November 19th, 2023
Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Hey Kid, You Like Music?”

00:00 - Larry gets Heavy, chunking Heavy Metal into light playing
00:35 - NFL favorite team
01:20 - Laugh out loud, funny comments
01:50 - Foreigners cannot comprehend Buck-ees
02:15 - Led Zeppelin cool stuff vs. cover band / Keith Richards low 6th
02:40 - Lesson: Open G tuning (Led Zeppelin) / Satanic sound
05:47 - Hated songs continued - Cheap Trick, Aerosmith....
08:05 - Film music?
08:30 - Guitar case for Les Paul...what is it? / More hated songs - Roxanne, Breakfast at Tiffany's
10:30 - Amp cannot find? Gibson GA-83-S
11:52 - Guitar cannot find? Lake Placid Blue Stratocaster turned green
12:30 - Remastered songs
Larry gets a major kick out of perhaps the most enlightened comment section in all of the Youtoobz...good stuff friends
Thank you guys for all the kind words and generous donations.
Happy Sunday folks
if you are a football fan and you haven't seen this already, you are in for a treat...cuz this is some funny ass shit right here...
May 3rd, 2023
Homeskoolin' Volume 212, Tom Bukovac, "The Chord NO ONE Can Hear"

00:00 - Some Old-Country influence and singing
01:14 - Hi guys! Beautiful to be back / Pool
02:20 - Willie Nelson gig thoughts / Working hard
03:47 - Living Legends / Band
04:45 - Willie Nelson great song writer
05:32 - Videos from gig / Volume and remaster
06:18 - 3rd & Lindsley remaster
07:09 - How was Keith Richards
07:55 - COVID restrictions / Separate tents
09:45 - Ann Wilson tour decline
10:58 - Highlights of the show / Sheryl, Beck, etc.
12:18 - Past shows with Willie
13:23 - Rental gear, how was it? / Missing personal guitars
14:35 - Quiz: Willie gig charts for prize
16:45 - Stevie Wonder - Sir Duke (Can you hear this chord?)
18:22 - Guthrie record finishing / Band name / Fantasic material and arrangements
Larry reflects on some of the bizarre and mysterious things that have floated across his transom in the last week or so.
Oh...and don't you need some Homeskoolin' merch?
February 14th, 2021
Homeskoolin’ Volume 91, Tom Bukovac, “Paper or Plastic?”

00:00 - Rock, Country, Blues intro
01:38 - Tom Britt tribute / Open tunings
03:27 - Ry Cooder adaptation lesson
05:13 - Open Eb lesson / Transposing
08:03 - Slide
09:32 - Chords and octaves
10:29 - Tuning to "don't know what the hell it is."
11:30 - Open G lesson / Transposing
13:48 - Keith Richards / Low string
14:28 - Led Zeppelin - Dancing Days lesson
15:08 - Juicy jam
15:59 - V chord
16:20 - Drop low string to C lesson / IV chord
A free tutorial on open tunings and a thank you to one of my mentors...
Tom Britt
Tom Bukovac's personal Rolling Rock tip jar is
Homeskoolin merch available at
Venmo tip jar is @Tom-Bukovac-1
April 22nd, 2020
Homeskoolin' Volume 13, Tom Bukovac, "Dancin' Days & Open G"

00:00 - Thank you
02:07 - Coffee
02:59 - Favorite movies?
04:24 - Open tunings
07:18 - Guild Thunderbird
07:40 - Dancing Days lesson
12:38 - Rolling Stones lesson
12:55 - Cool stuff in open tuning
Thank you guys, I sincerely appreciate this little "Homeskoolin' family" more than you all know. Here's a brief chat on the classic open G tuning after a rough morning.... (from low to hi D,G,D,G,B,D)