January 28th, 2025

Homeskoolin’ Volume 396, Tom Bukovac, “Drones Over Nashville”

00:00 - Cover song with imitating Pop drums
03:00 - Hello, friends! / Cold Tuesday morning
03:29 - Lesson: Pop drums and strumming
04:14 - Lesson: Roy Orbison strumming
05:39 - Gibson "Banner Head" J-45 / Bridge story / Joe Glaser
07:00 - Peterson Strobe Tuner
08:27 - Flattening the G / Tuning compromises
09:39 - Droning / Jazzy Donald Fagan / Rolling in his grave (Vince Lombardi)
11:45 - Thanks for Silvertone video / 7 days a week work
13:35 - Gibson "Banner Head" J-45

Uncle Larry beat boxes one of the popular rhythms of the day, and even hearkens back to the days of Roy Orbison .

Special thanks to Adam Chowning and the boys at Glaser for saving this sweet old J-45 that’s had an even harder life than I have .

January 19th, 2025

Homeskoolin’ Volume 393, Tom Bukovac, “Bird Believer Fever"

00:00 - Hello, friends! (creepy version) / NFL
02:30 - Thanks, Motor Trend
03:41 - '65 Gibson Firebird I
06:30 - Offset post bridge by Nick Drushel
09:00 - VCB (Viewer Comment Bin)
09:55 - Dave Chappelle
10:23 - Lucky to have a Burst / Hard working
14:23 - Alex Harvey
15:13 - "Top 3 bands you'd watch live?" / The Cars
16:40 - "Jethro Dull"
17:11 - Strymon Brigadier
18:00 - Betting with viewers / NFL
18:55 - "Take pickguard off of Burst?"
20:02 - D'Addario NYXL / Chevrolet Monte Carlo for sale
20:49 - Peterson StoboFlip
24:54 - Tuning / Playing

this bit of comedic genius had me in tears this morning....

September 1st, 2023

“Forgotten Guitar Gear” with Uncle Larry (Episode 1)

00:00 - Montage and new idea
01:27 - Conn Strobotuner
08:15 - Lesson: Learn to use the strobotuner

The legendary 70's Conn ST-11 Strobotuner

Any tech kids out there who are:
A) not annoying
B) are into cool old guitar gear
C) happen to be a bad ass video editor with all the necessary gear
hit me at tombukovac@gmail.com

interesting side note...
the session rig case that is shown in the pics at the beginning is still sitting in my garage...
it's actually a really nice case...kind of an odd interior configuration i will admit, but i remember my cartage guy Richie (who has been with me pretty much since the beginning and is rarely impressed by ANYTHING) commenting on what a nice case that was

anyway if anyone wants that it's yours for 300.00 cash

on that note....the tall grey session amp rack case that is featured in my rig rundown (rundown rig) video is also available for 300.00....that is the original head rack case that i used on A MILLION sessions...yeah, it's a little wobbly but it could be fixed up easy...might have a slight beer smell