January 28th, 2025

Homeskoolin’ Volume 396, Tom Bukovac, “Drones Over Nashville”

00:00 - Cover song with imitating Pop drums
03:00 - Hello, friends! / Cold Tuesday morning
03:29 - Lesson: Pop drums and strumming
04:14 - Lesson: Roy Orbison strumming
05:39 - Gibson "Banner Head" J-45 / Bridge story / Joe Glaser
07:00 - Peterson Strobe Tuner
08:27 - Flattening the G / Tuning compromises
09:39 - Droning / Jazzy Donald Fagan / Rolling in his grave (Vince Lombardi)
11:45 - Thanks for Silvertone video / 7 days a week work
13:35 - Gibson "Banner Head" J-45

Uncle Larry beat boxes one of the popular rhythms of the day, and even hearkens back to the days of Roy Orbison .

Special thanks to Adam Chowning and the boys at Glaser for saving this sweet old J-45 that’s had an even harder life than I have .

January 19th, 2025

Homeskoolin’ Volume 393, Tom Bukovac, “Bird Believer Fever"

00:00 - Hello, friends! (creepy version) / NFL
02:30 - Thanks, Motor Trend
03:41 - '65 Gibson Firebird I
06:30 - Offset post bridge by Nick Drushel
09:00 - VCB (Viewer Comment Bin)
09:55 - Dave Chappelle
10:23 - Lucky to have a Burst / Hard working
14:23 - Alex Harvey
15:13 - "Top 3 bands you'd watch live?" / The Cars
16:40 - "Jethro Dull"
17:11 - Strymon Brigadier
18:00 - Betting with viewers / NFL
18:55 - "Take pickguard off of Burst?"
20:02 - D'Addario NYXL / Chevrolet Monte Carlo for sale
20:49 - Peterson StoboFlip
24:54 - Tuning / Playing

this bit of comedic genius had me in tears this morning....

September 12th, 2020

Homeskoolin’ Volume 69, Tom Bukovac, “Firebird Lullaby”

00:00 - Beautiful, soulful intro
03:20 - Hello, class!
04:18 - '63 Gibson Firebird
04:39 - Phone message question / Intonation
05:03 - VCB / Frets
07:56 - '63 Gibson 335
08:20 - Gibson guitars and frets / Pythagorean
11:23 - Bridges
11:59 - Chords lesson
16:02 - Tone control / Weapon use secretly

A brief discussion on Pythagoras and his contribution to the guitar culture.

PayPal tip jar is tombukovac@gmail.com
T shirts and mugs available at www.guitarhouse.net