September 5th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Volume 334, Tom Bukovac, “The Arc Of Life”

00:00 - Some traditional guitar
03:25 - Hello, friends!
04:00 - '57 Gibson Les Paul / Mark Bright, Carrie Underwood connection
05:41 - Looking back on life ("Arc of Life")
09:19 - Black Keys stuff / Dan Auerbach & Pat Carney
09:38 - Creative studio vs Corporate studio / Music as a painting and delivering
13:47 - Randall Bramblett / Putting your hearts into it vs. time and budget radio play
14:52 - Playing the Goldtop / Good guitar gives you everything / Thanks
16:04 - Led Zeppelin stealing, but amazing / Blues

This is the tune I mentioned, but check out this whole record friends…
Randall Bramblett


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