July 30th, 2023

Homeskoolin' Volume 232, Tom Bukovac, "Ice Breaker Blues"

00:00 - That playing that hits you right there
03:39 - Hello, friends! / Early morning Larry
04:00 - Lesson: Old Larry trick with a lot of Soul (2 chord progression)
06:30 - Thank yous
08:45 - Robert Keeley - Nobel Screamer / Halo
09:20 - Guitar nerd chat / Support your pedal friends
12:15 - Goodbye to Donnie Baker
12:55 - VCB (Viewer Comment Bin) / Jim Irsay Boston gig
13:45 - Peter Wolfe
14:24 - Selling gear? Buying?
15:45 - Car shopping with motorhead Scank
16:40 - '61 Fender Telecaster / Callaham stainless steel compensated saddles
17:51 - Telecasters happening in the '60s
19:20 - Slab board (Brazilian fretboard)
19:45 - Super low pickup height / Selector
20:20 - Mud cap and playing it as a bass / Playing
22:12 - 1970 Monte Carlo

Uncle Larry answers some VCB and talks about his favorite "soundcheck song".

Here is some CLASSIC Donnie Baker for anyone who doesn't know....

rest in peace brother

if you guys feel led to throw something in the jar...
my PayPal address is tombukovac@gmail.com

July 16th, 2023

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Boston Memories”

00:00 - Rehearsal for Jim Irsay in Boston, MA - Pink Floyd cover
02:22 - J. Geils Band cover - Musta Got Lost
02:45 - Huddle in rehearsal
03:20 - Playing Kenny Wayne Shepherd's guitar / Huddling

Well kids, I played a super fun show at "The Gaaahhden" in Boston last night with the Jim Irsay band.

Go ahead and say what you want about Irsay being a money grubbing billionaire (like you guys always do anytime I mention his name)......but he put on an absolutely free concert for the entire city of Boston that probably cost him millions solely out of the goodness of his heart..

Thanks to all the many Homeskoolers who came out and showed their comfy HS t shirts.

Just some random rehearsal clips, starring...
Duke Levine, Kevin Cronin, Kenny Aronoff, Kenny Wayne Shepard, Mike Mills, Ebo, Carmella Ramsey , Mike Wanchic, Danny Nucci, Michael Ramos and many others