January 27th, 2025
Homeskoolin’ Volume 395, Tom Bukovac, “The Dregs Of Winter”

00:00 - Jimi-esque Blues
04:13 - Rod Stewart? Hey, friends!
05:22 - Hey, friends part 2 / NFL / Taylor Swift / Josh Allen
07:18 - Lesson: Quick pickin lick
07:54 - Goldtop Gibson Les Paul neck pickup
08:36 - Watching NFL
09:35 - Bluesy playing / Whispering guitar / Tweed Deluxe
10:56 - VCB (Viewer Comment Bin) / Hiwatt, Sound City, Orange amps / Big Daddy Don Garlits
12:43 - Sustain, not feedback
13:07 - Good guitar through crappy amp or visa versa?
14:34 - Cliche chords and dissing guitar players for using them
14:45 - Lesson: Funk voicing
15:58 - Fun work week...
16:15 - "Guilty" on dissing common guitar voicings... / Be more decisive on your choices
17:55 - Back to Fun work week / Music business / "Old car in Country video"
20:25 - "When will you be happy with your guitar collection?" / Buying, selling guitars to get what you want
22:10 - Lesson: Picking and skipping strings
22:38 - Gibson ES-150 / ES-350 Charlie Christian
23:49 - Passion - going through life without passion
26:23 - "Cool pedal?"
27:24 - Fender Precision Bass color suggestions
Uncle Larry tries to give some comforting words about the dead zone we are now entering ….now that the season is officially over.
Brace yourself friends…for the dregs of winter
it probably should be noted that in approximately 1100 videos spanning the last five years, I have never once asked you to “like” or “hit that subscribe button”….
however, if you guys ARE in fact learning some shit from these videos and you are in fact getting some real entertainment and actual enjoyment out of them, it’s never a bad idea to hit the ol' tip jar…donations are my love language...it always helps and it is always EXTREMELY appreciated
PayPal is Tombukovac@gmail.com.
Venmo is @Tom-Bukovac-1
here's that old hippie refin bass....i forgot it didn't have a guard...been a long time since i've seen this.
March 9th, 2024
Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Saturday Guitar Repair Pt 2”

00:00 - Picking sessions to play on / Good musicians (Dan Auerbach)
02:00 - Stringing mess / Good days vs. bad days
02:50 - Main thing is the singer / Little goals
05:14 - High E wrap
05:48 - Robert Keeley (Angry Orange, Blues Disorder, Super Rodent)
07:05 - Earthquaker call for help
07:36 - Saddles
08:00 - "Wang Bar" adjustment / In tune
11:04 - When someone doesn't tune
13:00 - Irsay update
well friends, if you made it this far you are definitely a real Homeskooler....
the instrumental record i made with dearest Guthrie Trapp is scheduled for release on May 1st...very exciting.
and....since we have a lot of new viewers coming along recently...
let me tell ya' how shit works around here...
first off, i NEVER ask anyone to subscribe or "smash that like button"....
if you do indeed learn some useful stuff from this channel and feel like it is indeed helping you as a player, all i ask is that you just throw a little something in the tip jar...especially since it's tax season ferchrissakes
You can make PayPal donations to this address:
You can make Venmo donations to this address:
a person could potentially purchase a myriad of Homeskoolin' related merch..including several different extremely comfortable and nice feeling T-shirts and some beautifully constructed coffee mugs for those afflicted with thin lips...i pride myself on having the comfiest t shirts on earth...no scratchy bad fitting horseshit here people.. check it out at
AND....believe it or not....i have a new website people....an actual proper website.
You can see all kinds of weird old photos there, you can also purchase a download of the live concert i did last December if you like.
A lot of these very same new viewers don't seem to know that Uncle Larry made a couple records that they could potentially listen to... one is an instrumental solo record called "Plexi Soul" that is available here:
another is an instrumental collaboration with his dear friend Dean Deleo (originally from the Stone Temple Pilots organization) that is available here: