September 27th, 2020
Homeskoolin’ Volume 71, Tom Bukovac, “Strange Daze”

00:00 - People Are Strange intro
00:46 - Hello, class!
02:00 - Viewer Comment Bin / Ads
02:34 - Session Man vs. Homeskoolin'?
04:02 - Melodic playing / Solo: Rhythm or Melody
06:13 - "No idea what you are talking about."
06:54 - Question Guy / Humor
07:44 - Who's iconic guitarist, but not for you?
08:27 - The Doors
09:34 - Great record making / RHCP - Under the Bridge
11:37 - People Are Strange lesson
A brief look at one of my favorite solos of all time and a deep dive into the VCB.
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