March 12th, 2023

Homeskoolin' Volume 198, Tom Bukovac "Ember Red Destruction Machine"

00:00 - Boogie with some Rolling slide guitar
02:20 - Just Larry / No NFL / CD Collection / 80,000 Subscribers
03:39 - Michael Rhodes funeral
05:20 - Guthrie and album completion
05:55 - New Morgan Wallen record
07:00 - Favorite question: Every band or artist everyone likes except you?
08:38 - BTPA Cables - really cool
09:25 - VCB (Viewer Comment Bin) / CDs / David and David
10:58 - Reaching far for an audience / YouTube is the only Social Media outlet worth a shit
12:00 - Newfoundland customs agent story
13:42 - '66 Gibson Firebird, non-reverse, P90, destruction machine
14:22 - 3rd & Lindsley remix DVD coming out


Uncle Larry gets busy with a tweed big box Tremolux with the channels jumped by a high quality BTPA cable.


and totally unrelated....great example of what I'm always talking about in terms of getting on a cool part and STAYING WITH IT...if you ever deviate from it there better be a DAMN GOOD reason.


March 5th, 2023

Homeskoolin’ Bonus, “In Memoriam”

00:00 - Outer world playing
00:50- Hello, friends!
01:45 - Passing of a great musician Michael Rhodes / Stories

Well, all the bass players in the world just went up one rung…..goodbye Mick


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