January 28th, 2025

Homeskoolin’ Volume 396, Tom Bukovac, “Drones Over Nashville”

00:00 - Cover song with imitating Pop drums
03:00 - Hello, friends! / Cold Tuesday morning
03:29 - Lesson: Pop drums and strumming
04:14 - Lesson: Roy Orbison strumming
05:39 - Gibson "Banner Head" J-45 / Bridge story / Joe Glaser
07:00 - Peterson Strobe Tuner
08:27 - Flattening the G / Tuning compromises
09:39 - Droning / Jazzy Donald Fagan / Rolling in his grave (Vince Lombardi)
11:45 - Thanks for Silvertone video / 7 days a week work
13:35 - Gibson "Banner Head" J-45

Uncle Larry beat boxes one of the popular rhythms of the day, and even hearkens back to the days of Roy Orbison .

Special thanks to Adam Chowning and the boys at Glaser for saving this sweet old J-45 that’s had an even harder life than I have .

August 30th, 2023

Homeskoolin' Volume 240, Tom Bukovac, "The Naughty Triad"

00:00 - Mesmerizing playing
04:55 - Yo, it's Uncle Larry / Thank you and Joe Glaser
07:00 - VCB / "Do you drink milk?"
08:09 - "Biggest fear?" / Shopping mall as Hell
09:00 - Guitars that speak to you / Les Paul TV Special
12:50 -  '62 Fender Stratocaster
13:50 - Why are there popular YouTube guitarists? / Comparable level of guitar playing vs. superior playing
18:38 - Lesson: Lower voicing of chords with root in the middle
20:50 - Rare string break
20:19 - Strings and picks / NFL card

Uncle Larry discusses a vast array of subjects in volume 240...everything from naughty triads to cookie dough....

August 29th, 2023

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Mr. Glaser’s Attic”

00:00 - Tour of some treasures and an important mailbox

A brief look inside the mind and the business of one of Nashville’s most beloved people, Joe Glaser…founder of Glaser Instrument Repair.
If you play guitar and you have ever lived in Nashville you KNOW who Joe Glaser is.

A dear dear friend and a TRULY brilliant brain.

Absolutely one of a kind…I have cherished my friendship with this man for decades. One of the most interesting conversationalists I have ever known, and believe me I know some interesting conversationalists!

Hope you enjoy

May 9th, 2023

Homeskoolin' Volume 214, Tom Bukovac, "The Viking Scale"

00:00 - Jamming on some strings
01:13 - Demonstration of ashtray (faraday cage) on a guitar (with and without)
02:00 - Hello / Box of Rock rehousing / Greg Voros coffee
03:08 - Speed playing around
03:28 - Lesson: "The Viking Scale"
04:12 - "Original Ace Hendrix Strap"
04:35 - '54 Esquire / Playing
05:45 - Ashtray cover back on comparison
05:58 - Pedals (Simulate ashtray cover / Snare rattle)
06:44 - Joe Glaser & Music City Bridge cool idea
07:15 - Tele bridge pickup in guitar demo
08:16 - Steel guitar playing / Waylon Jennings
09:13 - "Learn how to fix a Wurlitzer"
09:30 - VCB (Viewer Comment Bin) / Ebo comedic timing
10:00 - Grammar helping a viewer / Session players humor and getting serious
11:45 - Bohemian Grove
13:22 - Double slide / Learning new tricks
14:17 - Lesson: New trick / Doubling track
16:37 - The Gear Page and the ODR-1 / Social Media is not cool

Uncle Larry filets and pan fries the VCB and plunks around on a nice old slab of golden age Fullerton Fender.

April 17th, 2020

Homeskoolin’ Volume 9, Tom Bukovac, “Blues & Dank Nugs

00:00 - Intro jam loop
03:11 - Welcome the lovely day
04:11 - Viewer Comment Bin
04:30 - Talk about gear
05:26 - Billards / gear
06:11 - Love of the 335
08:27 - Replacement stoptail LP Special
10:25 - Sarah Buxton songs
11:21 - Stop gear buying?
12:35 - Hard-ass attitude
13:13 - Trust people / pain
14:08 - T-shirts
15:16 - Marijuana use
17:17 - Two chords lesson

Two chords and a brief chat on weed.