August 14th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Western Bonus “Swangin’”

00:00 - Western licks
01:55 - Live stream of Guthrie Trapp and Tom Bukovac $20

Here is the link to the livestream of this weekends gig friends...

May 10th, 2023

Homeskoolin' Bonus "I've Always Pictured You Wearing Pants Pt. 11"

00:00 - Brilliant stretched chords

Simple lines intertwining....
this one is harder than it looks. Give it a try.

Echo courtesy of an old lavender DanEcho I bought in a pawn shop yesterday for 40 bucks cash out the door.

April 11th, 2023

Homeskoolin' Volume 210, Tom Bukovac, "He Came From Somewhere Back In Her Long Ago"

00:00 - Pickin' with the best of them
04:04 - Hello, friends! / Trip The Witch mugs
05:00 - Some amazing picking ascending into finger picking
06:02 - Lesson: Cool lick
06:52 - Twang like a Jazzmaster / Mosrite Combo
07:28 - Back to picking
08:54 - 50% hit ratio on licks
09:25 - Sweet gifts (NFL puzzles, Spuds lamp)
11:50 - The Gear Page comments
13:20 - VCB (Viewer Comment Bin) / Percentage of wankers?
14:57 - Certain artists' insecurity / Having a good time / Dan Auerbach
17:10 - Building your own studio?
17:58 - The Gear Page comedy / Chumbawamba
19:27 - Trip The Witch with Dean DeLeo / Guthrie project

Uncle Larry damn near strangles this poor old 64 Jazzy to death in a desperate search to find the lost chord.

Followed by an awkward transition into the VCB.

Trip the witch mugs available here

April 6th, 2023

Homeskoolin' Volume 208, Tom Bukovac, "How To Properly Match Your Shirt To Your Guitar"

00:00 - Fingerstyle guitar
03:30 - Hi guys / Quick morning beer / Fun days
05:23 - Twitch with the Wook and Guthrie
06:30 - Back to guitar playing
07:20 - Gruhn's videos / John McBride (Blackbird Studios)
09:40 - Lesson: Genesis - Supper's Ready
12:00 - VCB (Viewer Comment Bin) / The Gear Page
13:12 - Dementia story and Homeskoolin' videos
14:40 - Favorite Song? / David Bowie & Freddie Mercury - Under Pressure
17:15 - Nice people comments / Sitting around music stores hanging out
18:28 - Music store stories (Ron Blair)
21:00 - Joe Jackson song and comments
21:43 - Corona Lesson videos
23:20 - Lesson: Tapping (Dark Side of the Moon)
25:50 - Lesson: Chord tapping / Eddie Van Halen taking off
27:40 - Muting / Learning process
30:00 - Lesson: Muting


Uncle Larry carryin' on with nary a comma the point where he reaches double the time length of one of his "normal" videos....

here is the link for tonite's livestream with sweet Guthrie....which will start at roughly 8PM central.

and if you haven't checked out some of the exciting things happening with Homeskoolin' merch in a while, you can certainly do that here....

February 10th, 2023

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Raunch Dressing”

00:00 - Rockin finger pickin / Full-blown rock
03:22 - '60 Fender Tweed Princeton
04:00 - Pedalboard look
04:27 - 80's Super Champ
04:50 - '63 Gibson SG

Hello friends….contact me at if you want the 63 SG (11.5k) or the Super Champ (1400.00)

Gonna be a week or so until the Super Champ is ready to go (unless you fix amps yourself)…it has a noisy tube that i would like to have fixed before i sell it.

Larry don’t sell no bullshit.

Buyer must pick up in person. Cash deals only. No shipping….unless of course there wa$ $ome kind of con$iderable incentive to do $o.....

January 25th, 2023

Homeskoolin’ Bonus Jam “Williamson County Blues”

00:00 - Finger pickin' with the best of them

Uncle Larry conjures some Southern sounds from an instrument born in Kalamazoo.

Sorry I ain't been around cats.....been W-O-R-K-I-N-G my hillbilly ASS off.

January 4th, 2023

Homeskoolin’ Volume 182, Tom Bukovac, “The Great Gear Chase”

00:00 - Mixing it up from rockin to
03:05 - Hello, friends! / Thanks / Vince Gill
04:49 - Bills game and cardiac arrest on field
05:39 - Billy Gibbons story
07:12 - Quora junk mail
08:00 - VCB (Viewer Comment Bin) / Gordon Mote
08:44 - Camaraderie in sessions
11:25 - Paul McCartney
12:45 - New Year's Resolution
13:08 - Kick head back
13:37 - Remastering 3rd & Lindley
14:27 - Fingertip tone / Different sound with different person with same gear
22:25 - Lesson: Pick straight eighth notes and play melody with fingers

Uncle Larry is wearing a hole in his soap box again…firing off maybe even more hot takes than usual.

Tell me this isn't the cutest damned thing you ever saw....what a sweet sweet boy...god it KILLS me.

Thanks for watching and supporting the show guys

Paypal tip jar is
Venmo tip jar is @Tom-Bukovac-1

November 23rd, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Volume 176, Tom Bukovac, “81 Is The New 78”

00:00 - Country pickin'
02:01 - Intro
02:26 - Lesson: Picking fingers
03:08 - Lesson: Piano voicing / Deconstructing chord notes for picking
05:55 - Lesson: Angle of the pick
10:00 - Circle of 5ths vs. Circle of 4ths
11:34 - Santo and Johnny - Sleepwalk
12:15 - Twitch / Guthrie Trapp
13:45 - Lesson: F Chord progression / Playing

He just woke up and his hair is a mess, but Uncle Larry can still teach ya’ some redneck guitar licks while he is having his coffee.

Today’s tone courtesy of a lightly/tastefully chopped 54 esquire and a 59 tweed deluxe.

Probably around 6 tonite things are when things are gonna get cookin' on is the link

Ya' know, if anyone out there has some nice old 50's or 60's football cards they wanna sell or trade for guitars, please email me at

Uncle Larry's therapist suggested that maybe he should try getting his mind off music for a minute, and collecting old cards is the closest thing Larry has to a "non-music related hobby"....

August 21st, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Bonus Jam “Be The Ball Danny”

00:00 - Beautiful finger picking and strumming

It’s a long way to the top if you wanna rock and roll….

July 17th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Volume 156, Tom Bukovac, “Seafood Green”

00:00 - Good, fun "Tequila" playing
00:41 - "A good lick"
01:03 - Friends! / Thanks for gifts / Kids
04:15 - VCB (Viewer Comment Bin)
04:42 - Steel Panther gig?
05:12 - Headstock break? / Guitar problems cannot stand
08:27 - Guitar Player magazine
08:58 - Fender Duosonic
09:11 - "The Claw" finger playing lesson / Eric Johnson stealing
11:29 - Favorite Bukowski book?
11:38 - Locker & stolen Ann Wilson gear / Mexico
12:50 - '71 Les Paul Custom
13:17 - Miscellaneous comments / Phil Collins
16:25 - Thanks to all / Plexi Soul / Trip The Witch

I saw an ad for a Stratocaster on Reverb a couple days ago where a guy described the color as “seafood green”….oh man, that got me…

Anyway, here’s a 17 minute ramble from a guy who hasn’t been around many people any older than 9 years old in several days.

If anyone out there knows what issue of guitar player mag i got “writ up” in recently please tell me, cuz i can’t find the fucking who is on the cover?

totally unrelated, dig this crazy son watched this and all he said afterwards was "knuckleheads..." kinda under his breath......hahaaaaa, wonder where he got that?

Thanks for watching friends

Paypal tip jar is

Venmo tip jar is @Tom-Bukovac-1

July 1st, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Volume 155, Tom Bukovac, “Bubba’s Big Jam”

00:00 - Some jammin playing
01:23 - Intro...Hello, class! / Thanks
03:01 - Special "Fuck Off to that guy"
03:32 - Viewer appreciation
04:16 - Getting sentimental / Joe Walsh / Greg Sarley
06:41 - Big Jam Distortion
07:56 - Pre Rocked Pedals
08:25 - Big Jam pedal demonstration
10:53 - Turning up the gain
11:24 - "into hair band guitar players?"
12:23 - Rainbow Room
12:45 - More of the Big Jam
13:30 - Playing an open ringing string with finger picking

A little tribute to the guy who got me into all this shit…

Gregor Sarlija…

Which turned into Greg Sarley at Ellis Island…

Which turned into Bubba P on prospect ave in the 70s

The progenator of the Multivox Big Jam Distortion pedal

If you are enjoying this insanity please hit the tip jar
Venmo @Tom-Bukovac-1

Oh, and there’s trivia too: Name the asshead that came up with this famous quote
“Did you ever notice how all of Tom’s “dear friends” are selling something”

October 5th, 2021

Homeskoolin’ Volume 113, Tom Bukovac, “Planet TD1

00:00 - Bedtime quiet playing
02:41 - What's up, guys / Intro
03:15 - Trip The Witch - Planet TD-1 explanation
03:41 - Planet TD-1 lesson (Key G minor)
06:00 - Further explanation / Plasma Pedal
07:10 - Bending in general
08:17 - Gilmour playing / P90s
08:50 - Jam riff / loop lesson / Chord explanations
13:09 - "Boomer" bending / Shake it off
14:03 - Putting power into bending / Push fingers together
14:51 - Hillbilly outro playing
15:44 - Link Wray - Rumble playing

A not so brief discussion about bending and a couple tunes you can learn if you’re muy bored.

Thank you guys so much for the flood of positive feedback about the Trip The Witch record….it means the world to Dean and myself.

Stay tuned for a my solo record which is coming VERY soon….in two formats…one with my annoying solos, and one with space for YOUR annoying solos.

You guys are awesome, thanks for the continued support….and to the 11 people who religiously watch every video i put up and still thumbs down it, suck a dick.

Homeskoolin’ merch available at
Paypal tip jar is
Venmo tip jar is @Tom-Bukovac-1

March 27th, 2020

Corona Lessons Volume 8, Tom Bukovac. Summer Blues

00:00 - Hey everybody
00:30 - Using your thumb to play bass notes
03:30 - Demonstration of using thumb
05:03 - Not bending
05:40 - Using pick and fingers

A couple slightly unusual techniques here for you all to possibly a shameless declaration about my utter distaste for what most normal people consider "nice weather". I come by it honestly folks....there was no person on this planet that absolutely LOATHED being hot more than my dear departed mum Norma Irene Bukovac. She would gladly sit inside in the air conditioning during any outdoor summer family event of my childhood. This one goes out to all those ugly transformative years between" total bar band hack" and "professional session man" she never said one discouraging word. She was truly somethin' special.

March 24th, 2020

Corona Lessons volume 6, Tom Bukovac, "Pick & Fingers....Nature's Tone Control"

00:00 - Some incredible playing
02:03 - Lesson: Switch pick edges

Rainy day blues....don't it feel like we are all grounded teenagers? Well...thank the Good Lord we still have our guitars. Here's one for all the folks who have asked me about my weirdo pick/fingers combo platter....which was developed subconsciously over 42 years of struggling to get shit to sound the way it sounds in my head....