May 8th, 2024
Homeskoolin’ Volume 307, Tom Bukovac, “Next Stop, Buffalo”

00:00 - Playing that guitar!
04:43 - Duesenberg Session Man / Fender Pro Reverb
05:29 - Ryman update, Hermanos Gutiérrez / Quiet, instrumental performances
07:17 - Best Duesenberg Session Man / Piezo?
08:35 - "What I really want to say"
10:00 - Dear friend passed away
11:27 - VCB (Viewer Comment Bin) / People pleaser vs. brutal honesty
14:04 - You're supposed to be lost in your 20s
15:40 - In Stereo record / Create something you like / Watching careers wax and wane
18:02 - Big producer story / Taylor Swift and Sarah Buxton
21:13 - Movies to watch: "Being There", "Smoke", "Simple Plan", "Skin"
Uncle Larry plunks on his namesake guitar and regales the Homeskoolers with story time.
August 18th, 2020
Homeskoolin’ Volume 64, Tom Bukovac, “The Bird Returns”

00:00 - Intro mellow, bluesy jam
02:25 - Howya doing, class!
03:21 - Viewer Comment Bin
03:29 - How long to come up with jams?
04:25 - Protecting Intellectual Property
05:23 - Gracious manner / Trolls
06:19 - Missing most in pre-Corona?
07:38 - Session, acheiving sound
09:44 - Amp and speaker? Clear sounds, not too loud
11:21 - Gold mine of guitar secrets / Stealing material
14:22 - Thumb bass notes / Stretching jam lesson
Hey guys....please forgive the slight rattle in the low notes...must have been something on the old work bench/hi tech video production station.
August 8th, 2020
Homeskoolin’ Volume 62, Tom Bukovac, “Cop Show Music”

00:00 - Intro "cop show" jam
02:24 - Hello, class!
03:54 - VCB / Volume level?
04:04 - Fender Pro Reverb
04:44 - "Negative Ned Ryerson"
06:10 - Taylor or PRS? / "Not doing homework"
06:29 - Lots of t-shirts
07:00 - Amps / Dumble
08:18 - Pinky
09:06 - Steve Howe Guitar Player
09:38 - Ibanez Flaming Wah / No go
09:58 - Lesson: Chord, loop lesson
14:43 - '64 Gibson SG
See i still write stuff in here....stuff about the videos....remember Cannon? Kojack? Rockford Files? Columbo? Ok heres your trivia question...what was the name of the epic song from the Gaucho sessions that got accidentally erased by a bonehead engineer?
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