June 1st, 2024
Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Standing Room Only”

00:00 - Mellow day playing
02:57 - Hello, friends / Tickets for Aug. 16th & 17th at 3rd & Lindsley / Special guests
04:34 - Dave Cohen (keyboard/producer)
04:53 - Brought newer gear to a session
05:54 - Piezo pickup / Duesenberg Session Man
07:00 - Old Fender blonde 2x12 with Electrovoice (EV) SRO speakers
09:00 - Pic of speakers and cab
Uncle Larry talks about some new wood and some old speakers...
If you wanna come see dearest Guthrie and myself at the "In Stereo" record release party gig on August 16 and 17 check out this link friends...
May 25th, 2024
Homeskoolin’ Volume 312, Tom Bukovac, “Negative Intelligence”

00:00 - Slow melody into the Blues
02:07 - Good morning! / "Homeschooling" name
02:48 - Duesenberg Session Man / Heartwarming stories / Piezo / Buying Duesenberg
08:28 - Dark side of life / The Gear Page / Sticking to guns when off-track
10:18 - The Gear Page thread / Guitar faces / partytrain / Some "real sweethearts" on The Gear Page
13:21 - Back to the Blues playing and imitating the slide
14:00 - Lesson: Using the pinky / Injury to the middle finger
15:58 - Seinfeld bit - "Maximum Strength" / Call your Mom!
Uncle Larry gives us a heartwarming human interest story and then encourages 100k people to sign up to be part of the problem, not the cure….
May 8th, 2024
Homeskoolin’ Volume 307, Tom Bukovac, “Next Stop, Buffalo”

00:00 - Playing that guitar!
04:43 - Duesenberg Session Man / Fender Pro Reverb
05:29 - Ryman update, Hermanos Gutiérrez / Quiet, instrumental performances
07:17 - Best Duesenberg Session Man / Piezo?
08:35 - "What I really want to say"
10:00 - Dear friend passed away
11:27 - VCB (Viewer Comment Bin) / People pleaser vs. brutal honesty
14:04 - You're supposed to be lost in your 20s
15:40 - In Stereo record / Create something you like / Watching careers wax and wane
18:02 - Big producer story / Taylor Swift and Sarah Buxton
21:13 - Movies to watch: "Being There", "Smoke", "Simple Plan", "Skin"
Uncle Larry plunks on his namesake guitar and regales the Homeskoolers with story time.
December 30th, 2020
Homeskoolin’ Volume 83, Tom Bukovac, Trip The Witch

00:00 - Beautiful intro jam
01:53 - Hello, class! / Duesenberg Session Man Guitar
05:03 - "Trip the Witch"
05:59 - Leslie West loss
06:49 - Christmas Depression
07:57 - Chords with harmonics / Low voicings
09:55 - Steve Morse rabbit hole
Hello class, to find the the Steve Morse video I've been obsessing over, just search for "Steve Morse band live in 1984 Part 4" sorry I'm too computer illiterate to know how to actually "post a link"...i honestly don't even know what i was thinking... beyond that, this video shows unveiling of the new Duesenberg Session Man guitar, and a brief discussion on poly chords and Christmas depression for young folks in their 20's and 30's
PayPal tip jar is tombukovac@gmail.com
T shirts and mugs available at www.guitarhouse.net