April 14th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Play Along With “Plexiholic” Loo

00:00 - Loop going into a building wall of Marshalls

Thought i would give you guys a shot at this before i wiped it.

My god i wish you could hear what this sounds like in the actual room…this iphone mic is picking up about 10 percent of it….one of the sickest tones i have ever dialed up in my life. 67 marshall plexi pa 50 head into a 68 4x12 with original 30s with 55 hz bass cones on the left….68 plexi super bass 50 into an ‘87 2x12 silver jubilee cab on right.


F add 9 to G back and forth (four times)

Eb X6808X
Bb6 X,13,15,0,15,X

Last chord Bb6b5 X,13,14,0,15,X


Paypal tip jar is tombukovac@gmail.com
Venmo tip jar is @Tom-Bukovac-1

April 13th, 2022

Homeskoolin Volume 138, Tom Bukovac, “Plexiholic”

00:00 - Slow, beautiful, raunchy loop playing
03:36 - Hello, class! / Thanks / Nashville floods
04:45 - 1 year anniversary
05:19 - View Comment Bin - Trigger Hippy days
07:23 - Joan Osborne
09:03 - Favorite Twight Zone?  The Shelter
10:37 - Overcoming Red Light Fever?
12:39 - Guitar or amp you never had?
13:35 - Crazy prices of instruments
14:02 - "Uncle Larry" amp / Ebo Customs
15:00 - Recent addiction to Marshall Plexis

A brief look at the VCB and the wonders of the old MXR Stereo Chorus.

Thanks for watching people

Paypal tip jar is tombukovac@gmail.com
Venmo tip jar is @Tom-Bukovac-1