March 9th, 2024
Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Saturday Guitar Repair Pt 2”

00:00 - Picking sessions to play on / Good musicians (Dan Auerbach)
02:00 - Stringing mess / Good days vs. bad days
02:50 - Main thing is the singer / Little goals
05:14 - High E wrap
05:48 - Robert Keeley (Angry Orange, Blues Disorder, Super Rodent)
07:05 - Earthquaker call for help
07:36 - Saddles
08:00 - "Wang Bar" adjustment / In tune
11:04 - When someone doesn't tune
13:00 - Irsay update
well friends, if you made it this far you are definitely a real Homeskooler....
the instrumental record i made with dearest Guthrie Trapp is scheduled for release on May 1st...very exciting.
and....since we have a lot of new viewers coming along recently...
let me tell ya' how shit works around here...
first off, i NEVER ask anyone to subscribe or "smash that like button"....
if you do indeed learn some useful stuff from this channel and feel like it is indeed helping you as a player, all i ask is that you just throw a little something in the tip jar...especially since it's tax season ferchrissakes
You can make PayPal donations to this address:
You can make Venmo donations to this address:
a person could potentially purchase a myriad of Homeskoolin' related merch..including several different extremely comfortable and nice feeling T-shirts and some beautifully constructed coffee mugs for those afflicted with thin lips...i pride myself on having the comfiest t shirts on scratchy bad fitting horseshit here people.. check it out at
AND....believe it or not....i have a new website actual proper website.
You can see all kinds of weird old photos there, you can also purchase a download of the live concert i did last December if you like.
A lot of these very same new viewers don't seem to know that Uncle Larry made a couple records that they could potentially listen to... one is an instrumental solo record called "Plexi Soul" that is available here:
another is an instrumental collaboration with his dear friend Dean Deleo (originally from the Stone Temple Pilots organization) that is available here:
January 16th, 2024
Homeskoolin’ Volume 269, Tom Bukovac, “Got My Mojo On Temporary Hiatus”

00:00 - Plucking Beatles and jamming on a tele
04:53 - Intro / Snow day
05:45 - Jim Irsay gig / Comfortably Numb / Stephen Stills
07:54 - Cigarette tuner / T-shirt / NFL
09:03 - '66 Tele & Goldtop / Sex appeal
10:53 - Strings brand (DR Pure Blues)
12:20 - Doors - People Are Strange
13:30 - VCB (Viewer Comment Bin) / Collectables / Topps cards / Beer cans
15:18 - Modeling amps / Deluxe / Princetons
16:10 - Best arm in the NFL?
17:18 - Playing with Billy Gibbons
17:52 - Selling guitar for son / Uncle Larry's Garage Sale
Uncle Larry covers a ton of snowy frozen ground in today’s episode...
the week in a few attempts at quelling the insatiable needs of the VCB...
and a little neck squeezin' on 6 pound maple cap transition logo tele.
so we have a lot of new viewers recently ...and dearest Rick Beato told me that the video we made together a while back should be coming out very shortly, so i'm imagining there will probably be a few new arrivals from that world...
here's the real inside shit folks...i NEVER ask anyone to subscribe or "smash that like button"....
if you do indeed learn a lot of stuff from this channel and feel like it is indeed helping you as a player, all i ask is that you just throw a little something in the tip jar...
i'm not gonna lie people, it helps pay for beer, food for me and the boys, bills, and old guitars...that is truly all i use it for....oh, and maybe the occasional football bet...
where is this tip jar you say???
You can make PayPal donations to this address:
You can make Venmo donations to this address:
a person could potentially purchase a myriad of Homeskoolin' related merch..including several different extremely comfortable and nice feeling T-shirts and some beautifully constructed coffee mugs for those afflicted with thin lips...i pride myself on having the comfiest t shirts on scratchy bad fitting horseshit here people.. check it out at
AND....believe it or not....i have a new website actual proper website.
You can see all kinds of weird old photos there, you can also purchase a download of the live concert i did last December if you like.
A lot of these very same new viewers don't seem to know that Uncle Larry made a couple records that they could potentially listen to...
one is an instrumental solo record called "Plexi Soul" that is available here:
another is an instrumental collaboration with his dear friend Dean Deleo (originally from the Stone Temple Pilots organization) that is available here:
January 11th, 2024
Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Rehearsal…(With Lasers)”

00:00 - Amazing guitar from Kenny Wayne Shepherd during rehearsal
I don’t know about you guys, but I personally don’t think any rehearsal is worth a damn unless there are lasers…..oh, and you think YOU play loud?
Mike Mills
Mikey Wanchic
Michael Ramos
Danny Nucci
Kenny Aronoff
The singer chicks
Remember that movie where the soccer team crashed a plane in the arctic and they had to eat each other to survive? It was called “Alive”
Yeah, Danny Nucci was in that…as well as a little movie you mighta heard of called “Titanic”
Cool guy, but I can bench more than him
And most importantly, happy birthday Richard Reith…it’s been two years and we still think about you every day
November 5th, 2023
Homeskoolin’ Volume 252, Tom Bukovac, “The Evolution Of The Short Attention Span”

00:00 - Wonderful playing and twanging away
04:20 - Hello, friends!
05:15 - Pick hitting the pickups pet peeve
06:06 - National New Yorker - Memphis Minnie
07:55 - Tuning guitar to the hall (Frank Zappa)
08:55 - Jim Irsay and recording / J Sol "My Girl"
10:22 - Counterpoint notes
10:50 - Lesson: Beatles - Blackbird / Stealing good melodies
12:35 - VCB / "How many songs do you know?"
13:42 - Idiosyncrasies inside songs that you have forgotten
15:00 - Run Rudolph Run bass guitar / Pound you over the head with cool hooks
18:14 - Reggie Young chat / Saving licks to the end of recording
20:28 - Not being a crusty old guy, just giving some wisdom
(Editors note...this video was shot Friday morning and it disappeared into the ether as i was trying to upload it...and to be perfectly honest, i completely forgot about it until it popped up at 5am on a Sunday morning hahaa)
Larry gets off on a good old fashioned Cleveland style rant today....
So...if you want to check out one of the rad limited edition prints Ziggy drew up to commemorate episode 250 go here:
and...we are getting damn close to 90K
there are a couple hundred vinyl copies of Plexi soul still left...if you want one go to either of these two links folks
a LOT of new viewers have recently asked "where is the tip jar?" when they felt led to contribute something after watching a few of the 700-ish free videos i have posted over the last 3 years.
You can make PayPal donations to this address:
You can make Venmo donations to this address:
@Tom-Bukovac-1 can purchase a myriad of Homeskoolin' related merchandise..including several different T-shirts and some beautifully constructed coffee mugs for those afflicted with thin lips...
AND....believe it or not....i have a new website actual proper website.
You can see all kinds of weird old photos there, you can also purchase a download of the live concert i did last December if you like.
A lot of these very same new viewers don't seem to know that Uncle Larry made a couple records that they could potentially listen is an instrumental solo record called "Plexi Soul" that is available here:
another is an instrumental collaboration with his dear friend Dean Deleo (originally from the Stone Temple Pilots organization) that is available here:
September 27th, 2023
Homeskoolin' Volume 245, Tom Bukovac, "Chops Vs Feel"

00:00 - Spacey, trippy playing
02:14 - Polychord? Pedaltone? (Important lesson here kids)
04:40 - Hello, folks! / Chill week vs. career crashing
05:33 - EHX Memory Man / New pedalboard
07:19 - Memory Man maximum delay time
08:00 - Use it in chorus or vibrato mode? / Demonstration
08:55 - Ebo E-Verb is amazing
09:45 - Special "Fuck-Off" for flipping guitars critic
10:39 - The whole point of the channel
10:58 - Do you like to play loud? / Kenny Wayne
12:24 - Rock 'n' Roll lawyer
13:04 - Undulating / Bending the neck
13:56 - Studio guys in live band context delicacy
16:26 - Tom's sons progressing at music beautifully
17:40 - Totally original guitar player? Allan Holdsworth
20:17 - Drummers that have the best 'feel'? John Bonham, Jim Gordon, Phil Collins
21:56 - Having guitar talent with no 'feel'
23:05 - What band do you not like...everbody else does?
25:00 - Expense of Les Pauls and progression
27:20 - Do I talk too much?
27:46 - Totally chopped Epiphone Crestwood
28:51 - Playing: Joy of big distortion
29:42 - Crazy edits video guy, Buddy Jolly
In this video Uncle Larry goes to some "unusual places"
Check out this guy's crazy videos next time you are bored.
September 25th, 2023
Homeskoolin' Volume 243, Tom Bukovac, "18 Strings And A Dozen Roses"

00:00 - Video footage of solo that will go down in History at Irsay gig with Ann Wilson
01:05 - Spinning into playing the Doubleneck
03:50 - What's up? / Farm Aid - Jim Irsay Band
06:00 - Homeskoolin' going on too long? / Thank you t-shirt and vacuuming
07:42 - VCB (Viewer Comment Bin) / "How long to get ready for gig?"
08:30 - Highlight of awesome solo at Farm Aid!
08:45 - Gibson SG and what amp?
09:20 - 10 Road Dog Tips for Being on the Road ("That Dog Will Bite You")
11:20 - "Are you plastered?" / Real tired
13:00 - Gibson SG Special only on live gigs / Continue with others
15:43 - Lesson: Scale chords and moving up fretboard
18:42 - Singing and dancing on the fretboard
19:25 - NFL eletric football team (Cleveland Browns)
Uncle Larry slaves over a hot slab of VCB in an effort to entertain and educate the class.
a LOT of new viewers have recently asked "where is the tip jar?" when they felt led to contribute something after 243 free guitar lessons
You can make PayPal donations to this address:
You can make Venmo donations to this address:
@Tom-Bukovac-1 can purchase a myriad of Homeskoolin' related merchandise..including several different T-shirts and some beautifully constructed coffee mugs for those afflicted with thin lips...
AND....believe it or not....i have a new website actual proper website.
You can see all kinds of weird old photos there, you can also purchase a download of the live concert i did last December if you like.
There are still a few more of the hand signed limited edition Uncle Larry prints that Ziggy O'Leary did left....if you wanna check one out go here:
A lot of these very same new viewers don't seem to know that Uncle Larry made a couple records that they could potentially listen is an instrumental solo record called "Plexi Soul" that is available here:
another is an instrumental collaboration with his dear friend Dean Deleo (originally from the Stone Temple Pilots organization) that is available here:
September 23rd, 2023
Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Soul Hotel”

00:00 - Hitting it where it counts with some deep, amazing playing
04:00 - Hello, friends! / Jim Irsay gig
04:50 - Lesson: Common Uncle Larry lick (Please watch this wizardary!) / Sneaky IV chord
06:13 - Lesson: ZZ Top - I Thank You
07:26 - Lesson: Changing Blues to D
Uncle Larry shares a bit of his morning practice ritual with his fellow Homeskoolers.
Just a little tune I just made up to go with my hotel room coffee with no real half and half.
September 8th, 2023
Homeskoolin’ Bonus, “Uncle Larry Plays The Hits”

00:00 - Rehearsing for a big show
Uncle Larry goes back to his cover band roots on a gig in Indy.
Stacey McKracken
Peter Wolf
Sweet Mikey Mills
The Tireless Kenny Aronoff
and many others
July 30th, 2023
Homeskoolin' Volume 232, Tom Bukovac, "Ice Breaker Blues"

00:00 - That playing that hits you right there
03:39 - Hello, friends! / Early morning Larry
04:00 - Lesson: Old Larry trick with a lot of Soul (2 chord progression)
06:30 - Thank yous
08:45 - Robert Keeley - Nobel Screamer / Halo
09:20 - Guitar nerd chat / Support your pedal friends
12:15 - Goodbye to Donnie Baker
12:55 - VCB (Viewer Comment Bin) / Jim Irsay Boston gig
13:45 - Peter Wolfe
14:24 - Selling gear? Buying?
15:45 - Car shopping with motorhead Scank
16:40 - '61 Fender Telecaster / Callaham stainless steel compensated saddles
17:51 - Telecasters happening in the '60s
19:20 - Slab board (Brazilian fretboard)
19:45 - Super low pickup height / Selector
20:20 - Mud cap and playing it as a bass / Playing
22:12 - 1970 Monte Carlo
Uncle Larry answers some VCB and talks about his favorite "soundcheck song".
Here is some CLASSIC Donnie Baker for anyone who doesn't know....
rest in peace brother
if you guys feel led to throw something in the jar...
my PayPal address is
July 16th, 2023
Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Boston Memories”

00:00 - Rehearsal for Jim Irsay in Boston, MA - Pink Floyd cover
02:22 - J. Geils Band cover - Musta Got Lost
02:45 - Huddle in rehearsal
03:20 - Playing Kenny Wayne Shepherd's guitar / Huddling
Well kids, I played a super fun show at "The Gaaahhden" in Boston last night with the Jim Irsay band.
Go ahead and say what you want about Irsay being a money grubbing billionaire (like you guys always do anytime I mention his name)......but he put on an absolutely free concert for the entire city of Boston that probably cost him millions solely out of the goodness of his heart..
Thanks to all the many Homeskoolers who came out and showed their comfy HS t shirts.
Just some random rehearsal clips, starring...
Duke Levine, Kevin Cronin, Kenny Aronoff, Kenny Wayne Shepard, Mike Mills, Ebo, Carmella Ramsey , Mike Wanchic, Danny Nucci, Michael Ramos and many others
July 7th, 2023
Homeskoolin' Volume 228, Tom Bukovac, "The Sad Fate Of Frozen Meat"

00:00 - Strumming and intro / Memories
02:00 - Coming sessions / Kid Rock / Irsay gig
03:30 - Many thanks
04:09 - Storm came through lost power and the generator
05:30 - Taylor acoustic
06:00 - Listening to music with boys / "Devil Went Down to Georgia"
06:48 - Loopers broke / Cat Stevens got to be the coolest guy
09:00 - Pete Townshend song writing / "You Better You Bet"
09:50 - Lesson: Chord sheet to "You Better You Bet"
10:10 - "You Better You Bet" playing
13:56 - Lesson: Chords progressions
18:00 - Many thanks again
Uncle Larry returns to the Homeskoolin' program after a long hiatus during which time he was in exhaustive "solo dad when kids are out of school" mode.
Please check out
Lots of fun stuff on there...tons of photos, links, etc etc
AND... you can buy the digital download of the birthday concert!
March 4th, 2023
Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Double Down”

00:00 - Little behind the scenes with some great players
Vegas baby…if anyone is bored today in Vegas come to the free show downtown….starts at noon.
We got Billy Gibbons, Vince Gill, Kevin Cronin, Kenny Wayne, Kenny Aronoff, Mikey Mills, Jimmy Irsay, Mikey Wanchic, Billy Branch on the harp, and some other crabby old guy who’s name I can’t remember.
We had to move the show time up because of approaching inclement weather.
Millsy and I have a lot of fun over on stage right….never stop laughing…or drinking. He’s a lovely guy and i appreciate the fact that he always puts up with me and my little camera.
December 14th, 2022
Homeskoolin’ Volume 179, Tom Bukovac, “Big Wheel”

00:00 - Experimenting
01:45 - Hello / Intro
03:00 - VCB (Viewer Comment Bin) / Thanks / Concert
04:00 - Full band and fitting into context / Small parts making complete song
05:34 - Beatles - Martha My Dear
06:00 - Lesson: Bass and drums don't have to follow each other
07:30 - Not just strumming / Finding what to play
08:45 - John Fogerty tune and story
13:12 - Rockin' playing
16:32 - Burst Believers VI (Book of guitars) / David Bowie
Uncle Larry waxes rhapsodic about interlocking all the musical puzzle pieces…in an effort to make something have “the boogie”
December 13th, 2022
Homeskoolin’ PSA “Pay Per View Blues”

00:00 - Playing guitar as well as dad
01:37 - Hey, friends! / Announcement
03:43 - Jim Irsay footage
THIS IS THE LINK to the pay per view stream for the upcoming live Uncle Larry show on December 20th.
PLEASE use the tip jar on this one friends….to pay the poor overworked band guys….they will be busting their asses to learn my silly songs.
By the way, all riffs in the opening of this video were written by Marshall....who just turned 10.
September 12th, 2022
Homeskoolin’ Bonus “The Choogler”

00:00 - The work that goes into a show
I’ve got hours of this crazy rehearsal shit on my phone….there are some gems hidden within i ain’t gonna lie.
September 9th, 2022
Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Life Is Surreal Pt . 211”

00:00 - Rehearsal for show
Just when i thought things couldn’t get any weirder…now there are dancers!!
See y’all tomorrow at Lucas Oil Field in Indy for the big Jimmy Irsay exhibition gig. 60,000 plus tickets already spoken for…
Should be crazy
Mikey Mills
Kenny Wayne Sheperd
Jimmy Irsay
John Hiatt
Ann Wilson
Mike Wanchic
Buddy Guy
Kenny Aronoff
Billy Branch
Carmella Ramsey
Danny Nucci
Michael Ramos
The singers
The dancers
June 3rd, 2022
Homeskoolin’ Bonus….”Central Park Larry”

00:00 - Getting ready for a gig
A brief look at last nights gig in NYC…thanks to all the homeskoolers that came out!!
March 13th, 2022
Homeskoolin’ Bonus Jam…ZZ Tom

00:00 - Rehearsing with the man himself, Billy Gibbons
A super rough rehearsal sketch from the moment when our little band was joined by the coolest guy that ever walked on this earth….as you all know Uncle Larry is a huge fan of the Reverend Billy G….I have been lucky enough to work with him a couple times in my humble career.
He is the NICEST guy you will ever meet.
Ol’ Larry rarely gets starstruck by anybody but i gotta admit it’s a very cool feeling being anywhere near Billy Gibbons.
I didn’t think he would remember me from the last time we jammed together, but when he walked up on stage at this rehearsal and looked right at me and yelled out “Mr. T” i gotta admit i was instantly 13 years old again sitting in my room listening to “It’s Only Love” off the Tejas album and staring at that amazing album sleeve. Such a genius, such a sweetheart and such a class act…and soooo cool and easy to work with.
If i could ever achieve just one percent of the coolness this man exudes in my own life i would be absolutely thrilled.
Credit to my dear 9 year old son Marshall for coming up with the title for this video….he’s great at coming up with cool names for stuff quickly haha.
March 12th, 2022
Homeskoolin Bonus, Collection

00:00 - Kenny Aronoff playing Ringo Starr's drum kit.
Just a small portion of the Jim Irsay collection of incredible memorabilia….featuring the tireless Kenny Aronoff.
March 12th, 2022
Homeskoolin’ Bonus Pack, “Larry’s Blues”

00:00 - Rehearsal footage
In LA rehearsing with a great group of freakishly talented people you may recognize for a private gig…great fun