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September 20th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Bonus, “You Had To Be There”

00:00 - Guthrie Trapp playing

This crummy iPhone vid captures about 1 percent of what it was REALLY like tonite at the Underdog

Guthrie and the boys kickin ass in front of a packed house

Great night, lots of really sweet people and big music fans

September 13th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Volume 339, Tom Bukovac, “Solid Gold Party Rock Redeaux”

00:00 - Tele-craziness with a "annoying" loop
06:35 - Try not to rush tempo
07:30 - Lesson: Loop with crazy plucking tempo
08:35 - Hello, morning beer / Favorite coffee cup
09:07 - Thanks race car connections / John Oates honor / Guthrie Trapp
09:47 - Lesson: Last minute learning songs / Playlists
10:57 - Lesson: Good ole lick (hammering and plucking claw)
12:20 - Tele love / Rattle and clank
12:39 - Lesson: Loop and Good ole lick together / Mixing Major and minor 3rds
14:48 - Lesson: Whole tone scale
15:24 - Twightlight zone and tv montage
15:38 - Steve Gorman "latchkey kid" story
18:10 - Solid Gold Party rock commercial memorization
19:54 - Lesson: Method of practice
21:43 - Lesson: Notes and feel vs. note for note all the way to too professional
24:48 - Thanks and salutations / McLaren "cuntiest" comments / Auto hate showing off (old cars, guitar players, etc.)

Thank you guys sincerely for all the ongoing support of my pitiful little channel…I really truly appreciate it.
Sometimes I feel like I don’t tell you guys that enough.

It’s not you, it’s me I swear…

August 18th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Bonus….”Thank You”

00:00 - Image montage of friends
00:30 - Hello, friends / Appreciation for the fans at Guthrie Trapp & Tom Bukovac gig

Still buzzin’ from this amazing weekend friends…just a sincere thank you to all that came along to see and be a part if this celebration of music and life

I can’t find the words to explain how special it was for me to spend the entire weekend with all my best friends, who also happen to be some of the finest musicians to ever roam this earth

Nothin but love to you all

August 14th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Western Bonus “Swangin’”

00:00 - Western licks
01:55 - Live stream of Guthrie Trapp and Tom Bukovac $20

Here is the link to the livestream of this weekends gig friends...

August 9th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Time Travel…1963”

00:00 - Medley of everything from Beatles to the Flintstones
03:25 - Hello, friends!
03:45 - '63 Fender Telecaster / True Vintage / Frets & white case
05:50 - Guthrie Trapp gigs
06:12 - Vince Gill thank you at the Ryman
07:29 - In Studio with Cheap Trick

Uncle Larry displays a recently unearthed new old stock 1963 Telecaster and gets a little swampy with an old Beatle classic …even going as far as to change the title to “I Sawed Her Standing Hair”

July 26th, 2024

Homeskoolin' Volume 327, Tom Bukovac, "Viewer Poll Results"

00:00 - Giddy up! / What's up, friends! / Dave Cohen & Elle King / Overdubs
02:05 - Vinyl records update / Thank you's!
03:15 - "Junk Food" and The Gear Page results / British cunt
04:05 - Lesson: Chords
08:14 - VCB (Viewer Comment Bin) / New channel room versus kitchen / Yuengling oldest beer in America
09:14 - Calm speaking voice (Bob Ross)
09:47 - '63 Gibson SJ with ceramic "plastic" bridge
12:00 - AC30 Trapezoidal head / Silverdog speakers
12:37 - Being in a cover band & Van Halen / Douche
14:57 - Signing records & Vince Gill rehearsals

Uncle Larry answers some VCB and shows the Homeskoolers the chords to his last video “Junk Food Larry”…



They showed up at Baked Alaska Distribution headquarters this afternoon friends..

oh, and the viewer poll results are officially in regarding our friend Sean from the Gearpage…

July 25th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Volume 326, Tom Bukovac, “Junk Food Larry"

00:00 - Nice calming vibrations
02:56 - What's up, friends! / Intro / Nashville guitar day / Fretboard Journal call
04:56 - "Insufferable" Larry in the studio / Visions
05:55 - Guthrie Trapp & Tom Bukovac - In Stereo vinyl final product
06:42 - Gruhn's, Guitar Magazine, Eric "Ebo" Borash
08:09 - Album thanks
08:28 - The Gear Page guy equates videos to "junk food"
09:57 - VCB (Viewer Comment Bin) / Cast of characters
12:21 - Les Paul measuring tool for the safe
12:34 - "Need to see curled lip"
13:05 - Guthrie Trapp New York trip and gigs in November
14:30 - Joe's Shanghai, Blue Ribbon Sushi / Drinking beer from glass
15:00 - "Guitar players mostly playing for other guitar players?"
16:12 - Musicians that constantly use the volume and tone / Nuances in tone
17:58 - Compression (compressor / 1176) / Darkening the tone
18:45 - Football season
19:23 - Sessionman get paid? / Never ask someone about finances / Unspoken bro code
20:33 -'57 Les Paul Gibson getting refretted at Gruhn's

Uncle Larry strums a little tune for ya' on a chunky old Gibson with “double grams" as they say in the biz...

can you play like this?.....yeah me neither...

so let's say you feel like you are indeed learning a lot from these silly videos i make...and maybe you are starting to feel a liiiiiiiiittttle bit guilty that you haven't thrown something in the tip jar to help with my personal one man crusade to bring chords back to music...well friends, you can fix that today....

my PayPal is tombukovac@gmail.com
venmo is @Tom-Bukovac-1

May 24th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Bonus Lesson “How To Rock”

00:00 - Rock n' Roll
02:21 - Hey, friends / Ibanez 2350, bolt on neck, knobs
03:55 - K's Choice & Sam Bettens / Dan Auerbach
05:07 - Lesson: Power chord and different hammer-ons
05:50 - Lesson: Chuck Berry Rock hammer
06:08 - Lesson: Sus it hammer
06:18 - Lesson: Old Stones thing hammer (06:39 - Cont.)
07:13 - Lesson: Getting real cool hammer
08:00 - Lesson: IV chord over the I hammer (in B)
08:54 - Lesson: Fake open G tuning hammer
09:30 - Mess of intonation
10:15 - Lesson: Creepy hammer
10:37 - Getting Guthrie CDs

Uncle Larry discusses a little talked about but absolutely necessary element of rock guitar playing on a cheapo guitar

May 21st, 2024

Homeskoolin' Volume 310, Tom Bukovac, "The Dining Dead"

00:00 - Plugging the Blues
01:29 - Hello, friends. / Over 900 videos / At least 18,000 hrs. / Getting better is a journey
05:20 - Sometimes just not the right guy (movie score job)
06:47 - Guitar playing is a lifestyle (Clint Strong, Tommy Immanuel) / Nobody is good at everything
09:47 - Jeff Senn Strat / Ilitch switch
11:18 - '63 Fender Stratocaster
12:52 - Jeff Senn Strat bridge
13:26 - Thank you for Guthrie gig / Cell phone videos / Brett Papa camera
15:21 - Completely on the fly and improv
16:39 - '63 Fender Strat neck

Uncle Larry stars in this exclusive Netfux reality based mini series about the ups and downs of a life in music

May 13th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Volume 308, “In Stereo” Album Review (well back half anyway)

00:00 - Downtown Nashville
00:28 - Playing some heavy stuff
01:27 - Ehlo, friends! / Happy Mother's Day
02:10 - Going over "In Stereo" back half of album and thanks
03:04 - "A shopping accident" story (Paragon Mills)
03:36 - Ibanez "lawsuit"
03:48 - Lab Series L5
04:27 - Lab Series L5 demonstration
05:35 - Track #6 and on deep dive

People come to Nashville from all over the world to drink 10 dollar draft beers and hear five different songs playing all at once in the 110 degree open air of Broadway…I mean, who wouldn’t?

if you wanna check out this record here's the link:

if you wanna throw something in the PayPal tip jar for dear Uncle Larry:

or venmo:

May 8th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Volume 307, Tom Bukovac, “Next Stop, Buffalo”

00:00 - Playing that guitar!
04:43 - Duesenberg Session Man / Fender Pro Reverb
05:29 - Ryman update, Hermanos Gutiérrez / Quiet, instrumental performances
07:17 - Best Duesenberg Session Man / Piezo?
08:35 - "What I really want to say"
10:00 - Dear friend passed away
11:27 - VCB (Viewer Comment Bin) / People pleaser vs. brutal honesty
14:04 - You're supposed to be lost in your 20s
15:40 - In Stereo record / Create something you like / Watching careers wax and wane
18:02 - Big producer story / Taylor Swift and Sarah Buxton
21:13 - Movies to watch: "Being There", "Smoke", "Simple Plan", "Skin"

Uncle Larry plunks on his namesake guitar and regales the Homeskoolers with story time.

May 6th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “No User Serviceable Parts Inside”

00:00 - Strumming along
00:37 - Hey friends! / Gildan
01:26 - '56 Gibson Les Paul Special
02:15 - Strymon Flint Reverb
03:03 - Reverb comparison
03:33 - Back to the guitar
05:21 - Another '58 Gibson Les Paul Special
06:08 - Quarter inch up on the pickup
07:21 - Back to the '56 bridge pickup / Pukey middle sound
08:16 - Bukovac & Guthrie Record

Don’t adjust your set, you are not seeing double…it's just two TV specials from the golden age…

In the video I failed to mention that the neck on the 56 that’s for sale is a good bit chunkier than the one on my '=58.

If interested email me at tombukovac@gmail.com

to buy the Guthrie Trapp "In Stereo" record click here friends


May 6th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Volume 306, Tom Bukovac, “In Stereo” Album Review” (well, first half anyway)

00:00 - Sliding and a pickin'
00:20 - Good morning / "In Stereo" record deep dive setup
01:27 - Coffee and not giving a fuck
02:45 - Folgers Classic Roast is the Gildan of coffee
03:33 - Beer snobs / Being picky
04:04 - "In Stereo" talk
05:10 - Tracks listing order, dissection
06:05 - Track sequencing

Uncle Larry goes through the first few tracks of the new album with you ….

If you haven’t heard the record yet you should save this video to watch later…seriously

here is the link to buy the record

Unrelated, if any of you guys are looking for a bangin 56 les paul tv special I have one here for sale. A friend brought it over…he wants 15k plus domestic US shipping for it

It’s a damn nice guitar

Old Grovers clearly put on a million years ago, original keys not included

Refretted with slightly larger than original sized frets

Comes in a 70s Gibson les paul case

Nice comfortable weight

Beautiful fairly worn original TV finish with no overspray and no repairs whatsoever

Big chunky kick ass neck

It’s already got a music city bridge on it

all original parts otherwise

This guitar plays great, sounds great, looks great

Email me for photos at tombukovac@gmail.com

April 30th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ PSA “MIDNITE TONITE!!”

00:00 - Tom Bukovac & Guthrie Trapp record release

Rock and roll lads


April 26th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Volume 301, Tom Bukovac “Stairway To Cleveland”

00:00 - Putting some magic into the echo
05:57 - Hello, friends! / "Zombie Channel" / Update, producing, thanks, house with pool
09:09 - Guthrie record
10:02 - VCB (Viewer Comment Bin) / Go on the road again? / NFL
12:09 - Uncle Larry's Garage Sale / '62 neck Telecaster
13:10 - Clean '65 Princeton Reverb / 2 of each of everything
14:27 - Thanks and a little insight and advice / Blocking some people like Teddy Boy

Uncle Larry busts back onto the YouTube scene with a vengeance after a hiatus of sorts.

Heres the link to the Guthrie record that comes out May 1st

...and how fucking awesome is this?

Shopping in Stores in 1971: Retro Vid...

April 25th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ PSA…”In Stereo”…releasing May 1st!

00:00 - Signing copies of new releases / Who did this confounded cover?

Thanks to my dear friend Stix Mchugh and Nick from Glasers for helping me sign 250 CDs today

May 1st my friends...all details here

April 19th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Back In Tweed Deluxe City”

00:00 - Playing the keys
00:48 - Amp play through set up and speakers (Scank "Uncle Larry" / '61 Tweed / '58 Tweed)
01:31 - Gibson SG Special (Secret treble bleed)
01:55 - Scank "Uncle Larry" play through
02:35 - '61 Tweed play through
03:25 - '58 Tweed play through
04:00 - New to the Tweed and Blues
04:10 - Scank "Uncle Larry"
04:35 - '61 Tweed
05:13 - Thanks to viewer Ron
05:25 - '58 Tweed
05:51 - Speaker differences
06:12 - Negative feedback / Scank "Uncle Larry"
07:10 - '61 Tweed
07:25 - '58 Tweed
08:11 - Turn it to 2 / Tuning them in
08:50 - Scank "Uncle Larry" / Putting a mic on them
09:16 - '61 Tweed
09:31 - '58 Tweed
10:06 - Tom Bukovac & Guthrie Trapp - In Stereo

Uncle Larry’s old pal Mike “Scank” Scaggs shows us some Tweed Deluxes....old and new.


The Guthrie record is gonna be out in less than two weeks....the sound quality of the CD is unreal....looking forward to seeing what all you audiophiles with 50K stereos say.
Mixes by Brandon Bell and mastering by Eric Conn

AND....i just re-loaded 300 more new "Plexi Soul" CD's at guitar house in Tulsa if anyone wants one...

if you wanna check out one of Scank's tweed deluxes go here:

March 30th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Volume 295, Tom Bukovac “Colorado”

00:00 - Loopin' with the echoing '58 Burst
06:21 - Hello, Homeskoolers'!
06:43 - '58 Gibson Les Paul "Burst" / "Like your favorite restaurante" / Internet transportation of guitars
07:45 - Brett Papa video of Tom and Guthrie in the studio / Guthrie record / Expensive to make a record
08:44 - "Using cowboy chords?" /  CAGED
10:00 - Friend wants a 70's Fawn Marshall JMP
10:28 - Selling Marshalls?
11:37 - Best effect pedal company / Electro-Harmonix
12:58 - Talking with Eric "Ebo" Borash
14:04 - Lesson: Loop & "4 Bar Loop" / New Country songs themes (alcohol) / "Colorado" song

i just did a google images search for "beautiful colorado snowy landscape" to put something pretty in the thumbnail for this video.
i don't know who those people are, but those snowy mountains in the background are just beautiful aren't they?

in this video...Uncle Larry plunks on a 58 burst and gets into some naughty VCB...

"can't forget the way her brown hair catches the wind...shoulda stayed in coloraaaaaadoooo".....
ya' know, something like that for the last bit of the soaring chorus...

and....since we have a lot of new viewers coming along recently...
let me tell ya' how shit works around here...
first off, i NEVER ask anyone to subscribe or "smash that like button"....

if you do indeed learn some useful stuff from this channel and feel like it is indeed helping you as a player, all i ask is that you just throw a little something in the tip jar...especially since it's tax season ferchrissakes

You can make PayPal donations to this address:
You can make Venmo donations to this address:

a person could potentially purchase a myriad of Homeskoolin' related merch..including several different extremely comfortable and nice feeling T-shirts and some beautifully constructed coffee mugs for those afflicted with thin lips...i pride myself on having the comfiest t shirts on earth...no scratchy bad fitting horseshit here people.. check it out at

AND....believe it or not....i have a new website people....an actual proper website.

You can see all kinds of weird old photos there, you can also purchase a download of the live concert i did last December if you like.

A lot of these very same new viewers don't seem to know that Uncle Larry made a couple records that they could potentially listen to... one is an instrumental solo record called "Plexi Soul" that is available here:

another is an instrumental collaboration with his dear friend Dean Deleo (originally from the Stone Temple Pilots organization) that is available here:

March 4th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “A Damned Important Announcement”

00:00 - Squaking out the guitar amp literally
00:54 - Hey, friends! / Fender ST Champ
02:18 - Release date for Guthrie record (May 1st)
03:25 - Lesson: Tablature explanation
04:50 - Tough Dsus chord to grab [10 12 0 11 8 10]
05:13 - Concept of tab we can use
05:30 - Guthrie record on nice vinyl only
06:07 - Nicky G
06:14 - Lesson: Tabbed chords [2 2 0 2 3 5]
06:29 - Lesson: Tabbed chords [7 7 0 7 8 10]
06:58 - Lesson: Tabbed chords [3 x 5 4 2 0]
07:16 - Lesson: Tabbed chords [0 2 2 3 3 3]
07:40 - Lesson: Weezer - Say It Ain't So

May 1st…that's the day

Fender ST Champ…that's the guitar

We need to get as many of these as we can over here in “Merica people.
I PROMISE you that this a no brainer purchase….even if you don’t have kids.
The fun factor is 10 out of 10
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