January 27th, 2025
Homeskoolin’ Volume 395, Tom Bukovac, “The Dregs Of Winter”

00:00 - Jimi-esque Blues
04:13 - Rod Stewart? Hey, friends!
05:22 - Hey, friends part 2 / NFL / Taylor Swift / Josh Allen
07:18 - Lesson: Quick pickin lick
07:54 - Goldtop Gibson Les Paul neck pickup
08:36 - Watching NFL
09:35 - Bluesy playing / Whispering guitar / Tweed Deluxe
10:56 - VCB (Viewer Comment Bin) / Hiwatt, Sound City, Orange amps / Big Daddy Don Garlits
12:43 - Sustain, not feedback
13:07 - Good guitar through crappy amp or visa versa?
14:34 - Cliche chords and dissing guitar players for using them
14:45 - Lesson: Funk voicing
15:58 - Fun work week...
16:15 - "Guilty" on dissing common guitar voicings... / Be more decisive on your choices
17:55 - Back to Fun work week / Music business / "Old car in Country video"
20:25 - "When will you be happy with your guitar collection?" / Buying, selling guitars to get what you want
22:10 - Lesson: Picking and skipping strings
22:38 - Gibson ES-150 / ES-350 Charlie Christian
23:49 - Passion - going through life without passion
26:23 - "Cool pedal?"
27:24 - Fender Precision Bass color suggestions
Uncle Larry tries to give some comforting words about the dead zone we are now entering ….now that the season is officially over.
Brace yourself friends…for the dregs of winter
it probably should be noted that in approximately 1100 videos spanning the last five years, I have never once asked you to “like” or “hit that subscribe button”….
however, if you guys ARE in fact learning some shit from these videos and you are in fact getting some real entertainment and actual enjoyment out of them, it’s never a bad idea to hit the ol' tip jar…donations are my love language...it always helps and it is always EXTREMELY appreciated
PayPal is Tombukovac@gmail.com.
Venmo is @Tom-Bukovac-1
here's that old hippie refin bass....i forgot it didn't have a guard...been a long time since i've seen this.
October 2nd, 2024
Homeskoolin' Bonus "Led Boots"

00:00 - Tom Boots '55 Gibson Les Paul Jr.
03:16 - Hello friends / '55 Gibson Les Paul Jr.
04:00 - In tune with Music City Bridge Studfinder
04:18 - Cars / Low E string and Tweed Deluxe
05:47 - Comparison with Gibson SG Special P90
07:00 - Gibson SG Special
07:52 - '55 Gibson Les Paul Special
08:25 - Thomas Boots Jr. / Thunky and chunky / On 10 and The Who - Pinball Wizard
Uncle Larry shows the class a piece of Nebraska history.
R.I.P. Thomas Boots
September 24th, 2024
Homeskoolin’ Volume 345, Tom Bukovac, “Hitchhike From Saginaw”

00:00 - Plunking, looping, and soloing
06:10 - Hard to stop looper
06:19 - Fucking amazing Reggae
06:55 - "Everything's hard" / Amazing playing cont. / Blackbird Studios / Singing and playing Alex Harvey Band Cheek To Cheek
08:21 - Lesson: Simon and Garfunkel - America / Yes
09:40 - Lights out / Complaining about lighting in free videos
10:30 - Amp guessing game
12:07 - Tweed Deluxe / Thanks for gifts
13:00 - Marshall Plexi / Good people getting ahead
14:06 - Lesson: A little finger work
15:15 - Lesson: Harmonies - Steely Dan - Led Zeppelin
16:05 - Play that sound all night / New room vs kitchen
17:12 - Lesson: That guy got the lick wrong / Fast pull-offs
19:56 - PayPal thanks / Rental house? / Thanks for the help / Dave Grohl scandal mention / Dating apps and advice
24:25 - Listen to America by Simon and Garfunkel / Vocal Harmonies, counter-rhythms
25:45 - Yes - America (version)
25:53 - Lesson: Yes - America part / Creamy center of songs, sweet little moments
27:31 - "Slightly different than the original" / Doing covers
28:28 - Giveaway
Uncle Larry gets in the weeds after a long day of sessioneering with some stream of consciousness music and speech
September 14th, 2024
Homeskoolin’ Volume 340, Tom Bukovac, “Camera Shy”

00:00 - Plucking those unusual chords beautifully
01:07 - Changing it up to an amazing progression
01:32 - Lesson: Dm - Gm - C - F - Ab/C - Caug - F (Etta James - At Last) / Best R&B Singer
03:21 - Gibson Les Paul Special from the '50s / What friends' guitars do you like?
05:27 - Greetings first (pet peeve) / Family
06:15 - The Doors - Love Me Two Times
07:35 - VCB (Viewer Comment Bin) / "Sonically Pleasing Record?" AC/DC - Back in Black
08:50 - Rage Against the Machine - Killing in the Name Of (damn good sonic pleasing properties)
09:48 - Lesson: Rage Against the Machine - Killing in the Name Of
11:00 - Dodge Ram truck stereo with Zach Bryan music
11:43 - Forgotten how good records can sound
12:46 - Keith Urban
13:07 - V vs. Explorer
14:11 - "Has YouTube changed you?" / Ham in front of a camera now
16:30 - "Guilty pleasure album?" / CDs and multi-load CD player / Liz Phair
18:17 - Banding together in Nashville / Variety
19:48 - Bruce Springsteen concert best ever / Bad muther fucker
21:53 - "Good guitar sound live?" / Blackface Deluxe Reverb & Tweed Deluxe
Uncle Larry gets deep in the weeds early on a Saturday morning ….
What’s he building in there??
July 1st, 2024
Homeskoolin’ Volume 323, Tom Bukovac, “Mrs. Duckwiler? Please Hold My Calls”

00:00 - Raw Blues
02:32 - Hello, friends! / Squeaky chair / Leisrure Time Lager
03:37 - Thank you for donations / Churning out material
04:33 - Missing Episode 244
05:09 - Raw Dogging Flights (no entertainment on plane)
06:42 - Gibson Les Paul TV Special (07:26 - story) / Brian Willis (Quarterflash)
08:29 - Gwen Stephani record and good P90 sound
10:13 - Recording tone Heaven with Goldtop (Starstruck Studios)
11:12 - Top 5 guitars / Cannot pick them out
13:50 - Great rhythm guitar track? / Ry Cooder (based entire rhythm guitar upon him)
16:00 - Lesson: Rhythm / Not putting your guitar volume on 10 / Germanium fuzz
Uncle Larry gets jiggy with an old 225 Parsons Street Firebird plugged into a forgotten old Epiphone tube amp with some particularly trashy reverb
Thank you guys for the continued support of my pitiful little homegrown channel....i hope you guys TRULY understand how much i appreciate the donations and the kind comments. it inspires me to continue on.
study this people...study it so much that it seeps into your soul and your playing.
people just played differently back in this era...musicians were speaking a much deeper more soulful language....and it was happening EVERYWHERE
the tulsa sound with the leon russell crew... the muscle shoals band...the memphis studio crew... the nashville sound...it was all so rhythmic and so musical
pay REALLY CLOSE attention to this pocket that these guys have cooking here.
so relaxed., so funky....the chug, the churn, the wobble of this rhythm section is just fucking unbelievable.
no it's certainly not "perfect", or even "precise".... but it's human as fuck...and it gets that booty shakin' more than a computer ever could.
just one of many great examples of the mature/wise beyond their years musical interplay that was commonplace back in these days...no big deal, it was just the way people played.
oh, and imagine this friends....these guys were all in their 20's when they did this shit
and TOTALLY unrelated, but equally as awesome....
you guys have all seen this before...but it's time to watch it again....pure comedic genius
June 30th, 2024
Homeskoolin’ Volume 322, Tom Bukovac, “Turn Me On, I’m A Sideman”

00:00 - Rockin out
06:05 - "Ebo" Tweed Deluxe / Magic settings / Granny wisdom
07:33 - Update
08:14 - Get on The Gear Page / Tendency to rush guitar playing (BobbyS) / Practicing "rests"
10:49 - Afraid of the holes and space in music
12:34 - Class Presentation turn out
13:40 - Tiny little world / Vice President (String Locker)
14:38 - Rick Beato interview
16:12 - Pompus in reviewing someone's guitar player
17:42 - Fix something on the house
Uncle Larry gives you some more deep early morning thoughts and heats up the tubes on a whipped old super late tweed deluxe (1961) that looks like someone peed on it.
if this channel is indeed a consistent source of musical ideas and concepts you regularly steal, please pay the toll at
tombukovac@gmail.com (paypal)
@Tom-Bukovac-1 (venmo)
it all helps my friends....i'm going broke trying to get the boys moved into a house that they are actually gonna want to invite their friends to when they are all old enough to drive and smoke weed out of a toilet paper roll with a hole punched in it...
now i need that grill that all the brats are gonna get cooked on...and the cut up vegetables that get grilled with a little olive oil and salt inside the tin foil....you know what i'm sayin'...
April 19th, 2024
Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Back In Tweed Deluxe City”

00:00 - Playing the keys
00:48 - Amp play through set up and speakers (Scank "Uncle Larry" / '61 Tweed / '58 Tweed)
01:31 - Gibson SG Special (Secret treble bleed)
01:55 - Scank "Uncle Larry" play through
02:35 - '61 Tweed play through
03:25 - '58 Tweed play through
04:00 - New to the Tweed and Blues
04:10 - Scank "Uncle Larry"
04:35 - '61 Tweed
05:13 - Thanks to viewer Ron
05:25 - '58 Tweed
05:51 - Speaker differences
06:12 - Negative feedback / Scank "Uncle Larry"
07:10 - '61 Tweed
07:25 - '58 Tweed
08:11 - Turn it to 2 / Tuning them in
08:50 - Scank "Uncle Larry" / Putting a mic on them
09:16 - '61 Tweed
09:31 - '58 Tweed
10:06 - Tom Bukovac & Guthrie Trapp - In Stereo
Uncle Larry’s old pal Mike “Scank” Scaggs shows us some Tweed Deluxes....old and new.
The Guthrie record is gonna be out in less than two weeks....the sound quality of the CD is unreal....looking forward to seeing what all you audiophiles with 50K stereos say.
Mixes by Brandon Bell and mastering by Eric Conn
AND....i just re-loaded 300 more new "Plexi Soul" CD's at guitar house in Tulsa if anyone wants one...
if you wanna check out one of Scank's tweed deluxes go here:
February 15th, 2024
Homeskoolin’ Volume 280, Tom Bukovac, “Twang Newton”

00:00 - Twanging
05:30 - Good morning / Flatwounds on the Duesenberg Danelectro
06:45 - Click bait videos
07:00 - New rented gear has no "danger" / Old pickups vs. new
08:08 - "Bent out of shape" guy "coming in hot!" - Pitch correction content
11:00 - Click bait != hot chicks / "Sounds good" compliment
11:45 - 99% of tone is in your hands / 1% in gear is very important / Inspiration factor
13:28 - Red Gibson Firebird I
14:10 - T-Shirt drawer and how many t-shirts
14:35 - We are here for the content
14:52 - Fender Tweed Deluxe / With mic
16:10 - Getting old / Old crappy equipment looks good / MIJ Fender Strat
17:35 - Japanese Tele with Van Zant
18:49 - Blackguard Teles
19:57 - Pitch correction on Rolling Stones record?
Uncle Larry, sans click bait, with some early mornin’ flat wound twang served up Southern style on a cheapo guitar…
February 9th, 2023
Homeskoolin’ “EXTREMELY Rare and Unexpected Gear Related Bonus Video”

00:00 - Hello, friends! / Mini-humbuckers vs. Firebird pickups
01:25 - Mini-humbucker, bridge, tone on 10 demo (Les Paul)
02:36 - Firebird pickup, bridge, tone on 10 demo (Firebird)
03:30 - What do we notice? / Differences
04:06 - Nobels & Firebird pickup
05:00 - Nobels & Mini-humbucker
Your dear uncle shines some light on the age old comparison between “firebird pickups” and “regular mini humbuckers” as they are known on the street.
so...what do YOU hear dear Homeskoolers??
Test notes:
a) both guitars tuned down a half step and outfitted with only the finest roundwound strings.
b) a 1954 fender tweed deluxe vacuum tube amplifier and a no-balls odr-1 overdrive pedal were used as a control.
November 10th, 2022
Homeskoolin’ Volume 172, Tom Bukovac, “The Shingles”

00:00 - Down home playing on the 335
01:27 - Hello, Homeskoolers' / Joe Walsh
02:30 - Roofing guys / Boone Whitaker at Whitaker Roofing / Finding good people
04:30 - Strat magic stuff
05:00 - Gig announcement / Plexi Soul / Fronting own band
06:20 - Gibson 335 & '59 Fender Tweed Deluxe / Playing
08:12 - Oz Noy
08:50 - Gig
Write it down kids
Dec 20th 2022
3rd and Lindsley
Larry playing his own shit with a cookin' little combo
Any special guests?
yes, but i'm not allowed to tell you exactly who...however i can tell you that their initials are Jedd Hughes and Guthrie Trapp
If you ever need a roofer that is NOT a criminal trying to completely rip you off, then call this guy... Boone Whitaker at Whitaker Roofing in Murfreesboro TN 615-424-1622.... Tell him you are a Homeskooler…after that, everything is gonna be smoother than Telly Savales’s head...he's a good guy and they do excellent work.