September 11th, 2024
Homeskoolin’ Volume 338, Tom Bukovac, “Menstrual In The Gallery”
Chapters00:00 - Struming along
00:30 - Lesson: Chord (G B D G B G) on piano (Root, 3rd, 5th)
02:10 - Fairview antique stores
02:43 - Steve Gorman
03:22 - Jethro Tull / Flute - Ian Anderson / Best acoustic guitar (Ian Anderson - My God)
05:45 - Music City Bridge for Gretsch
07:31 - VCB (Viewer Comment Bin) / Worst guitar sound (Randy Rhodes - Crazy Train)
08:58 - Guitar arrangement of classic songs
10:37 - Thanks
12:00 - Antique shopping and vinyl paradise
Uncle Larry giving it to ya Homeskoolin style on a fine Wednesday
Buy one of these friends…you will not regret it
Try to fathom for a second that this is a totally live performance ….no tracks, no bullshit..
Music is so much better now
August 2nd, 2022
Homeskoolin’ Bonus, “The Return Of Gerald Bostock”
Chapters00:00 - Soundcheck (acoustic) / This as a Brick
Soundchecks are always for fucking off.
June 23rd, 2020
Homeskoolin Volume 45, Tom Bukovac, “4 and 5 at 7”
Chapters00:00 - Intro celtic jam
03:32 - Good Morning Class
04:10 - Open strings riffs
04:57 - Trills lesson
05:39 - Key of B lesson / Mark Knopfler
07:14 - 4ths & 5ths / Saddest chord
08:13 - Horizontal layout of chords
09:00 - Tops of chords lesson
09:48 - The 5ths lesson
10:54 - Ego waffles
11:15 - The 4ths lesson
13:14 - Upstroke picking
A brief ramble on harmony.
PayPal tip jar is
T shirts and mugs available at
April 4th, 2020
Corona Lessons Volume 18, Tom Bukovac, “Time”
Chapters00:00 - Acoustic playing
00:48 - Hey dudes / global pandemic
01:29 - Viewer comments / fingerboard
01:54 - Chord shapes and patterns / Modes
03:27 - Timing / Click
07:04 - Playing with time is hard!
08:26 - Name your kids after gear
08:43 - Ohio is for prog nerds
09:22 - Underrated guitar player (Ian Anderson) / "Wond'ring Aloud"
11:03 - YouTube video Rob Martino
11:45 - Restraint / Patience and don't deviate
Notes flexes like a whore...hey guys I thought I wasn’t gonna be able to do this today because Sarah is making me learn a million songs to play tonite for some online “internet festival” live fucking weird...I can’t even wrap my head around that.