January 28th, 2025
Homeskoolin’ Volume 396, Tom Bukovac, “Drones Over Nashville”

00:00 - Cover song with imitating Pop drums
03:00 - Hello, friends! / Cold Tuesday morning
03:29 - Lesson: Pop drums and strumming
04:14 - Lesson: Roy Orbison strumming
05:39 - Gibson "Banner Head" J-45 / Bridge story / Joe Glaser
07:00 - Peterson Strobe Tuner
08:27 - Flattening the G / Tuning compromises
09:39 - Droning / Jazzy Donald Fagan / Rolling in his grave (Vince Lombardi)
11:45 - Thanks for Silvertone video / 7 days a week work
13:35 - Gibson "Banner Head" J-45
Uncle Larry beat boxes one of the popular rhythms of the day, and even hearkens back to the days of Roy Orbison .
Special thanks to Adam Chowning and the boys at Glaser for saving this sweet old J-45 that’s had an even harder life than I have .
January 27th, 2025
Homeskoolin’ Bonus…”Blues-In-Case”

00:00 - Rockin' on some different equipment
Uncle Larry wants to say thank you to the boys at Music City Vintage in Nashville TN for hookin’ a brother up with a fair deal on an EXTREMELY tidy ‘65 Silvertone 1448 with the straightest neck a man could ever ask for…AND a .00005 watt tube amp built right into the case!
Raise your hand if your first guitar was one of these….
We need to start a new trend of building small modeling amps into modern guitar cases with an iPhone type speaker you can barely hear…that would be fuckin’ cool
September 15th, 2024
Homeskoolin’ Special Treat “The Coolest Guy On Earth”

00:00 - Dean DeLeo showing it properly
Well friends, I got clearance from corporate to show you these two EXTREMELY cool videos I have been sitting on for ages. I hope you enjoy as much as I have.
Learn how to play a couple of your favorite STP songs from the guy who actually played the parts on the record.
Dean literally is the coolest guy on the planet…such a sweet cat and so freakishly talented.
Rock on Homeskoolers
July 4th, 2024
Homeskoolin’ Holiday Bonus “Independence Blues”

00:00 - National Anthem
Happy 4th to all cats
September 28th, 2023
Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Cereal Box Blues Mach II”

00:00 - Nice feedback, slide guitar
Larry being driven around by one of the cleanest late 50’s Danelectro U-2’s a man could ever find after a long day of sessioneering.
May 19th, 2023
Homeskoolin' Volume 219, Tom Bukovac, "The Phases"

00:00 - Remember when songs had chords
01:24 - Hello, friends! / Talent show "Back In Black"
02:30 - Contest update / Strumming away
04:10 - Text thread
05:45 - Strymon Flint secret
06:40 - Magic setting (Give credits to Renn)
07:30 - Theory of phases of guitar player's life (Pedal Steel, Pawn Shop, Bass, Acoustic, No pedals, Princeton)
09:45 - Harmony, Kays, and pawn shop guitars
12:00 - Being a bass player / Most fun instrument
13:00 - Acoustic only / No pedals
14:36 - Friendly commentor saying something offensive / Messing with someone's business
16:20 - Sharkline / Things that don't fly in the bro code
18:06 - Photo montage
Strymon Flint owners...you are welcome.
Please give all the credit to dear Renn...I am only the messenger....i want you to SOLELY visualize Renn when you are taking care of business after your girlfriend/wife etc is instantly seduced by the tone you are conjuring with the "magic setting".
Here he is
a LOT of new viewers have recently asked "where is the tip jar?" when they felt led to contribute something after 219 free guitar lessons...despite Dominic Hudson's best efforts to deter them.
You can make PayPal donations to this address:
You can make Venmo donations to this address:
A lot of these very same new viewers don't seem to know that Uncle Larry made a couple records that they could potentially listen to...
one is an instrumental solo record called "Plexi Soul" that is available here:
another is an instrumental collaboration with his dear friend Dean Deleo (originally from the Stone Temple Pilots organization) that is available here:
and a LOT of people don't seem to know that they can go here to purchase a myriad of Homeskoolin' related merchandise..including several different T-shirts and some beautifully constructed coffee mugs for those afflicted with thin lips...https://dvg-inc.shoplightspeed.com/merch/tom-bukovac/
March 14th, 2023
Homeskoolin' Bonus "Super Echo Twin"

00:00 - Jamming away on the Silvertone
02:35 - '64 Ampeg Super Echo Twin ET2
You gotta admit...people really knew how to name shit back in the 50's and 60's...
I mean..."super echo twin"...how bad ass is that???
Fender Stratocaster and Telecaster
Vibrolux and Tremolux
Think about what Ford was coming up with:
Ford Galaxie 500...Mustang...Falcon....Fairlane
and then there was
Camaro (which a lot of people don't realize is a little used Spanish word for "friend")
AMC Rambler
Buick Skylark
Pontiac Tempest and GTO with fuckin' Tri-Power Ram Air
Plymouth Barracuda and Fury
Dodge Coronet with a goddamn Hemi Six Pack
I'm talking some bad ass names for some seriously awesome shit right here people.
Chris Craft
You get what i'm saying.....
or maybe it was just that all the cool names weren't already taken back in those days.
Now we have "Veloster"..."Tiguan"...."Prius"..."Swift"
We are doomed
and totally unrelated...
If you want to relieve some of the massive burning guilt that has built up inside you from learning and stealing SO MANY of my licks and ideas for free, then i suggest you visit the Homeskoolin' PayPal tip jar at tombukovac@gmail.com
Venmo is @Tom-Bukovac-1
If you want some soft comfy high quality Homeskoolin' merch go here:
September 12th, 2022
Homeskoolin’ Volume 163, Tom Bukovac, “Charcuterie & Crudite Blues”

00:00 - Raw pickin' and chuggin' intro
03:40 - Hello, class! / Being back home / Upcoming gigs and musicians
06:00 - Jim Irsay private plane and hotel
09:10 - Danny Nucci
10:00 - Buddy Guy encounter
12:08 - Harmony Silvertone Jupiter / h47 Stratotone guitar (1423)
15:00 - Lesson: Nastiest G Minor 6th chord (Bluesy Pentatonic)
A brief discussion on how once you fly private one time, you’re basically ruined for life. And….a look at how nasty a minor 6th can be.
December 28th, 2021
Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Local Family Owned Sustainable Blues”

00:00 - Mesmerizing playing
A brief look at some of the things possible with an old Teisco made Silvertone TG-1 guitar with the built in .00000000000000000001 watt amp.
Thank you dear Homeskoolers for tuning in and saying such nice things to Larry.
Thank you for choosing to watch THESE videos when you are just one click away from watching a myriad of OTHER videos on youtube… videos of extremely scantily clad women “playing” guitars or pianos in that grey area blurred world of “youtube music porn”…
“Men of culture, we meet again”
Heres a bunch of drop D slide licks you can steal for free….sorry im not wearing a dress.
Cd’s, new t shirts, meatloaf recipes and anything else you need are available at www.guitarhouse.net
May 2nd, 2020
Homeskoolin’ Volume 19, Tom Bukovac, “Retro Twang”

00:00 - Twang jam intro
01:10 - Hello
03:00 - Weapons used secretly
04:42 - Fender Jazzmaster
05:15 - Midrange in the mix
06:28 - Harmony Silvertone Jupiter
09:10 - Guild Starfire III Bixby
Fellas....the T SHIRTS WILL ALL BE SHIPPING LATER THIS WEEK....please be patient. I originally ordered 150 and we have already sold over 200, so the guy making them is doing a double run...and i will get some 3XLs for all you big boned lads. My garage is the noisiest “single coil pickup environment” on earth sorry.