July 25th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Volume 326, Tom Bukovac, “Junk Food Larry"

00:00 - Nice calming vibrations
02:56 - What's up, friends! / Intro / Nashville guitar day / Fretboard Journal call
04:56 - "Insufferable" Larry in the studio / Visions
05:55 - Guthrie Trapp & Tom Bukovac - In Stereo vinyl final product
06:42 - Gruhn's, Guitar Magazine, Eric "Ebo" Borash
08:09 - Album thanks
08:28 - The Gear Page guy equates videos to "junk food"
09:57 - VCB (Viewer Comment Bin) / Cast of characters
12:21 - Les Paul measuring tool for the safe
12:34 - "Need to see curled lip"
13:05 - Guthrie Trapp New York trip and gigs in November
14:30 - Joe's Shanghai, Blue Ribbon Sushi / Drinking beer from glass
15:00 - "Guitar players mostly playing for other guitar players?"
16:12 - Musicians that constantly use the volume and tone / Nuances in tone
17:58 - Compression (compressor / 1176) / Darkening the tone
18:45 - Football season
19:23 - Sessionman get paid? / Never ask someone about finances / Unspoken bro code
20:33 -'57 Les Paul Gibson getting refretted at Gruhn's

Uncle Larry strums a little tune for ya' on a chunky old Gibson with “double grams" as they say in the biz...

can you play like this?.....yeah me neither...

so let's say you feel like you are indeed learning a lot from these silly videos i make...and maybe you are starting to feel a liiiiiiiiittttle bit guilty that you haven't thrown something in the tip jar to help with my personal one man crusade to bring chords back to music...well friends, you can fix that today....

my PayPal is tombukovac@gmail.com
venmo is @Tom-Bukovac-1

November 5th, 2023

Homeskoolin’ Volume 252, Tom Bukovac, “The Evolution Of The Short Attention Span”

00:00 - Wonderful playing and twanging away
04:20 - Hello, friends!
05:15 - Pick hitting the pickups pet peeve
06:06 - National New Yorker - Memphis Minnie
07:55 - Tuning guitar to the hall (Frank Zappa)
08:55 - Jim Irsay and recording / J Sol "My Girl"
10:22 - Counterpoint notes
10:50 - Lesson: Beatles - Blackbird / Stealing good melodies
12:35 - VCB / "How many songs do you know?"
13:42 - Idiosyncrasies inside songs that you have forgotten
15:00 - Run Rudolph Run bass guitar / Pound you over the head with cool hooks
18:14 - Reggie Young chat / Saving licks to the end of recording
20:28 - Not being a crusty old guy, just giving some wisdom

(Editors note...this video was shot Friday morning and it disappeared into the ether as i was trying to upload it...and to be perfectly honest, i completely forgot about it until it popped up at 5am on a Sunday morning hahaa)

Larry gets off on a good old fashioned Cleveland style rant today....

So...if you want to check out one of the rad limited edition prints Ziggy drew up to commemorate episode 250 go here:

and...we are getting damn close to 90K prescribers....wow

there are a couple hundred vinyl copies of Plexi soul still left...if you want one go to either of these two links folks


a LOT of new viewers have recently asked "where is the tip jar?" when they felt led to contribute something after watching a few of the 700-ish free videos i have posted over the last 3 years.

You can make PayPal donations to this address:
You can make Venmo donations to this address:

AND...you can purchase a myriad of Homeskoolin' related merchandise..including several different T-shirts and some beautifully constructed coffee mugs for those afflicted with thin lips...

AND....believe it or not....i have a new website people....an actual proper website.

You can see all kinds of weird old photos there, you can also purchase a download of the live concert i did last December if you like.

A lot of these very same new viewers don't seem to know that Uncle Larry made a couple records that they could potentially listen to...one is an instrumental solo record called "Plexi Soul" that is available here:

another is an instrumental collaboration with his dear friend Dean Deleo (originally from the Stone Temple Pilots organization) that is available here:

June 5th, 2023

Homeskoolin' Volume 225, Tom Bukovac, "Deuce & A Cawtahh"

00:00 - Full body guitar, ZZ Top-esque playing
04:48 - "Good tone is heavy and hard to carry" / Summer camp / Thanks for 20 million views
06:15 - Epiphone amps / Smashing reverb tank & hot swap guitar
07:30 - Sticky shirt and wearing out the guitar
08:00 - Analog tape hiss
08:50 - Magic Sam & raunchy guitar
10:03 - Chuck Berry raunchiness
11:00 - Lesson: Rhythym percussive thing & picking / Blues playing
14:30 - Love for the Firebird
14:40 - Steely Dan singing / Believe in what you sing, it's great
16:16 - "Night Bob" roady / Becker
17:10 - Keep up the good work / Guitar comparison comments / Doubleneck
19:40 - Blind guitar test discussion / Listening with your eyes
21:50 - Donald Fagen pronounces "Oregon"
22:10 - Early '60s Epiphone Zephyr amp
23:30 - 1940 National New Yorker (Memphis Minnie)

Uncle Larry shows you how to do a long forgotten ancient technique of picking the guitar.

a LOT of new viewers have recently asked "where is the tip jar?" when they felt led to contribute something after 225 free guitar lessons...despite Dominic Hudson's best efforts to deter them.

You can make PayPal donations to this address:

You can make Venmo donations to this address:

A lot of these very same new viewers don't seem to know that Uncle Larry made a couple records that they could potentially listen to...one is an instrumental solo record called "Plexi Soul" that is available here:

another is an instrumental collaboration with his dear friend Dean Deleo (originally from the Stone Temple Pilots organization) that is available here:

and a LOT of people don't seem to know that they can go here to purchase a myriad of Homeskoolin' related merchandise..including several different T-shirts and some beautifully constructed coffee mugs for those afflicted with thin lips...

March 14th, 2023

Homeskoolin' Volume 199.5, Tom Bukovac, "Municipal Stadium Blues"

00:00 - Little light playing with feedback
02:44 - Just ole Larry Bukovac / Bob Feller
04:35 - 1940 National New Yorker
06:24 - Bobby Gatewood
07:09 - VCB (Viewer Comment Bin) / Best record no one's every heard - I am Shelby Lynne
08:09 - "Uncle Larry"??
09:08 - Terrible writing blues / Sweep picking
09:44 - Log of all the sessions?
11:45 - Starting your own cult? / Koolaid
12:30 - Special 200th episode (Special guest?)
13:00 - Lesson: Cool chord E add 6 9 / tablature: [0 9 6 6 9 0]


Uncle Larry tries to put out several blazing hot VCB fires in one swell foop....whilst relying slightly less than usual on "the corporate eye"...

totally unrelated....this melody is so satisfying to me...it checks all the boxes of pleasing harmony and time in my brain...


October 8th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “New Yorker”

00:00 - Playing to loop

Happy Saturday fellow rock and roll enthusiasts.
The beautiful fall weather is upon us, in Nashville the trees are changing colors and the leaves are swirling in the wind….and the answer my friends is blowing in that aforementioned wind.

January 24th, 2021

Homeskoolin’ Volume 87, Tom Bukovac, “The Big Apple”

00:00 - Mellow intro riffage
02:42 - Hello, class!
04:00 - Rolling Rock guitar
04:30 - Viewer Comment Bin
04:52 - Chess / Agadmator
06:06 - Proud of material / Chris Donahoe - My Boy
07:23 - Aaron Frazer record
07:59 - Chops vs. Tone / Tone is everything
10:01 - "Just work at it"
10:54 - Strings do you use? D'Addario
11:43 - Punk or garage phase? / NYC - CBGB
14:36 - Riff / Moody chord / Suspended soloing lesson

Hey guys, here’s a not so brief chat on many things....here are some of the things i mentioned in this video if you are so inclined to check them out...if anyone can post links that would be very sweet.

1) Track i played acoustic on before falling gravely ill a few years back... "My Boy" by Chris Donahoe (available on spotify)

2) amazing chess teacher... "Agadmator" on youtube

3) extremely influential record of my youth... Life Sex & Death "The Silent Majority"

PayPal tip jar is tombukovac@gmail.com
T shirts and mugs available at www.guitarhouse.net


© 2024