November 5th, 2021

Homeskoolin’ Volume 115, Tom Bukovac, “An Apple A Day”

00:00 - Sincere Thank You

A quick thank you to the Homeskoolers for the kind words regarding the Plexi Soul album that was released Oct 28th on Bandcamp. And…..a quick interview with Bruce Bouton, a dear old friend, who happens to be one of the most legendary pedal steel guitar players on the planet. Thank you for watching the program friends.

February 18th, 2021

Homeskoolin’ Volume 94, Tom Bukovac, “Pronounced Boo-kuh-vak”

00:00 - Old time Country intro
00:39 - What's up!
02:10 - Adaptation of Country music
02:44 - Tell what chords are behind lead lesson
05:12 - Using partial melodies to create illusions
05:50 - Mutated CAGED system / Bored class member
06:50 - Shifting chords practice / Shapes and knowledge
08:05 - Do I have to learn theory?
08:24 - Chess player / Homework / Philosophical
10:57 - Playing / Tape loop thoughts
12:16 - '59 335 deep tone / PAFs
15:23 - Cool lick lesson

A brief stream of consciousness ramble on infinite tape loops in the mind, the power of the 6th note, and the brain’s ability to learn and retain at various ages. Check out www.ziggysartstudio for a look at the 100th Homeskoolin episode commemorative print...if it ain’t up yet it will be soon.

Tom Bukovac's personal Rolling Rock tip jar is tombukovac@gmail.com
Homeskoolin merch available at www.guitarhouse.net
Venmo tip jar is @Tom-Bukovac-1

Thanks for watching guys


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