February 5th, 2025
Homeskoolin’ Bonus Jam “Sustainable Guitar”

00:00 - Feedbacking genius
Uncle Larry is going green…recycling notes for a brighter eco-friendly tomorrow…
January 14th, 2025
Homeskoolin’ Volume 389, Tom Bukovac, “The 101 Club”

00:00 - Looping with brethren instruments
09:31 - Hello, friends! / Blake Shelton
12:26 - Don't feel like talking / Lake Placid Blue Fender Stratocaster & matching Fender Precision Bass
15:19 - 5 way switch, position 2 and 4 are too dark / Forgotten sound
Uncle Larry REALLY felt like playing some guitar (and bass) tonite after getting home from day two of tracking with dearest Blake Shelton at the legendary Blackbird Studios in downtown Nashville TN.
Blakes new album is finally “in the can” after the last three years of working on it.
Loving these two old instruments that are featured in this little poorly lit video….(replete with the phone falling right off the “camera stand” in the heat of battle) and thought you guys might enjoy seeing them together.
They have known each other in a past life….
These two rosewood board sex kittens were built right on the cusp of when the original Fender factory in Fullerton was taken over by the CBS bean counters…both instruments are very close in serial number…and they both have aged to the EXACT same greenish hue from their original Lake Placid Blue .
If anyone out there has the Telecaster to compete the set I’m all ears
Thanks for watching friends.
oh, and if you guys want to learn about "advanced phrasing techniques" check out this fella....
i've been told it's VERY deep stuff, but i don't quite understand it yet....maybe some of you guys can help me
January 3rd, 2025
Homeskoolin’ Volume 384, Tom Bukovac, “Empress New Clothes”

00:00 - Some crunchy goodness
02:25 - Hello, dear friends! / Morgan Wallen
03:54 - Dan Huff and producing record
05:49 - Empress new drive pedal / Controls / Distortion
07:13 - Gibson Les Paul Goldtop clean into amp
07:35 - Pedal demo
09:12 - Bass to match Lake Placid Blue Strat
11:30 - VCB (Viewer Comment Bin) / Getting excited about music / 1978 Elvis Costello / Bruce Thomas bass
13:47 - Born without tone? / Being able to decifer tone
16:13 - Did you see you have a stalker?
17:48 - Nasty weather
18:37 - '57 Gibson Les Paul Goldtop / Outro playing
This is basically a live recording from 1978…try to imagine being in a band THIS good
December 26th, 2024
Homeskoolin’ Volume 381, Tom Bukovac, “Lake Placid Christmas”

00:00 - Spacey Rock jam
01:04 - Hello, friends! / Christmas
02:21 - Betting games and winning money / Chris "Sticks" McHugh setting up drum kit
04:02 - VCB (Viewer Comment Bin) / What Rocks harder Strat or Tele?
04:20 - Strat Rock
04:39 - Tele Rock
05:03 - Tom needs to Rock Out more / What's wrong with mellow?
06:18 - Sports Bar Blues vs. airport "Tootsie's Bar" Alt Country?
07:28 - Why do you like old stuff? / Old stuff is made better
08:14 - Fender solid state amps analogy
09:27 - Forgotten era of sound
10:03 - John Cordy video distorted story / Modeling amps vs old amps
16:05 - Insane burst feud with Voyxu
20:32 - '65 Fender Stratocaster Lake Placid Blue & matching bass
22:13 - Lesson: C#min cool buzz sound
Uncle Larry gets deep into some post Christmas VCB
Happy holidays dear friends
December 15th, 2024
Homeskoolin’ Bonus Jam “Audiophilia”

00:00 - Exploring the notes in between notes
Uncle Larry continues down the paths of the micro-tonal experiments he has been conducting over the past several years…
who says there are only 12 notes?
I’ll tell ya who says that…boring people….and piano players
December 6th, 2024
Homeskoolin’ Volume 372, Tom Bukovac, “Strat Fury Volume 4”

00:00 - Showing some wizardry to a loop
07:30 - Alright, hey, friends / Humidifier
09:09 - Avon Silicon Glove hand lotion
10:02 - Lesson: Blues in E (Em7 -> A -> G7sus)
11:14 - Lesson: Soloing over
13:18 - Thanks for fixing wang bar
13:46 - Lesson: Solo tricks
Old Uncle Larry comin' at ya with some real helpful advice that’s gonna help you deal with this winter
Get on Amazon and get yourself a tube of this shit right away…like tonight
This stuff has been around forever, and it is the ONLY hand lotion for guitar players ....dries IMMEDIATELY and doesn't get sticky
…and you can also use it with your vacuum cleaner too String Locker …ya know, if you get tired of playing guitar …
I also recommend you buy a couple of these and use them religiously through the next 4-5 months or so
November 17th, 2024
Homeskoolin’ Volume 361, Tom Bukovac, “The Downward Pull”

00:00 - Hello, friends...hello, friends...
01:22 - Changing strings
02:56 - "Downward pull"
05:24 - Mark Morton - Lamb of God story
14:40 - Less than 50 instruments
15:15 - Love YouTube comments
19:10 - Kick ass Electro-Harmonix pedals (Big Muffs, Ram's Head, Electric Mistress)
21:00 - Dead center on strings / Jeff Senn
23:03 - George Gruhn Versitar
23:37 - Gibson Les Paul TV Special
24:45 - NFL betting
25:50 - MXR Stereo Chorus / New York gig
Uncle Larry has a little chat with ya while changing the strings on one of his old mules.
Thanks for the continued support of the channel friends
November 13th, 2024
Homeskoolin’ Volume 359, Tom Bukovac, “The Bitter End”

00:00 - Bluesy playing on the Strat
06:07 - What's up, friends! / Playing
07:38 - Some singing (Cops), called the "New York Blues"
10:25 - Name That Lead - $2 / Sam Bettens / Name That for a $1
12:00 - Update / Pontiac GTO / Gibson GA-83s
13:40 - Lesson: Key of E to the V
14:42 - Playing Layla (Rita Coolidge, Jim Gordon, Eric Clapton)
16:04 - Outro / Special Fuck-offs / Playing
Hey GT and Jedd-o…this sounds pretty damn New York-y to me…you fellas wanna play it at the show?
I can already picture it…
you guys…with your heads back and your feet up on the intermittent monitor wedges…lettin’ it eat while helpless droves of excitement drenched female onlookers with heavy Brooklyn accents swoon and sway….pointing your bolt on necks heavenward in the glowing red halo of a poorly aimed par can …
Here’s a link for the gig we have booked in Chicago in February for all you early bird
October 30th, 2024
Homeskoolin’ Volume 354, Tom Bukovac, “The Muse....(Gran Turismo Omologato)"

00:00 - Dancing on that Strat
05:40 - What's up!? / Scars on the face
07:00 - "The muse" is gone and waiting for it to come back
10:24 - Dan Huff new inspiration
12:00 - Real stringed instruments / Shelby Lynne
13:26 - Lake Placid Blue Fender Stratocaster (Jeffrey Moore)
13:43 - GTO / Do it while you can
15:55 - Dan Huff track
Uncle Larry discusses the delicate matter of burn out amongst lifer musicians with no hobbies.
as my dear old grandma used to always say "son, there ain't no better way to fight career burn out than buying the exact car you've been dreaming about since you were 15 years old...."
check out this rust bucket POS friends...
October 13th, 2024
Homeskoolin’ Bonus Jam…featuring Tom Bukovac…”Low Neck Sweater”

00:00 - Amazing jam on the Strat
The next installment in the ocean green Strat series …naturally
A little jazz blues direct from the mind of a converted yankee
October 12th, 2024
Homeskoolin’ Saturday Night Bonus Jam “Slant 6”

00:00 - Pickin' those strings to a loop
Remember friends, if you don’t get called for fouls you ain’t playin basketball.
October 7th, 2024
Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Civil War Boogie”

00:00 - Patriotic loopin' and singin'
04:23 - PSA: Randall Bramlett & Riverside Revival / Underdog
05:45 - Gecko and music on the turntable
A quick PSA (preceded by some caterwaulin hillbilly from Cleveland)
…with apologies to Ry Cooder
September 4th, 2024
Homeskoolin’ Volume 333, Tom Bukovac, “Section By Section”

00:00 - Some sweet tunes on the Tele
04:56 - Hello, friends! / Nicknames
05:42 - Sentimental from old days at Rudy's butcher shop
09:09 - Nicky G grill / Black Keys stuff
09:55 - NFL football
10:22 - Lesson: Dropped D / Riff Rock / Learn by sections
12:58 - Selling guitars / Rickenbacker Capri
14:34 - Cutting the capacitor (cap) off / Fender amps also
15:10 - Tone control on a Strat / Overhaul Lake Placid Blue
16:45 - Lesson: Cool Dropped D lick
17:27 - Lesson: Led Zeppelin - Jimmy Page - Whole Lotta Love
18:42 - Small Faces - You Need Loving / Robert Plant stole Whole Lotta Love
19:15 - Undetected imitation and originality
If you do end up going to Rudy’s today, you might want to stop and have a quick gander at 441 east 319 st….
That’s where it all happened friends
August 29th, 2024
Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Silent Lakeplacidity”

00:00 - '65 Lake Placid Blue Stratocaster
Special thanks to Geoffrey Moore and Seth Cook for making this a reality.
I promise I will use it for good, not evil.
August 28th, 2024
Homeskoolin’ Volume 332, Tom Bukovac, “Reclaimed Youth”

00:00 - Just an intro tune
02:44 - What's up cats / Lennon's vocals on Sexy Sadie
03:21 - "One of the coolest piano sounds"
04:15 - Martin acoustic / "Everybody should have a Martin" / Playing
05:22 - Recapture youth
06:43 - First guitar Applause acoustic
07:49 - First electric Crestline SG copy
08:22 - Lesson: First lick Chuck Berry
08:45 - Arya / Gibson Les Paul / Fairweather band
10:21 - Fairweather story cont. / Jeffrey Moore guitar rig / '65 Lake Placid Blue Stratocaster
11:18 - 2 Deluxe Reverb amps facing each other
12:36 - "Still have that Strat?" / Worked out a deal for the guitar
14:53 - Thanks / Heated discussions / StringLocker cleaning the carcusses
15:38 - Update
16:45 - Lesson: Chord progression with DbMaj7 with the claw -> F#Maj7 -> BMaj7 -> EMaj7 (Cycle of 5ths)
Uncle Larry gets a bit sentimental on a Wednesday morning.
August 12th, 2024
Homeskoolin’ Bonus, “Danger Will Robinson”

00:00 - Intro, Jeff Senn
01:08 - '54 Fender Stratocaster
01:46 - Fender Middle pickup
02:04 - Senn Middle pickup
As part of my lifelong effort to defend the honor and virtue of old guitars, I offer you this short comparison
Check out how much more fucking DANGEROUS the bridge pickup on this time capsule 150k early production 54 Strat is compared to the shit I normally use.
In a side by side comparison the senn sounds like a cheap model of the 54…
Granted, it’s all about context…what song are we playing etc etc…but you gotta admit, that shit sounds damn good.
Wish I could afford it friends
June 16th, 2024
Homeskoolin Volume 316, Tom Bukovac, “Eat A Peach”

00:00 - Blues away
02:30 - Hello, good friends! / Hiatus
04:43 - '63 Fender Stratocaster / Greg Voros apprentice story
08:44 - A bitching platform / 6 mos. girlfriend / Nashville
10:45 - IT IS ALL WORK!
15:00 - Moving houses with pool
Uncle Larry checks in after a long hiatus of solo dadding, working full time and moving all at once…
I’ll have you know that this 16 minute video was uploaded in mere minutes on a brand new wi-fi rig…praise the Baby Jesus
May 23rd, 2024
Homeskoolin’ Volume 311, Tom Bukovac, “Uncle Larry’s Lawn Care Service”

00:00 - Morning music from Uncle Larry
01:49 - Matty Alger studio and Trip The Witch resurrection Dean DeLeo
03:12 - Lesson: Expensive chords
03:33 - Producing K's Choice
04:18 - Creative fervor and no more mowing lawns
05:01 - VCB (Viewer Comment Bin) / Playing scales and putting them in a blender
06:55 - Piano playing and an amazing player
07:22 - '63 Strat is kinda cool with sex appeal
08:09 - Acoustic album? / Instrumental music and album / Baggage attached to singers
11:00 - Do you get a lot of emails?
11:58 - Doing the Uncle Larry thing and the 2AM Me
12:52 - Guthrie gig amp and experience
14:15 - Sojourns out West and gigs back then
16:13 - Lesson: Learn scales and jumble them up
Family owned and operated since 1968....we charge extra for bush trimming
check this shit....this gal is a bad motherfucker
Giant Steps...But It's Played by 8 Legendary Jazz Pianists
May 20th, 2024
Homeskoolin’ Bonus Jam “At The Hop”

00:00 - Picking technique
So, i’m working on this reallllly fucking hard picking technique that kinda simulates a fast slapback delay pedal but with no effects…
For God’s sake people…do not attempt this at home without adult supervision.
March 9th, 2024
Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Saturday Guitar Repair Pt 2”

00:00 - Picking sessions to play on / Good musicians (Dan Auerbach)
02:00 - Stringing mess / Good days vs. bad days
02:50 - Main thing is the singer / Little goals
05:14 - High E wrap
05:48 - Robert Keeley (Angry Orange, Blues Disorder, Super Rodent)
07:05 - Earthquaker call for help
07:36 - Saddles
08:00 - "Wang Bar" adjustment / In tune
11:04 - When someone doesn't tune
13:00 - Irsay update
well friends, if you made it this far you are definitely a real Homeskooler....
the instrumental record i made with dearest Guthrie Trapp is scheduled for release on May 1st...very exciting.
and....since we have a lot of new viewers coming along recently...
let me tell ya' how shit works around here...
first off, i NEVER ask anyone to subscribe or "smash that like button"....
if you do indeed learn some useful stuff from this channel and feel like it is indeed helping you as a player, all i ask is that you just throw a little something in the tip jar...especially since it's tax season ferchrissakes
You can make PayPal donations to this address:
You can make Venmo donations to this address:
a person could potentially purchase a myriad of Homeskoolin' related merch..including several different extremely comfortable and nice feeling T-shirts and some beautifully constructed coffee mugs for those afflicted with thin lips...i pride myself on having the comfiest t shirts on earth...no scratchy bad fitting horseshit here people.. check it out at
AND....believe it or not....i have a new website people....an actual proper website.
You can see all kinds of weird old photos there, you can also purchase a download of the live concert i did last December if you like.
A lot of these very same new viewers don't seem to know that Uncle Larry made a couple records that they could potentially listen to... one is an instrumental solo record called "Plexi Soul" that is available here:
another is an instrumental collaboration with his dear friend Dean Deleo (originally from the Stone Temple Pilots organization) that is available here: