May 2nd, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Volume 304, Tom Bukovac, “The European Way”

00:00 - Picking at the Blues
07:55 - Flimsy pick? / Morning beer / Playing
09:43 - What a 335! / "The Click" and Larry Carlton on Steeley Dan record
10:43 - Ted Williams & Mark McGuire story ("Bat burn")
11:51 - Brett Papas and video work
12:10 - Lesson: Loose and from the wrist
13:43 - "Bat burner" Ted Williams
14:29 - '60 Gibson ES-335 / Thin, fast, controllable neck
15:38 - The Easybeats - Friday On My Mind interpretation
16:30 - House with the pool / Inner Clevelander
17:29 - May have to sell '57 Goldtop
18:35 - Lesson: Cool lick that makes your bass player give you a look

Uncle Larry pulls out of San Pedro late one night and shakes it on down into overdrive…

This one is chock full of licks you can steal…brought to you by none other than Peter Blacklarge.

Hope you enjoy these videos friends.

March 15th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ “Hey Man Show Me A Cool Lick” (expanded edition)

00:00 - Interview with Bryan Sutton in session
02:13 - Show me a good lick
02:50 - Acoustic bliss
03:18 - Lesson: Jerry Reed-ish change
04:08 - Lesson: Decending lick
05:30 - Lesson: Dmin decension to G7 with sweep
06:50 - Lesson: Bluegrass vs Rock open chords picking
07:38 - Picks
10:35 - Lesson: Rhythm (important deep dive)
13:48 - Joey Moi interview
16:05 - Danny Dugmore appearance

Bryan Sutton
Joey Moi
Danny Dugmore

December 12th, 2023

Homeskoolin’ Volume 262, Tom Bukovac, “Meet The Modern Stone Age Family”

00:00 - Continuing the Blues
08:45 - Gibson parts catalog and Paul McCartney being strictly vegan
09:45 - NFL / Buying 3 guitars
10:15 - Thank yous / Marvin Gaye and his greatness
12:30 - Scam ("Let's have a conversation")
14:00 - Nobels pedals and pedalboards / Swapped pots
16:00 - Marshalls (Hugh)
16:50 - Treble bleeds??
17:13 - Harder on guitar than seems?
18:15 - Producer Larry
18:55 - '54 Fender Esquire
19:15 - Blake Shelton and Gwen Stefani montage

Uncle Larry crawls through the bowels of the blues like an insatiable tape worm….smoking filterless cigarettes and eating a cold greasy pork sandwich off a dirty ashtray….last night’s drunken pants still sick in the corner…searching for the whore who stole his poems.

oh...and Larry told me to tell you that this guy frightens him...for real...

mommy, make the man stop...

(whatever it takes, you absolutely MUST endure all the way to the end...)

November 14th, 2023

Homeskoolin’ Volume 255, Tom Bukovac, “Hey Man, Got A Pick? “

00:00 - Playing a loop, showing off some gifts from viewers
02:34 - Back to playing
07:22 - Hello, friends! / Thank yous to the viewers / BC Rich expert / Appreciations!
09:11 - Lots of cool picks
11:22 - Furious Slides / Guthrie Trapp record
12:22 - '62 Fender Stratocaster (best sounding) for sale
14:11 - "What is it about the slide?"
15:22 - War on Drugs guitarist?
16:08 - Ring vs. Pinky slide
16:22 - Lesson: Tom Britt and keeping that slide straight
17:22 - Picks / Folkway Music

details about 1962 Stratocaster for sale...

i asked several of my vintage dealer buddies what the current fair market price is.

i got several responses ranging from 34k on the low side to 40k on the high side. true Uncle Larry fashion...i'll go with the low side.

34K plus actual day shipping costs (which will probably be 500.00) is the price people.

i just weighed it, it's waffling back and forth between 8.0 and 8.2 on my digital postal scale.

nice big chunky neck...beautifully refretted a while ago by Greg Voros.

also includes the original case candy fender book in case pocket that i'm told is worth over 500 all day long.

as you guys know i've owned hundreds of pre-cbs strats... this is by far the best sounding one i ever had, which is why i always kept it.

email me at if you are interested

August 30th, 2023

Homeskoolin' Volume 240, Tom Bukovac, "The Naughty Triad"

00:00 - Mesmerizing playing
04:55 - Yo, it's Uncle Larry / Thank you and Joe Glaser
07:00 - VCB / "Do you drink milk?"
08:09 - "Biggest fear?" / Shopping mall as Hell
09:00 - Guitars that speak to you / Les Paul TV Special
12:50 -  '62 Fender Stratocaster
13:50 - Why are there popular YouTube guitarists? / Comparable level of guitar playing vs. superior playing
18:38 - Lesson: Lower voicing of chords with root in the middle
20:50 - Rare string break
20:19 - Strings and picks / NFL card

Uncle Larry discusses a vast array of subjects in volume 240...everything from naughty triads to cookie dough....

May 11th, 2023

Homeskoolin' Volume 215, Tom Bukovac, "Orange Skin Blues"

00:00 - Some Country playing and whammy bar playing
02:45 - Hello, class!
03:33 - Guitar picks / Rolling Rock pick / Favorite
05:38 - '62 Strat / Wang bars (Vibrato vs. Tremolo) / Leo Fender
07:25 - Talent show at son's school (Back In Black)
07:48 - Lesson: Wang bars (whammy bar, trem, vibrato) and how to use it
09:40 - Floating the bar
10:18 - Different position
10:45 - Setting up a wang bar and measurement
12:10 - Gretsch Sparkle Jet with Bigsby measurement
14:11 - Subtle effect
15:33 - Teddy Boy! altercation / Totalling up guitar expenditure / Brian May
19:20 - Pickup height
20:15 - Thanks
21:21 - Plexi Soul CDs
21:45 - Music City Bridge
23:20 - Go practice!  "Stop watching The Gear Page"

Uncle Larry addresses a major problem in the guitar culture...a complete and total misunderstanding of what that shiny metal bar that sticks out of your bridge is supposed to do.

Thanks for watching kids, i mean it

Paypal tip jar is

Venmo tip jar is @Tom-Bukovac-1

March 23rd, 2023

Homeskoolin' Volume 203, Tom Bukovac, "School Of Rawk"

00:00 - Just showing some magical playing
01:30 - What's up cats / Divorce and precious car rides
02:30 - Funny or Die / Will Ferrell - Landlord
03:05 - Picks - Fender
03:38 - '63 Epiphone Olympic / Sons Marshall and Leo
04:20 - VCB (Viewer Comment Bin) / Episode 202 and dumb title
04:51 - Pick hiding thing
06:32 - Contradictory statements explanation and correction
07:45 - Sports and over-celebrating, showing-off
08:12 - Social media and getting gigs?
08:52 - Middle pickup Strat
09:07 - Talking shit of Guthrie
10:00 - Painful divorce fuck-off
10:14 - Watermelon with strings
10:25 - Joe Cocker story / Senior moment
10:49 - "Who would play you in a movie?"
11:00 - Spaghetti logo / "Vintage Guitar" magazine
12:03 - Thank you for sweet comments
12:13 - Lession: Loose wrist and rotation
13:38 - Bragging and sucking / Thanks


Uncle Larry gets heavy into the VCB

Paypal tip jar is

Venmo is @Tom-Bukovac-1

April 25th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Late Night PSA….”Black Mountain Ziggy

00:00 - Thumb pick playing
03:22 - Hey guys! / Good day
03:47 - Hinged pick
06:56 - Open strings picking lesson

A brief slightly out of tune late night exploration on my dear son’s dakota red 66 fender duo sonic….and a little public service announcement letting you know about two things that are available.

check out the thumb pick with a very comfortable and unique “hinged” design that i am using in this video at:

AND….i thought these limited edition signed prints were all gone long ago, but ziggy, the amazing artist that drew these, reminded me there are still 21 of them left. Check them out at:

He also wanted me to tell you that there is free shipping on these prints.

Thank you guys for taking this class that seemingly never ends… i hope you all know how much i sincerely appreciate the Homeskoolin’ Family. I am always blown away by the kindness and warmth of the comments that i find in the VCB.

Yours truly,
Uncle Larry

August 17th, 2020

Homeskoolin’ Volume 63, Tom Bukovac, “And Your Bird Is Red”

00:00 - Intro rockin' jam
02:16 - Hey, cats!
04:18 - Viewer Comment Bin / Rituals
06:41 - Copy right claim
08:04 - Humbuckers in Nashville
10:27 - Rock 'n' roll untamed lesson
11:42 - Speed picking / Thumb angle

See guys I’m still writing stuff in here...i thought about calling this video “My Red Bird Performs” but i thought that mighta been a little too inside for anyone who’s not from the UK...thanks for watching the show.

PayPal tip jar is
T shirts and mugs available at

May 22nd, 2020

Homeskoolin’ Volume 32, Tom Bukovac, “Plexi Soul”

00:00 - Experimental jam intro
02:58 - Hello, class!
03:54 - '58 Les Paul
04:23 - Viewer Comment Bin / John Cleese & Dolly Parton joke
05:12 - Garage playing?
06:48 - Guitar picks / Pick use
08:34 - Thin Lizzy - Cowboy Song
10:27 - Great solo album
11:07 - Eric Johnson vids
12:17 - Eric Johnson lesson
13:52 - Pete Townshend lesson
15:10 - Cast session musicians?
17:15 - Loop lesson

A not so brief experimental odyssey on a borrowed guitar.  Homeskoolin' T shirts available at if you like the show, PayPal tip jar: