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April 13th, 2020

Homeskoolin’ Volume 5, Tom Bukovac, “More Fool Me”

00:00 - Intro (Phil Collins)
01:21 - Song

One of my alltime “favourite” bits....featuring Sarah Buxton on lead vocal

April 5th, 2020

Corona Lessons Volume 19, Tom Bukovac, Lindsey!

00:00 - Fleetwood Mac - "Never Going Back Again"
00:43 - Welcome to Corona Lessons / Learning Lindsey's song
01:38 - "Never Going Back Again" opening riff lesson
02:22 - Stevie Nicks story
03:52 - Lindsey Buckingham story
06:30 - The feel of the song
07:02 - Picking nails
07:37 - Gig through a computer
08:09 - Fleetwood Mac - "Dreams" song lesson
10:55 - Watching contest videos
11:13 - Greatest/favorite guitar players

A hack job of “Never Goin Back Again” and a long winded diatribe about the genius of LB

April 4th, 2020

Corona Lessons Volume 18, Tom Bukovac, “Time”

00:00 - Acoustic playing
00:48 - Hey dudes / global pandemic
01:29 - Viewer comments / fingerboard
01:54 - Chord shapes and patterns / Modes
03:27 - Timing / Click
07:04 - Playing with time is hard!
08:26 - Name your kids after gear
08:43 - Ohio is for prog nerds
09:22 - Underrated guitar player (Ian Anderson) / "Wond'ring Aloud"
11:03 - YouTube video Rob Martino
11:45 - Restraint / Patience and don't deviate

Time...it flexes like a whore...hey guys I thought I wasn’t gonna be able to do this today because Sarah is making me learn a million songs to play tonite for some online “internet festival” live concert....how fucking weird...I can’t even wrap my head around that.

March 28th, 2020

Corona Lessons Volume 9, Tom Bukovac, "Ripples"

00:00 - Genesis - Ripples

Prog rock day on Corona Lessons...and my first special guest on the show, Sarah Buxton. Doing our version of an old number called "Ripples" off the 1976 Genesis album "Trick of the Tail". An homage to those magical days of yore when all music wasn't written in 4 bar loops of the same four chords over and over. Sarah has an amazing band called Skyline Motel with her songwriting partners Kate York, Ian Fitchuk and Daniel Tashian. Their EP "After Dark" was just released a couple days ago on all the streaming bullshit...REALLY cool songs...and your buddy helped out on the record playing some guitar. This one goes out to my old buddy Tommy Mcdonald...the only guy I know who loves old Genesis as much as I do.

March 25th, 2020

Corona Lessons Volume 7, Tom Bukovac, "All The Steves"

00:00 - Hello everyone / Comment section and thanks
00:58 - Pick related questions
02:26 - Melodic patterns?  No
02:39 - Battery powered microcube?  No
02:55 - No bullshitting
03:40 - Don't let your fingers just fall
04:55 - more views?
05:07 - Best vocalist? Sarah Buxton
05:29 - Stick to drinking, not videos
05:57 - Ton of Steves
06:20 - Steve Howe (Yes)
07:22 - Steve Morse (Dixie Dregs)
08:21 - Steve Hackett (Genesis)
10:00 - Steve Hunter (Various)

I figured it was time to answer a few questions from viewers...and also go off on a rant about all the great Steves.
This one goes out to my favorite Steve that DOESN'T play guitar...little Stevie Marcantonio....you may not know him, but trust me, he made a lotta big records in New York.
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