September 13th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Volume 339, Tom Bukovac, “Solid Gold Party Rock Redeaux”

00:00 - Tele-craziness with a "annoying" loop
06:35 - Try not to rush tempo
07:30 - Lesson: Loop with crazy plucking tempo
08:35 - Hello, morning beer / Favorite coffee cup
09:07 - Thanks race car connections / John Oates honor / Guthrie Trapp
09:47 - Lesson: Last minute learning songs / Playlists
10:57 - Lesson: Good ole lick (hammering and plucking claw)
12:20 - Tele love / Rattle and clank
12:39 - Lesson: Loop and Good ole lick together / Mixing Major and minor 3rds
14:48 - Lesson: Whole tone scale
15:24 - Twightlight zone and tv montage
15:38 - Steve Gorman "latchkey kid" story
18:10 - Solid Gold Party rock commercial memorization
19:54 - Lesson: Method of practice
21:43 - Lesson: Notes and feel vs. note for note all the way to too professional
24:48 - Thanks and salutations / McLaren "cuntiest" comments / Auto hate showing off (old cars, guitar players, etc.)

Thank you guys sincerely for all the ongoing support of my pitiful little channel…I really truly appreciate it.
Sometimes I feel like I don’t tell you guys that enough.

It’s not you, it’s me I swear…

March 30th, 2020

Corona Lessons Volume 12, Tom Bukovac, "The Two Sides Of Practicing"

00:00 - 2 chord riffing
01:57 - Hello / Reader questions
02:24 - Videos referred to as Tom Time
02:50 - Fellow session player: How to approach practicing?
05:00 - Listening to how the instruments work together
05:55 - Practicing by really studying good, old songs
09:03 - Muscular part of learning / Dexterity
10:05 - View the fretboard horizontally
11:15 - Know the notes blindfolded / Know real stuff

Yet another tangent...this one inspired by a question I received about how to practice...this one goes out to you dude.


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