March 22nd, 2020

Corona Lessons volume 3, Tom Bukovac, southern harmony & faux slide

00:00 - Hello everybody / Intro and cool licks
00:48 - Lesson: Faux slide licks and demostrations

Here's a few riffs you can play if you ever forget your slide at the gig.... thanks for the kind words on previous videos everyone....since playing guitar is basically the only thing I can actually do in this life, i figure this is my small contribution to getting us through the "cris-o-lation" of "the great netflix war of 2020"....

Yes, this situation we are currently in is more fucked up than Harvey Weinstein' genitalia, but i do believe we will get through it and there will be a Renaissance on the other side....also, as soon as this is shit is over, these videos will stop and I'm going to start charging full corporate rate for these lessons...

People have asked about what amp I'm using on these would die if I told ya.


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