February 5th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Ceramic Animal

00:00 - Introduction to Ceramic Animal

This video was filmed a year ago, while we were at Dan Auerbach’s studio in Nashville making a record for a rock band from Philly called “Ceramic Animal”.

The guy I’m interviewing is Anthony Marchione…a real sweetheart and excellent guitar player.

There are some preview songs from their new album “Sweet Unknown” available on all your major streaming platforms….please take a listen.


Dan produced the album, myself and Angelo Petraglia were hired for the project not to play, but to help the fellas come up with some cool parts and sounds….i only played a couple things on the album, most of the guitar you hear on the album is Anthony killing it on my old reverse Firebird.

Oddly enough the very first thing you hear on the record, a song called “Tangled”….counting off the first tune and playing acoustic is a voice you might recognize haha

I had a BLAST making this record…these guys are the coolest and i wish them nothing but success and all the ass they could possibly stand.

Keep in mind this was filmed during the height of covid paranoia.