally out….and Jedd is on it too.

June 1st, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Volume 315, Tom Bukovac, “Stage Deluxe”

00:00 - Sliding the acoustic
00:45 - Welcome to morning time / Gibson Roy Smeck Stage Deluxe acoustic / 50th Bday party Vince Gill gift
03:30 - High quality product
04:12 - Upgrading the audio for 3rd & Lindsley
08:13 - "New favorite drummer" & "Challenged: Sleepy Time"
09:00 - Get bootys shaking & dancing / Boogie / A lot of energy
10:00 - Sam Ash closing stores
11:20 - Rare fade / Foot taps / Being on time foot taps
12:54 - Rare fade II / VCB (Viewer Comment Bin)
13:15 - Hardest guitar to find pickups for?  Fender Telecaster
14:00 - Happiest ever been with Tele pickup / Japanese Telecaster (Van Zant) / Fernandes pickups
15:34 - 100,000 subscribers and slowing because of zombie channel
16:23 - Corn on the cob and tator salad

it's no secret that Uncle Larry loves a good ramble early in the mornin’…
this one got so long winded that corporate had to edit some of it out so the listeners wouldn’t fall plum asleep...

here's the link for some cozy ass t shirts from the new record

if you wanna come to the record release party shows on August 16 and 17 here's the link...
i think they getting pretty close to being sold out

God's favorite drummer…
"Jesus loves Larry"
The Largest Drum Set in the World! --...

here's young Nephew Nate's boogie
Nephew Nate’s Seated Aerobics (Uncle ...

this is what Marshall is into now...he loves this Kentucky Ballistics shit...hell so do i
The 50 BMG Pistol (The Power Of A 50 ...

thank you guys very much for the support of the channel and the steady tip jar donations...i just hope you guys know how much i appreciate it.
uncle larry's tip jar
paypal is tombukovac@gmail.com
venmo is @Tom-Bukovac-1

May 16th, 2024

Homeskoolin' Bonus Jam "Parallel O'Graham"

00:00 - Strumming away that beautiful day

The lazy trees sway in ghostly harmony while Uncle Larry plows the back forty with a cool southern breeze at his back....
the unmistakable scent of late spring fills the ancient valley with fleeting memories of youth that dance in the wind without a single care...

where the hell did I put that cooler?
Lord I need a drink


May 13th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Bonus Jam “Wire Choir ‘75”

00:00 - Amazing chords

Uncle Larry takes a trip back to the 70’s on an old pawn shop Guild 12 string

May 7th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ PSA “Readin’ and Ryman”

00:00 - Beatles playing
00:41 - Hello and announcement with Hermanos Gutiérrez
02:18 - Ray Renfro - Cleveland Browns (NFL card)

A quick PSA from Larry that might cure any boredom you might incur this evening

April 18th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Bonus Jam “Earth Man”

00:00 - Challenging chord exploration

Uncle Larry explores the well known drop D tuning that they use in all those songs about trucks and drinkin’…but in a slightly different way…

disclaimer: this probably won't be of much interest to string locker and all you guys out there who wear les paul juniors down below your knees.

and....a serious gold star to any Homeskooler who can actually play this...difficulty level= 9.8/10


April 17th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Bonus Jam “Hey Man Nice Yacht”

00:00 - A tune that goes somewhere

Uncle Larry explores the deepest depths of the ocean with a dry old chunk of nicely bursted Kalamazoo...

and hey kid...you like rock and roll?


April 11th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Bonus Jam “Heartburn Highways”

00:00 - Masters playing

Little Tommy and Cousin Bryan get into some fretboard shenanigans on company time.

Cinematography by Jimmie Lee Sloas.

April 8th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Volume 300, Tom Bukovac, “When Chairs Fly”

00:00 - The Black Keys - On The Game
01:18 - Hey, early morning Larry / 100,000 Subscribers plaque / Fishing
02:55 - "Eclipse Monday" / Homeskooler Tweed Deluxe buy
03:43 - The Black Keys
05:00 - '63 Gibson Southern Jumbo / Old Gibson beater, run of the mill acoustic
07:43 - "The booze guy" / Negative connotation and cannot conform to everyone
10:44 - Morgan Wallace "chair" incident
12:53 - "Kalamazoo Corral" Gibson shootout video comments
13:38 - "Which one do you like to play?" / Refretting the Goldtop
15:06 - '57 Gibson ES-175
16:00 - Signing out

Sorry I had to repost this as there was a problem with the first upload

Southern jumbos, eclipses, 300th episodes…you name it we got it in this video friends.
Thank you guys again for being so cool and supporting the cause to bring chords back to music throughout the last 4 years and throughout 300 episodes and 900 plus videos.

It truly means a lot to Larry.

Larry’s PayPal tip jar feed hose pipe is connected to this address
His Venmo is @Tom-Bukovac-1
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