October 27th, 2023
Homeskoolin' Bonus, "The Early Years"

00:00 - Bending the Country out of that thing
01:36 - Real quick check-in
02:02 - Old school pedalboard
04:11 - Boss Dual Overdrive SD-2, Boss Tremolo TR-2, Hughes & Kettner, Tube Rotosphere, Nobels, ODS-1, Boss, Dual Overdrive, SD-2, V-Wah, PW-10, Tremolo, TR-2, GE-7, Ernie Ball, Volume
05:53 - Custom Shop Tele relic / Uncle Larry's Garage Sale notice
08:09 - Lesson: Old Country Western licks
Thanks to Jeff Grossman for unearthing that ancient photo
This tele is a custom shop 2021 "1960 Telecaster Custom HVREL"
which i assume stands for "heavy relic"...or "heavy fake memories" as i call it
Its a super fancy custom shop piece that comes ALL the outrageous case candy...AND i put some good brass saddles on it for ya...you're welcome
June 6th, 2023
Homeskoolin' Volume 226, Tom Bukovac, "Strat Tuesday"

00:00 - Intro cover
00:40 - Hello, class! / The Stratocaster
04:23 - Booker T. Jones / Playing by ear vs. knowing chords
05:25 - J.D. Simo / Wah-wah
07:40 - Setup / Jeff Senn pickups? / Suhr silent system
09:18 - Jeff Senn - Bridge pickup
09:45 - Bridge on a Strat will cut your face off
11:16 - '62 Strat - Bridge pickup / Vince Gill
12:43 - '63 Strat - Bridge pickup
13:35 - Senn Strat - Bridge pickup part II
14:03 - '62 Strat - Bridge pickup part II
14:37 - '63 Strat - Bridge pickup part II
15:05 - '63 Strat - Neck pickup
15:40 - '62 Strat - Neck pickup
16:23 - Senn Strat - Neck pickup
17:00 - Lesson: Bob Schmidty lick
17:58 - '63 Strat - Neck pickup part II
18:31 - 3-way switch
19:00 - '63 Strat - Middle pickup
20:00 - Out of hundreds of pre-CBS Strats - "this is the best"
20:34 - Senn Strat - Middle pickup
21:05 - Trigger Hippy & Senn Strat story
22:40 - VCB (Viewer Comment Bin) / Expound on Chuck Berry
23:47 - Plexi Soul part II? Guthrie project, then Dean project
24:30 - Tone is heavy... / National New Yorker thanks and donations
25:17 - Recipe for a good comment? / "Hey Tom!"
26:03 - Flatwounds vs. Roundwound & raunch / Dan Auerbach / Pre-aged strings
28:25 - Favorite album cover art
30:00 - Marshall's hiss? / Some old 100W Marshall heads are quiet
31:18 - Blind tests
32:19 - Tape hiss...love it
32:30 - Sound wizard
32:50 - Lesson: Capistan reverb sound / Firebird video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ztsptU_XIPk
34:48 - Wynonna Judd memories & Dave Letterman
Uncle Larry cracks open the VCB and gives you a tour of all 3 pickups.
February 28th, 2022
Homeskoolin’ Volume 130, Tom Bukovac, “Involuntary Wah Face”

00:00 - Jamming some unexpected changes with wah
02:15 - Hello, class!
03:55 - VCB / ES-335 and other guitars
04:20 - '60 Gibson ES-335
04:55 - Keeping guitars around / Naming guitars / Great guitars
06:54 - Best guitar pedal ever made?
09:26 - Guess this song
10:24 - Makes me want to quit / Mistakes
12:07 - Pet Peeves (mini pedals, guitar locks, amps, old guitars)
17:00 - Def Leppard - "Bringin' Home the Heartbreak" analysis
It has been scientifically proven that no person on earth can play a wah without simultaneously moving their mouth.
Larry rambles on here about basically everything except Russia invading the Ukraine
Thank you guys for your continued partronage of the show. If you guys truly are learning something from watching a man self destruct before your very eyes, then please by all means, throw a little something in the tip jar. If you’re not and you think the show is complete bollocks then don’t.
Paypal is tombukovac@gmail.com
Venmo is @Tom-Bukovac-1
There is also a shit ton of various Homeskoolin’ merch available at www.guitarhouse.net
August 8th, 2020
Homeskoolin’ Volume 62, Tom Bukovac, “Cop Show Music”

00:00 - Intro "cop show" jam
02:24 - Hello, class!
03:54 - VCB / Volume level?
04:04 - Fender Pro Reverb
04:44 - "Negative Ned Ryerson"
06:10 - Taylor or PRS? / "Not doing homework"
06:29 - Lots of t-shirts
07:00 - Amps / Dumble
08:18 - Pinky
09:06 - Steve Howe Guitar Player
09:38 - Ibanez Flaming Wah / No go
09:58 - Lesson: Chord, loop lesson
14:43 - '64 Gibson SG
See i still write stuff in here....stuff about the videos....remember Cannon? Kojack? Rockford Files? Columbo? Ok heres your trivia question...what was the name of the epic song from the Gaucho sessions that got accidentally erased by a bonehead engineer?
PayPal tip jar is tombukovac@gmail.com
T shirts and mugs available at www.guitarhouse.net
July 30th, 2020
Homeskoolin’ Volume 59, Tom Bukovac, “Cardboard Cut Outs In The Shade”

00:00 - Intro cosmic jam
03:37 - Hello, class!
04:52 - Viewer Comment Bin / AC
05:43 - Pedal steel?
07:03 - Wah wah?
08:08 - Complementing the singer
10:22 - Cardboard cutouts
10:52 - Blues with weird time signature
11:43 - Tonal shading lesson
A brief chat on tone and Covid era sports.
PayPal tip jar is tombukovac@gmail.com