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May 22nd, 2020

Homeskoolin’ Volume 32, Tom Bukovac, “Plexi Soul”

00:00 - Experimental jam intro
02:58 - Hello, class!
03:54 - '58 Les Paul
04:23 - Viewer Comment Bin / John Cleese & Dolly Parton joke
05:12 - Garage playing?
06:48 - Guitar picks / Pick use
08:34 - Thin Lizzy - Cowboy Song
10:27 - Great solo album
11:07 - Eric Johnson vids
12:17 - Eric Johnson lesson
13:52 - Pete Townshend lesson
15:10 - Cast session musicians?
17:15 - Loop lesson

A not so brief experimental odyssey on a borrowed guitar.  Homeskoolin' T shirts available at if you like the show, PayPal tip jar:

March 23rd, 2020

Corona Lessons volume 4, Tom Bukovac,...Mick "Ronno" Ronson, Ian Hunter

00:00 - Intro to Mick Ronson
01:14 - One of the greatest solos (Ian Hunter - Cleveland Rocks)
02:12 - Lesson: Playing solo

Hello's lesson takes us back to pre-virus times....Kingston Upon Hull, Ipswich, Suffolk, Surrey, Ditton on the Thames, Charing Cross Road....the glam rock era of the 70's, back when songs had actual chord changes....and furthermore.... This one goes out to my dear friends Eliot and Tobin.... technical notes: 1) if you wanna play along you gotta tune down a half step 2) the amp I've been using on all these videos is something you can purchase for 80 old Roland Micro Cube (but you gotta get one of the "good" ones between serial number XZFFHZBY009988874532787996 and XZFHZBY9999900000007865554329986)

it amuses me to no end when people try to judge and compare "guitar tone" by listening to iPhone recordings

Stay well everybody...try to stay sane
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