November 30th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Volume 367, Tom Bukovac, “Big Boy Guitar”

00:00 - Cranking on the guitar
01:05 - Music City Bridge
02:20 - Hi friends! / NFL / 8 days of my life
03:46 - Impersonation Contest
05:46 - 1960 Gibson Les Paul Junior - Tom Boots with matching amp / Uncle Larry's Garage Sale
08:20 - $15,000 guitar and amp fixed by Ebo
09:35 - Another Fender Telecaster incoming

Step right up friends and secure the rights to the best guitar you have....


check out this sweet kid...fuckin awesome

October 2nd, 2024

Homeskoolin' Bonus "Led Boots"

00:00 - Tom Boots '55 Gibson Les Paul Jr.
03:16 - Hello friends / '55 Gibson Les Paul Jr.
04:00 - In tune with Music City Bridge Studfinder
04:18 - Cars / Low E string and Tweed Deluxe
05:47 - Comparison with Gibson SG Special P90
07:00 - Gibson SG Special
07:52 - '55 Gibson Les Paul Special
08:25 - Thomas Boots Jr. / Thunky and chunky / On 10 and The Who - Pinball Wizard

Uncle Larry shows the class a piece of Nebraska history.
R.I.P. Thomas Boots

September 11th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Volume 338, Tom Bukovac, “Menstrual In The Gallery”

00:00 - Struming along
00:30 - Lesson: Chord (G B D G B G) on piano (Root, 3rd, 5th)
02:10 - Fairview antique stores
02:43 - Steve Gorman
03:22 - Jethro Tull / Flute - Ian Anderson / Best acoustic guitar (Ian Anderson - My God)
05:45 - Music City Bridge for Gretsch
07:31 - VCB (Viewer Comment Bin) / Worst guitar sound (Randy Rhodes - Crazy Train)
08:58 - Guitar arrangement of classic songs
10:37 - Thanks
12:00 - Antique shopping and vinyl paradise

Uncle Larry giving it to ya Homeskoolin style on a fine Wednesday

Buy one of these friends…you will not regret it

Try to fathom for a second that this is a totally live performance ….no tracks, no bullshit..

Music is so much better now

May 3rd, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Volume 305, Tom Bukovac, “That Confounded Bridge

00:00 - Rockin' some chords
02:20 - Far out pickin' pattern
03:08 - Yo'! / Gibson Maestro GA-45
04:07 - Song form (very important) / "Fixing a broken song"
08:15 - Lesson: "The Middle Eight"
09:43 - Best bridges of all time: 38 Special - Caught Up In You
12:00 - Back half of the bridge / Low harmony
12:33 - Working with Donnie & Johnny Van Zant
13:11 - Bridge is even better #2: Badfinger - Baby Blue
14:50 - Best bridge of all: Uncle Kracker - Drift Away (Reggie Young)
16:53 - Good bridge: Aerosmith - Living On The Edge

Uncle Larry gives ya a little look into the world of song form….and a magical device that the British call “the middle eight”

Oh, and the click bait thumbnail has absolutely NOTHING to do with this video but I just thought some of you motorheads out there might dig takin a gander at the 71 396 Camaro I owned for a while back before my dear boys were born

If you like these silly videos then maybe something in the tip jar…

If you hate them, then don’t…

My PayPal is

My Venmo is @Tom-Bukovac-1

March 21st, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Volume 292, Tom Bukovac, “Fresh Out Da Bed”

00:00 - Testing out the Junior and letting it ring out
04:40 - Hello, Larry! / Fresh out the bed / Thanks for 100k subscribers / Buk-o-Vac / New mugs
06:00 - 4 years to the day - 100,000
06:30 - Ticketmaster situation for Weezer / Appreciation for Homeskoolers / Road trip?
08:03 - '57 Gibson Les Paul Junior
09:04 - Try that chord see how it sounds
09:20 - Packing material trick / Open the bottom of guitar box first
10:50 - Brett Papa work
11:01 - In tune chord [0 11 x 13 14 14]  (E69)
11:34 - "Whatcha been listening to?" / Sly and The Family Stone
13:07 - "Whatcha been watching, Larry?" / "What Went Wrong"

Uncle Larry explores the deepest crevasses of a 60 junior he just got….and gives ya a life hack that you might actually use.

new coffee cups!

and if you have never heard this total awesomeness, you're welcome...the funkiest, blackest shit EVER recorded by human beings on this planet if ya ask me...
dig the guitar/horn stabs in the the FUCK did they do that?

March 21st, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Volume 291, Tom Bukovac, “Greenville Blues”

00:00 - Monte Carlo driving into setup video
02:15 - Studfinder didn't fit / 100,000 subscribers
03:20 - Weezer
08:52 - Gibson Les Paul Jr is in tune
10:07 - Nik Drusel and Music City Bridge what guitars will work

Uncle Larry throws a stud finder on a recently acquired 1960 LP Junior....

if you have questions about what bridge to get for your guitar, email Nick at

March 12th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Volume 289, Tom Bukovac “Pablo Escolar Pt.2”

00:00 - Continuation / Cookie dough treats
02:14 - Music City Bridge
04:00 - On being a dinosaur / Old man costume
05:43 - Tuning
06:52 - Goodrich volume pedal
07:30 - Garage Sale: Electric Mistress (the rarest) / Epiphone guitar
09:25 - "Why you selling?" / Tuning and playing
13:20 - Thanks and 55 years of pain

Hello friends…Uncle Larry discusses the finer points of sushi and the new cult of modern day Gibson haters in this two part docu-series filmed on his garage shop work bench.

i accidentally called the guitar that's for sale in the Uncle Larry's Garage Sale portion of this video a 1961 Epiphone's actually a 1961 Epiphone Wilshire. (sorry i was moving fast)

if you are interested in it or the EXTREMELY rare blue graphics 1977 Electric Mistress just email me at

if you want one of these bad ass bridges here ya go...

and....since we have a lot of new viewers coming along recently...
let me tell ya' how shit works around here...
first off, i NEVER ask anyone to subscribe or "smash that like button"....

if you do indeed learn some useful stuff from this channel and feel like it is indeed helping you as a player, all i ask is that you just throw a little something in the tip jar...especially since it's tax season ferchrissakes

You can make PayPal donations to this address:
You can make Venmo donations to this address:

a person could potentially purchase a myriad of Homeskoolin' related merch..including several different extremely comfortable and nice feeling T-shirts and some beautifully constructed coffee mugs for those afflicted with thin lips...i pride myself on having the comfiest t shirts on scratchy bad fitting horseshit here people.. check it out at

AND....believe it or not....i have a new website actual proper website.

You can see all kinds of weird old photos there, you can also purchase a download of the live concert i did last December if you like.

A lot of these very same new viewers don't seem to know that Uncle Larry made a couple records that they could potentially listen to... one is an instrumental solo record called "Plexi Soul" that is available here:

another is an instrumental collaboration with his dear friend Dean Deleo (originally from the Stone Temple Pilots organization) that is available here:

March 12th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Volume 289, Tom Bukovac “Pablo Escolar Pt. 1”

00:00 - Changing strings / Endorsements
03:20 - Homeskoolin' love / Music City Bridge / Colossal waste of comments out there
05:20 - Gibson hate
07:18 - Comments on video: "I love how everybody is an expert."
08:28 - Golden age Fenders and Gibsons craftsmanship
09:30 - Remakes and replicas versus putting together parts
11:04 - "Fender: The Sound Heard Around the World"
12:30 - Old tricks stringing

Hello friends part two…Uncle Larry discusses the finer points of sushi and the new cult of modern day Gibson haters in this two part docu-series filmed on his garage shop work bench.

i accidentally called the guitar that's for sale in the Uncle Larry's Garage Sale portion of this video a 1961 Epiphone's actually a 1961 Epiphone Wilshire. (sorry i was moving fast)

if you are interested in it or the EXTREMELY rare blue graphics 1977 Electric Mistress just email me at

if you want one of these bad ass bridges here ya go...

and....since we have a lot of new viewers coming along recently...
let me tell ya' how shit works around here...
first off, i NEVER ask anyone to subscribe or "smash that like button"....

if you do indeed learn some useful stuff from this channel and feel like it is indeed helping you as a player, all i ask is that you just throw a little something in the tip jar...especially since it's tax season ferchrissakes

You can make PayPal donations to this address:
You can make Venmo donations to this address:

a person could potentially purchase a myriad of Homeskoolin' related merch..including several different extremely comfortable and nice feeling T-shirts and some beautifully constructed coffee mugs for those afflicted with thin lips...i pride myself on having the comfiest t shirts on scratchy bad fitting horseshit here people.. check it out at

AND....believe it or not....i have a new website actual proper website.

You can see all kinds of weird old photos there, you can also purchase a download of the live concert i did last December if you like.

A lot of these very same new viewers don't seem to know that Uncle Larry made a couple records that they could potentially listen to... one is an instrumental solo record called "Plexi Soul" that is available here:

another is an instrumental collaboration with his dear friend Dean Deleo (originally from the Stone Temple Pilots organization) that is available here:

August 29th, 2023

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Mr. Glaser’s Attic”

00:00 - Tour of some treasures and an important mailbox

A brief look inside the mind and the business of one of Nashville’s most beloved people, Joe Glaser…founder of Glaser Instrument Repair.
If you play guitar and you have ever lived in Nashville you KNOW who Joe Glaser is.

A dear dear friend and a TRULY brilliant brain.

Absolutely one of a kind…I have cherished my friendship with this man for decades. One of the most interesting conversationalists I have ever known, and believe me I know some interesting conversationalists!

Hope you enjoy

August 23rd, 2023

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Primitive Gold"

00:00 - '52 Gibson Les Paul guitar gets new bridge
03:10 - Out of phase pickups due to wiring and poles
05:30 - Frets, fretboard, inlays and depth of inlays
08:50 - Tour of the rest of the guitar
10:32 - Old Gibson case
11:00 - Hardest part?
13:20 - In tune
16:40 - Playing

In this video Larry picks up a very crude early first year model ‘52 Les Paul that was just worked on by Andrew Jellison at Strung Out Guitar Repair in Nashville.

The miracle bridge that retrofits on to the ancient original tailpiece that these guitars came with from the factory is designed by Music City Bridge.

Hope you enjoy

August 15th, 2023

Homeskoolin’ Goes To Gruhn’s Volume 4

00:00 - Intro to Corey Terrell, Eric “Ebo” Borash, Greg Voros
02:47 - Creedence Clearwater Revival - Fortunate Son (John Forgerty)
04:27 - Fortunate Son tuning, playing, and son realizing playing incorrectly
05:48 - Tom's parts playing with John Fogerty
06:18 - Bad Moon Rising
07:11 - Discussing fucking cool guitars and P90s
12:40 - '56 Gibson Junior / '56 Gibson Junior Double Cut / Comparison
14:50 - Playing '56 Gibson Junior #1
15:45 - That acoustic guitar quality when turning it down
16:45 - Playing '56 Gibson Junior #2 / No one plays those frets
18:10 - Lower output of #2
18:46 - Back to #1 and brighter
19:05 - Gibson Double Cut with Music City Bridge
20:30 - Playing Double Cut
21:28 - Lesson: Mashing fingers bends / Playing
23:23 - Bending tip with vibrato / Playing
26:05 - Fucking awesome faux delay
27:05 - '56 Gibson Junior TV
28:25 - Led Zeppelin - Misty Moutain Hop / Playing
30:00 - Pickup height
35:00 - Bursts
46:00 - Repaired guitars, ethics, and price differences
57:00 - George Gruhn's wisdom enters the picture
65:00 - "Is there a change in the air?"

Starring the usual cast of characters

Special thanks to Heavy Duty for filming this mess.

July 30th, 2023

Homeskoolin' Volume 232, Tom Bukovac, "Ice Breaker Blues"

00:00 - That playing that hits you right there
03:39 - Hello, friends! / Early morning Larry
04:00 - Lesson: Old Larry trick with a lot of Soul (2 chord progression)
06:30 - Thank yous
08:45 - Robert Keeley - Nobel Screamer / Halo
09:20 - Guitar nerd chat / Support your pedal friends
12:15 - Goodbye to Donnie Baker
12:55 - VCB (Viewer Comment Bin) / Jim Irsay Boston gig
13:45 - Peter Wolfe
14:24 - Selling gear? Buying?
15:45 - Car shopping with motorhead Scank
16:40 - '61 Fender Telecaster / Callaham stainless steel compensated saddles
17:51 - Telecasters happening in the '60s
19:20 - Slab board (Brazilian fretboard)
19:45 - Super low pickup height / Selector
20:20 - Mud cap and playing it as a bass / Playing
22:12 - 1970 Monte Carlo

Uncle Larry answers some VCB and talks about his favorite "soundcheck song".

Here is some CLASSIC Donnie Baker for anyone who doesn't know....

rest in peace brother

if you guys feel led to throw something in the jar...
my PayPal address is

May 11th, 2023

Homeskoolin' Volume 215, Tom Bukovac, "Orange Skin Blues"

00:00 - Some Country playing and whammy bar playing
02:45 - Hello, class!
03:33 - Guitar picks / Rolling Rock pick / Favorite
05:38 - '62 Strat / Wang bars (Vibrato vs. Tremolo) / Leo Fender
07:25 - Talent show at son's school (Back In Black)
07:48 - Lesson: Wang bars (whammy bar, trem, vibrato) and how to use it
09:40 - Floating the bar
10:18 - Different position
10:45 - Setting up a wang bar and measurement
12:10 - Gretsch Sparkle Jet with Bigsby measurement
14:11 - Subtle effect
15:33 - Teddy Boy! altercation / Totalling up guitar expenditure / Brian May
19:20 - Pickup height
20:15 - Thanks
21:21 - Plexi Soul CDs
21:45 - Music City Bridge
23:20 - Go practice!  "Stop watching The Gear Page"

Uncle Larry addresses a major problem in the guitar culture...a complete and total misunderstanding of what that shiny metal bar that sticks out of your bridge is supposed to do.

Thanks for watching kids, i mean it

Paypal tip jar is

Venmo tip jar is @Tom-Bukovac-1

May 9th, 2023

Homeskoolin' Volume 214, Tom Bukovac, "The Viking Scale"

00:00 - Jamming on some strings
01:13 - Demonstration of ashtray (faraday cage) on a guitar (with and without)
02:00 - Hello / Box of Rock rehousing / Greg Voros coffee
03:08 - Speed playing around
03:28 - Lesson: "The Viking Scale"
04:12 - "Original Ace Hendrix Strap"
04:35 - '54 Esquire / Playing
05:45 - Ashtray cover back on comparison
05:58 - Pedals (Simulate ashtray cover / Snare rattle)
06:44 - Joe Glaser & Music City Bridge cool idea
07:15 - Tele bridge pickup in guitar demo
08:16 - Steel guitar playing / Waylon Jennings
09:13 - "Learn how to fix a Wurlitzer"
09:30 - VCB (Viewer Comment Bin) / Ebo comedic timing
10:00 - Grammar helping a viewer / Session players humor and getting serious
11:45 - Bohemian Grove
13:22 - Double slide / Learning new tricks
14:17 - Lesson: New trick / Doubling track
16:37 - The Gear Page and the ODR-1 / Social Media is not cool

Uncle Larry filets and pan fries the VCB and plunks around on a nice old slab of golden age Fullerton Fender.

February 1st, 2023

Homeskoolin’ Daily Double Bonus “The BONG”

00:00 - Some soulful playing as always
01:16 - Gibson 335 and getting it to sound great
04:01 - Norman Blake story: different brand strings

uhhhhh…probably not the kind of bong you guys are thinking of…

i'm talking about the acoustic PURITY of the sound of each individual string...and the SUSTAIN....
the point of contact....the shit that can make a lifer guitar player slowly descend into the pit of madness when it ain't right....

Special thanks to Nick from Glaser Instruments for doing an amazing job refretting this old dog…nice work my man.

Thanks for watching people…and for the kind words…and for the generosity

Paypal tip jar if you feel led

January 27th, 2023

Homeskoolin’ Public Service Announcement “MCB Locking Studs”

00:00 - Little shreddin'
00:23 - Hello, friends! / Gold Top and Music City Bridge update

Uncle Larry demonstrates the wondrous new development from the boys at Music City Bridge on some extremely heavy borrowed new goldtop with a gigantic neck shape that was never found in nature.

December 29th, 2021

Homeskoolin’ Gear Talk, “The Stud Finder”

00:00 - Altered reproduction bridge for intonation

The video title may be a bit misleading…hopefully you’re not too disappointed to find out this video is actually about a guitar bridge……but not just any bridge….the MUSIC CITY STUD FINDER!!!

A replacement bridge designed by Joe Glaser, Nick Drushel, and yours truly that corrects ALL of the many inherent problems that plagued the 1954-1960 Gibson Les Paul Junior models.

Built and designed after decades of total frustration unsuccessfully trying every other replacement bridge on the market…

Homeskoolers…i implore you, if you ever trusted Uncle Larry on ONE THING in this life, let it be this.

Way more than any teaching i have ever done, or any music that i ever made, i feel like THIS invention is my greatest contribution to mankind…and i sleep a little better at night knowing that because of this bridge, i can actually say i left the world in better condition than i originally found it in….haaaaahaaaaa

Thanks for watching the channel folks!

September 27th, 2020

Homeskoolin’ Volume 71, Tom Bukovac, “Strange Daze”

00:00 - People Are Strange intro
00:46 - Hello, class!
02:00 - Viewer Comment Bin / Ads
02:34 - Session Man vs. Homeskoolin'?
04:02 - Melodic playing / Solo: Rhythm or Melody
06:13 - "No idea what you are talking about."
06:54 - Question Guy / Humor
07:44 - Who's iconic guitarist, but not for you?
08:27 - The Doors
09:34 - Great record making / RHCP - Under the Bridge
11:37 - People Are Strange lesson

A brief look at one of my favorite solos of all time and a deep dive into the VCB.

PayPal tip jar is
T shirts and mugs available at

May 28th, 2020

Homeskoolin’ Volume 35, Tom Bukovac, “TV Dinner”

00:00 - Intro jam
03:43 - Greetings Lads
04:14 - '59 Les Paul Jr and Music City Bridge
05:07 - T-shirt and mug update
05:50 - Viewer Comment Bin
06:06 - Endorsements
08:02 - Perfect pitch
10:32 - Ridiculous comments / Sound quality
11:38 - Brotherly advice and cowboy chords
14:38 - C# jam and odd time signatures

A brief discussion on odd time signatures and a look into the sometimes preposterous viewer comment bin.  Homeskoolin' T shirts available at if you like the show, PayPal tip jar: