October 3rd, 2023

Homeskoolin’ Volume 246, Tom Bukovac “You’re Soaking In It”

00:00 - Rockin the Fender with a lil' Rough Boys
02:00 - The Who - Rough Boys and Pete Townshend
03:09 - Listening to the song
04:54 - Thanks and appreciation
06:34 - Another "Fuck Off" and more garage sales
07:12 - '54 Fender Esquire / Meeting people at a party analogy
09:53 - What is your favorite Genesis album?
11:24 - What is your favorite Yes album? / Some bad and good songs (Future Times)
14:00 - Keeley Noble Screamer / Ebo E-Verb
15:25 - Roxy Music?
17:15 - Why don't you like Cream?
18:14 - "Wedges are death" vs. in-ear
20:16 - Journey as a player?  Progressing and making records
21:45 - Allan Holdsworth brain implant chip / Play what you want to play
23:50 - Fishing for a cool chord
24:31 - Lesson: Golden Earring - Radar Love / Norway musicians story

Special thanks to Blackbird Studios for letting me use their blazing fast 5G internet to upload these videos.

September 26th, 2023

Homeskoolin' Volume 244, Tom Bukovac, "Thrill To The Exciting New Sound Of Stereo"

00:00 - Plicking some Doors on '70 Mustang
01:10 - "Woke up this morning" / Doors / "Iconic Band" question?
03:31 - Episode 244 / Volto / Fall weather
04:55 - Garage Sale thank you
05:20 - Garage Sale: 1970 Fender Mustang for sale / Give away guitars
06:27 - Garage Sale: 1952 Gibson Les Paul
08:38 - '52 Les Paul playing
10:13 - Tube reverb
11:18 - Tone shaping with Ebo Customs E-Verb
13:20 - How good can a guitar sound?
14:14 - VCB (Viewer Comment Bin) / Favorite song to play live?
15:03 - Hit songs and the power
17:58 - Gibson's biggest fails?
23:30 - Electro-Harmonix (EHX) best pedal company
25:30 - Bought entire collection
28:35 - Biggest regret selling guitar? / Not a hoarder / '59 Jazzmaster (the best)
30:30 - '61 Gibson SG TV Junior / Pulling the trigger / Doubleneck
33:30 - "Soft porn" YouTube instrument lessons
35:17 - Footage of Eric Clapton & Stephen Stills

There's a lot here...

Email me at tombukovac@gmail.com if you want one of these old plunks

April 4th, 2023

Homeskoolin' Bonus, "Bar Fly"

00:00 - All over the neck playing
03:44 - Ebo Customs amp demonstration

If you like what you are hearing here...it's all coming through this bad ass little amp i just bought recently....hand made by one of my best friends on this planet.

I can tell you guys straight up....Ebo is NOT fucking around here. All the stuff he builds is built like a brick shit house.

He does ALL of the work on these completely by himself...out of his mind out in his shop all day long soaring high on a mixture of coffee, cigarettes and solder smoke.

He has owned and worked on all the coolest amps money can buy for decades and the the boy knows what great guitar sound is.

This amp will survive the upcoming zombie apocalypse no problem.

Check out http://www.ebocustoms.com

September 21st, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “A Small Miracle”

00:00 - Session gear and Marshalls

When something virtually impossible happens to you, you just HAVE to share it with your friends right?

July 23rd, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Update, “Witch Hats and Broomsticks”

00:00 - Tour stop guided tour
04:01 - 70’s Les Paul

To my knowledge, everything about this video is factual EXCEPT it’s actually TOMORROW that we play a gig with ZZ Top…sorry guys, it was early when i filmed this.

Starring Eric “Ebo Borash from Ebo Customs Amps and a special cameo at the end by Tony “T Loose” Lucido

May 16th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Volume 142, Tom Bukovac, “Guitar Is Cool

00:00 - Great playing with a little raunch
03:43 - Lost note / Hello, friends!
04:05 - Tube Echoplex
05:06 - Preamp control
06:30 - Demo without
07:24 - Demo with
08:23 - Comparison talk
09:09 - "Smell" pedal / Candles
10:17 - Volume control on guitar / Fuzz magic
14:07 - Holding guitar neck for sustain
15:20 - Herco pick / Back on the road / Twanging notes on a Tele

A brief look at “sustain” and “gain structure” and “scented candles for guitar nerds”….

“I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And i can picture us attacking that world because they’d never expect it”

Thanks for watching the channel kids

April 13th, 2022

Homeskoolin Volume 138, Tom Bukovac, “Plexiholic”

00:00 - Slow, beautiful, raunchy loop playing
03:36 - Hello, class! / Thanks / Nashville floods
04:45 - 1 year anniversary
05:19 - View Comment Bin - Trigger Hippy days
07:23 - Joan Osborne
09:03 - Favorite Twight Zone?  The Shelter
10:37 - Overcoming Red Light Fever?
12:39 - Guitar or amp you never had?
13:35 - Crazy prices of instruments
14:02 - "Uncle Larry" amp / Ebo Customs
15:00 - Recent addiction to Marshall Plexis

A brief look at the VCB and the wonders of the old MXR Stereo Chorus.

Thanks for watching people

Paypal tip jar is tombukovac@gmail.com
Venmo tip jar is @Tom-Bukovac-1

July 4th, 2021

Homeskoolin’ Bonus 4th of July Feedback

00:00 - Beautiful slow jam
05:53 - Duesenberg Blackbird
06:36 - Echoplex
07:07 - Gretsch 6161 Amp

Well guys….I have always said, music is the great healer….especially tape echo imploding through some red hot 7591s…

I am layin’ low today friends. Drove myself to the ER at 2:30am last night after waking up in EXCRUCIATING kidney stone level pain in my right side…

My right side has been hurting right below the rib cage for about the past week, but last night it went into full on "attack mode" and i thought it was a kidney stone or the old appendix was about to burst.

Anyhoo, they put me on a morphine IV and that certainly helped. It turns out whatever is going on with me has been perplexing to the two different docs i have been to. Two different abdmonial CTI scans show absolutely nothing abnormal…blood work is fine, liver is fine….gallbladder looks normal, no kidney stones, no appendicitis or pancreatitis….so what IS IT?

No one knows….ulcer is the most reasonable conclusion at this point…which kinda fits "the lifestyle" in the often stressful world of the Uncle Larry. Do NOT worry friends, Larry is just gonna take it easy, play some guitar, watch some movies and chill the fuck out. Hope you all have a great holiday…and please do NOT blow your fingers off tomorrow lads ferchrissakes

Homeskoolin merch available at www.guitarhouse.net
Paypal tip jar is tombukovac@gmail.com
Venmo tip jar is @Tom-Bukovac-1

June 25th, 2021

Homeskoolin’ Updates From The Road, “Reptilian Space Dust”

00:00 - Behind the scenes
03:00 - Turtle

June 25 2021, Clearwater Florida….had a super fun show last night. Tony is looking for more instagram followers if you guys are up for it @tbonelucido

June 22nd, 2021

Homeskoolin’ Updates From The Road

00:00 - Intro
00:30 - Paul Moak and rig
02:00 - Uncle Larry's pedalboard and chart
02:19 - Sean Lane and kit
02:35 - Eric Borash tech / Uncle Larry's rig cont.

Tuesday June 22, 2021
First gig of Ann Wilson 4 gig “mini tour” of Florida.
Ft Myers….God its so hot….

The Amazing Dawgs
Uncle Larry
Tony Lucido on bass
Paul Moak on guitar and keys
Sean Lane on drums

Thank the Lord we are playing in an air conditioned theater…

Thanks for watching guys!

Homeskoolin merch available at www.guitarhouse.net
Paypal tip jar is tombukovac@gmail.com

July 26th, 2020

Homeskoolin’ Volume 58, Tom Bukovac, “London Broil”

00:00 - Peter Green tribute intro jam
02:44 - Hello, class!
03:04 - Deliciously out-of-tune guitars
03:38 - Pawnshops / Cleared out
05:09 - Ebo Customs E-Verb / Demo
06:25 - Viewer Comment Bin / Recepticle
07:00 - Beginners? Intermediate and beyond
07:30 - Jump right in? Need experience
09:13 - Guitar man
09:50 - Shirts? / Wear own merch
10:29 - Quick goodbye / Keep 'em wanting
11:06 - Changing meter, groove song lesson

A brief discussion on blues and pawn shops.

PayPal tip jar is tombukovac@gmail.com
T shirts and mugs available at www.guitarhouse.net

May 30th, 2020

Homeskoolin’ Volume 36, Tom Bukovac, “Devil in the Details”

00:00 - Stone Temple Pilots jam
01:18 - Hello Friends
03:07 - Viewer Comment Bin
03:25 - How to dial in amp and guitar

06:16 - Session walk out
07:59 - Funny story / Struggling engineer
09:17 - Look back at old work
11:11 - '59 Les Paul Jr
12:34 - What drives you to help? Life lesson
15:00 - Dean DeLeo / Stone Temple Pilots
16:24 - Details / Lesson
18:15 - Funny story Scott Weiland

A brief examination of "Sour Girl" by Stone Temple Pilots and a look into the bubbling cauldron i sometimes call the "viewer comment bin".  Homeskoolin' T shirts available at guitarhouse.net if you like the show, PayPal tip jar: tombukovac@gmail.com