March 9th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Saturday Guitar Repair Pt 2”

00:00 - Picking sessions to play on / Good musicians (Dan Auerbach)
02:00 - Stringing mess / Good days vs. bad days
02:50 - Main thing is the singer / Little goals
05:14 - High E wrap
05:48 - Robert Keeley (Angry Orange, Blues Disorder, Super Rodent)
07:05 - Earthquaker call for help
07:36 - Saddles
08:00 - "Wang Bar" adjustment / In tune
11:04 - When someone doesn't tune
13:00 - Irsay update

well friends, if you made it this far you are definitely a real Homeskooler....

the instrumental record i made with dearest Guthrie Trapp is scheduled for release on May 1st...very exciting.

and....since we have a lot of new viewers coming along recently...
let me tell ya' how shit works around here...
first off, i NEVER ask anyone to subscribe or "smash that like button"....

if you do indeed learn some useful stuff from this channel and feel like it is indeed helping you as a player, all i ask is that you just throw a little something in the tip jar...especially since it's tax season ferchrissakes

You can make PayPal donations to this address:
You can make Venmo donations to this address:

a person could potentially purchase a myriad of Homeskoolin' related merch..including several different extremely comfortable and nice feeling T-shirts and some beautifully constructed coffee mugs for those afflicted with thin lips...i pride myself on having the comfiest t shirts on scratchy bad fitting horseshit here people.. check it out at

AND....believe it or not....i have a new website actual proper website.

You can see all kinds of weird old photos there, you can also purchase a download of the live concert i did last December if you like.

A lot of these very same new viewers don't seem to know that Uncle Larry made a couple records that they could potentially listen to... one is an instrumental solo record called "Plexi Soul" that is available here:

another is an instrumental collaboration with his dear friend Dean Deleo (originally from the Stone Temple Pilots organization) that is available here:

December 14th, 2023

Homeskoolin’ Volume 264, Tom Bukovac, “Flitch Matched Double Cream Quarter Sawn Blues”

00:00 - Those Blues are a comin'
04:29 - Lesson: Short picking
05:28 - Keely - Blues Disorder short demo
06:00 - Thanksgiving in December / Kenny Aronoff love / Worst ghettos in the world / Robert Keely
09:17 - Silviu -> VintagePipesNightmare / Teddy Boy
10:32 - Book of electric guitars / Rare Stratocasters
12:35 - Excited about Dec. 31st and the NFL
13:42 - '63 Gibson Firebird and the Flintstones
14:32 - The Burst is the best guitar
16:18 - "Beauty of the Burst" book (PAFs)
16:49 - Best guitar you played that's not yours?  Dan Auerbach's Tele, '38 Martin D18, Triple Pickup Les Paul Custom

Uncle Larry turns over some rocks on the shallow shores of the mysterious River of Life, and takes a few pictures with God’s camera that he found laying on a park bench…with the lens zoomed out as far as it can go.

Oh, and he tries out a pedal too…

i want to sincerely thank the dear boys at Universal Audio for sending over a nice coffee mug and comfy t shirt...much appreciated my friends.

if you are feeling like your life sucks, watch this about 3 times in a row, hug your kids and have a your boss and say "thank you for the opportunity to make a living"

so....we have a LOT of new viewers recently

i never ask anyone to subscribe or "smash that like button"....

if you learn a bunch of stuff from this channel and feel like it's helping you as a player, all i ask is that you PLEASE throw something in the tip jar

where is the tip jar?

You can make PayPal donations to this address:

You can make Venmo donations to this address:
@Tom-Bukovac-1 can purchase a myriad of Homeskoolin' related merchandise..including several different T-shirts and some beautifully constructed coffee mugs for those afflicted with thin lips...

AND....believe it or not....i have a new website actual proper website.

You can see all kinds of weird old photos there, you can also purchase a download of the live concert i did last December if you like.

A lot of these very same new viewers don't seem to know that Uncle Larry made a couple records that they could potentially listen to... one is an instrumental solo record called "Plexi Soul" that is available here:

another is an instrumental collaboration with his dear friend Dean Deleo (originally from the Stone Temple Pilots organization) that is available here: