November 10th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Volume 172, Tom Bukovac, “The Shingles”

00:00 - Down home playing on the 335
01:27 - Hello, Homeskoolers' / Joe Walsh
02:30 - Roofing guys / Boone Whitaker at Whitaker Roofing / Finding good people
04:30 - Strat magic stuff
05:00 - Gig announcement / Plexi Soul / Fronting own band
06:20 - Gibson 335 & '59 Fender Tweed Deluxe / Playing
08:12 - Oz Noy
08:50 - Gig

Write it down kids

Dec 20th 2022

3rd and Lindsley

Larry playing his own shit with a cookin' little combo

Any special guests?
yes, but i'm not allowed to tell you exactly who...however i can tell you that their initials are Jedd Hughes and Guthrie Trapp

If you ever need a roofer that is NOT a criminal trying to completely rip you off, then call this guy... Boone Whitaker at Whitaker Roofing in Murfreesboro TN 615-424-1622.... Tell him you are a Homeskooler…after that, everything is gonna be smoother than Telly Savales’s head...he's a good guy and they do excellent work.

October 31st, 2022

Homeskoolin' Halloween Special..... “The Black Cloud”

00:00 - Rendition of Halloween theme song
01:21 - Happy Halloween my friends / Holidays
02:18 - Subscribers / Thanks - - Barry Hackett - Peter Hall
04:47 - Trip The Witch news
05:50 - Haunted car story (1967 Dodge)
13:10 - VCB / Bukovac harmonies / Cliches
15:30 - NFL & pain
16:42 - Gifted pinky / Fingering
19:15 - Boxing story

Hello trick or treaters…at the beginning of this video is the only surviving photo i have of “The Black Cloud”…a spiritually unrestful 1967 Dodge Coronet R/T that i unfortunately owned in my younger years.

This one goes out to you Marion… sad little criminal

and speaking of cars, if you live in Nashville and you are looking for the most honest, trustworthy, straight shooting auto repair shop in North America, go see Barry at Hackett Bros.

Check out these amazing BTPA audio cables at

and, as promised, one of the most tragic stories in boxing history....if anyone out there knew Billy please contact me...

you guys can donate to Homeskoolin’ anytime you want…a good portion of the proceeds go to the fine people at Annheuser Busch LLC

Paypal is

Venmo is @Tom-Bukovac-1

...and did you guys know Larry made a solo album a while back?

it's called “Plexi Soul” and you can can find it right here:

...and did you know that Larry made an instrumental record with Dean Deleo from Stone Temple Pilots called "Trip The Witch"?