September 15th, 2024
Homeskoolin’ Volume 341, Tom Bukovac, “1000 Rainy Days Since We First Met”

00:00 - Magic arrangements (Police, Sting, Every Little Thing She Does)
03:00 - Sting / NFL Betting
03:50 - Gear setup / Princeton Reverb / Gruhn Versitar guitar
04:44 - Back to magic playing / Picking vs finger picking
06:35 - Police - Bring on the Night vs Sting
07:45 - Gruhn video thanks
08:46 - Lesson: Own version of Sting song / Saddest chord of all time Amaj7/C#
10:00 - Lesson: Tune to frets [2 4 4 2 0 4] (F#min9sus)
11:09 - Greg Voros and PAFs in Dean guitar / "Joint on the lawn of a ZZ Top concert"
12:15 - Fender Twin Reverb
13:00 - "Mint" condition / 1957 Fender Telecaster brand new / Clean guitars
16:31 - JCM 800 and fact checking commentor
17:53 - Dear old friend getting wasted / Getting drunk
19:00 - Gruhn guitars
Larry gets down with Leslie
Thank you sincerely for the ongoing support of this channel my dear boys and girls
if you wanna throw a little something in the jar so we can put gas in the go cart go ahead friends...every little bit helps
my PayPal is
my venmo is @Tom-Bukovac-1
if any of you guys out there are looking for a REALLLLLLY special 335 you should just buy that clean ass '60 that was in the Gruhn's video yesterday.
I mean holy SHEEPSHIT that thing is killllllller....
Perfect neck....
you heard it.
it's 70K, which is a lot of dough....but you could potentially get it if you sold all your current guitars....
that would be a lot of work and a major pain in the ass...but trust me on this friends, if you actually DID it, it would be the smartest move you could ever possibly make....
this is the only guitar you would ever need or want to play.
i would buy it myself if i could swing it....i also really like that red '63 i currently have so it's not EATING at me....but i'm just telling you guys straight up, if you have been looking for a fucking MAGIC old guitar, there it is.
June 26th, 2023
Homeskoolin' Update, "Birthday Gig Video Release and New Website News"

00:00 - Another day of slow, trippy playing (Police - Tea in the Sahara)
03:30 - Hey all! / About Tom / Thanks, Yuengling, working
05:30 - Live video of 3rd & Lindsley / Buy on new website
07:30 - "Guthrie Trapp and Tom Bukovac In Stereo" record
08:30 - VCB (Viewer Comment Bin)
08:45 - Lesson: vi -> iv7
09:30 - Take a minute to see if I like or not
10:35 - Playing in the moment / Police songs
11:45 - Lesson: Bending the strings
13:20 - Duke Levine talk
15:05 - Pete Townshend - All the Best Cowboys Have Chinese Eyes
Wait just a minute....Uncle Larry has a website now??? Whattttt????
Check it out kids:
The freshly re-mixed live video from the birthday gig at 3rd and Lindsley on December 20th 2022 is finally ALMOST ready to launch. Should be up in the next day or two. You can purchase a digital download of it from the new website for $14.99 if you like.
It features guest appearances by Guthrie Trapp, Jedd Hughes and Wendy Moten. It also features a few clams and an occasional video glitch that was unfixable in post... but in the big picture these are only minor's all in the spirit of live performance and it's many imminent dangers.
Most importantly, the original audio tracks from this show were beautifully remixed by the legendary engineer Steve Marcantonio,....Steve made a lot of big records in New York...J Geils, John Lennon etc
Special thanks to young David McLeod for putting the new website together.
Special thanks to Sting for writing the fucking amazing song I played at the beginning of the video...
"Tea In The Sahara"
"My sisters and I
Have one wish before we die
And it may sound strange
As if our minds are deranged
Please don't ask us why
Beneath the sheltering sky
We have this strange obsession
You have the means in your possession
Tea in the Sahara with you
Tea in the Sahara with you
The young man agreed
He would satisfy their need
So they danced for his pleasure
With a joy you could not measure
They would wait for him here
The same place every year
Beneath the sheltering sky
Across the desert he would fly
Tea in the Sahara with you
Tea in the Sahara with you
The sky turned to black
Would he ever come back?
They would climb a high dune
They would pray to the moon
But he'd never return
So the sisters would burn
As their eyes searched the land
With their cups full of sand"
Totally unrelated but still cool, here's that Duke Levine thing i mentioned in today's vid....absolutely transcendental shit.
Despite Dominic Hudson's best efforts to deter them, a lot of newer viewers have been asking "where is the tip jar?" lately...well, if you feel led to contribute a little something to the Homeskoolin' cause after well over 200 free guitar lessons, you can do that here.
For PayPal donations use this address:
For Venmo donations use this address:
There are still a few more of the hand signed limited edition Uncle Larry prints that Ziggy O'Leary did left....if you wanna check one out go here:
and a LOT of people don't seem to know that they can go here to purchase a myriad of Homeskoolin' related merchandise..including several different T-shirts and some beautifully constructed coffee mugs for those afflicted with thin lips...
You can also get some very cool Guthrie Trapp and Jedd Hughes merch at that same site.
Over the last couple years, Uncle Larry made a couple records that you could potentially listen to...
one is an instrumental solo record called "Plexi Soul" that is available here:
another is an instrumental collaboration with his dear friend Dean Deleo (originally from the Stone Temple Pilots organization) that is available here:
Thanks for watching the show friends..I hope you are learning how to find your own voice on the guitar.
January 9th, 2023
Homeskoolin’ Volume 184, “Moving In Mono”

00:00 - Reflective playing
04:50 - Morph into Sting - Bring on the Night / Howya doing?
06:00 - The greatest cover songs of all time
07:00 - Lesson: Bring on the Night / Vince Gill
08:20 - NFL cards
09:46 - '54 Esquire from Greg Voros / Playing / Top hat flying off
13:53 - Thanks
14:55 - Lesson: Harmonics
15:42 - Unknown riff from the '80s
16:36 - Lesson: Cars - Since I Held You / Solo
19:41 - The Cars solos story / Band person vs live improv / Test of time
Uncle Larry takes a ride on a slightly out of tune chopped 54 esquire and reflects on some childhood guitar store memories.....and childhood memories of watching Letterman.
Even the thumbnail pic shows Larry in a very "reflective type" mood.
In truth, sometimes (like tonight for example) i don't even bother to tune the guitar before i do these vids....because i usually spend all day at my "day job" caring WAY too much about when i get home at night, and it's just me all alone with my deep Cleveland thoughts it can be very stimulating for me to be a bit out of tune.
It's very freeing, sonically speaking, it's kinda like the emotional equivalent of walking around the house in your underwear.
I hope you guys don't mind.
There is one guy that watches the show that can't help but make a comment every time he hears five seconds of something out of tune on my totally unedited free form stream of conscious videos. I think he's one of those unfortunate dudes who has to tune/edit/pocket shitty vocals on pro tools all day for bad local bands.
He probably also has a hard time enjoying led zeppelin and beatles records.
I've noticed that some people seem to feel really special when they can point out things that are "out of tune"....sometimes i think they think they are the only people that can "hear" it.
At any rate, thanks for watching guys
If you feel led:
the PayPal tip jar is always there...lurking...
so is that venmo one...
September 18th, 2022
Homeskoolin’ Bonus “B Roll From Giants Show”

00:00 - Footage of the rehearsal for "Giants"
Warning: this one here is ONLY for the real die hard Homeskoolers out there.
Damn near 30 minutes of rehearsal footage....i thought about chopping it up, but then decided to give it all to ya in one big long painful block, so you can feel the slog of a 10 hour rehearsal day just like we do haha.
disclaimer: i clearly realize that there are worse 10 hour work days.....
i'll tell ya' a job that would REALLY suck. top of my list of all-time nightmare be the guy that cleans and maintains a busy airport restroom....there's something about "international shit" that's even more horrifying than "domestic shit".... the worst job i ever had in my younger days was doing carpet and flooring with my older brother was great to hang out with him all day, but the job itself SUCKED.
i also did asphalt with my other brother Mike....a VERY small company in Cleveland called "Perfection Paving"...the only dump truck the company could afford was from the 40's and it wouldn't go over 35 MPH on the highway....which was a problem when you are carrying a hot load of asphalt long distances.
anyhoo....back to today's video...b roll rehearsal footage from the recently aired CMT show called "Giants" honoring Vince Gill.
Uncle Larry
Jedd Hughes
Paulie Franklin
Chris Stapleton
Jimmie Lee Sloas
Becky Fluke
September 17th, 2022
Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Larry, Jedd and Paul, featuring Sting”

00:00 - Footage from Country Music Television's "Giants"
Hahaaa….just kiddin…i know the real billing order…it should be “Jedd, Paul and Tom, featuring Sting”
Heres an alternate take from the one that actually was on the show.
Hope you enjoy…i had a lonely princeton reverb backstage behind a wall, mic’ed up, and what you are hearing is through the wedge.
When you got your guitar sounding like this through a wedge, you KNOW its gonna be right out front.
September 16th, 2022
Homeskoolin’ PSA, “TV Time”

00:00 - Beautiful crunch playing
01:56 - Hello, class!
02:30 - Who carries Duesenberg model
03:55 - Vince Gill CMT Special "Giants"
04:20 - Rickenbacker 360 Bubbletop
Hi guys.....if you're bored tonite check out the show i played on called "Giants" honoring Vince Gill
on the CMT network
8pm central...y'all better hurry
Stores in the U.S. that carry the Duesenberg Session Man guitar:
The Guitar Sanctuary, TX
Palen Music Center, MO
Sound Pure, NC
N' Stuff Music, PA
Lark Guitars, TX
Huber & Breese Music, MI
Willcutt Guitar, KY
Boston Guitars, MA
Midwood Guitars, NC
Spicer Music, AL
Ye Olde Music, SC
Danville Music, CA
Music Villa. MT
Thank you to all of you guys for believing in the model!
September 13th, 2022
Homeskoolin’ Volume 164, Tom Bukovac, “With Synchronized Tremolo”

00:00 - Boogeying some old school guitar
04:28 - Rollin' Rock slide / Hello, class!
05:18 - Duggie Brown's Jazzmaster
05:43 - Vince Gill backup / Sting / Guitar journey meeting people
07:40 - Chris Stapleton / Earthquaker Dispatch Master
08:40 - Jaco Pastorius
09:20 - Lesson: Appropriate fingering
12:04 - Lesson: Silly, hard lick to use all 4 fingers
14:07 - Lesson: "Tempest Fugit" lick
16:00 - Lesson: Taking apart chords for different voicings
16:50 - Kentucky Thunder Bluegrass bad asses / Bluegrass solos vs Rock
19:23 - Brian Sutton lessons / Holding your body correctly
20:15 - Banjo, tempo, and effortless playing
21:50 - Guitar video jam
Little Tommy discusses proper fretboard fingering after a nice fall haircut….the little clip at the end is from the rehearsal yesterday when we were learning Sting’s tune that he was singing on the show.
Thanks for watching my little stream of consciousness rants people.
May 20th, 2022
Homeskoolin’ Volume 145, Tom Bukovac, “Deep Early Morning Thoughts”

00:00 - Playing through with Mother Of Violence
03:16 - Peter Gabriel talk
05:08 - Letterman show and Sid McGinnis
06:18 - Sting / Songs in original Key
08:32 - Great idea for contest
10:24 - Song lesson
Uncle Larry waxing rhapsodic after just rolling outta bed, about some of the coolest music ever written/recorded…in his humble opinion.
send your postcard to
Duesenberg USA
Uncle Larry
PO Box 857
Fullerton CA 92836
you guys don't have to send a utility bill with the postcard....i'm just saying...when i pick a winner i'm gonna make whoever won email me a utility bill to prove they actually live there before i send the guitar. ya dig? also....everyone can enter, i don't care what country you live in....but i secretly hope i pick a domestic US winner cuz i fucking hate shipping international.
Peter Gabriel “Mother Of Violence”
“Walking the street with her naked feet So full of rhythm but I can't find the beat Snapping her heels clicking her toes Everybody knows just where she goes Ah fear, fear, she's the mother of violence Making me tense to watch the way she breed Fear, she's the mother of violence You know self-defense is all you need It's getting hard to breathe It's getting so hard to believe To believe in anything at all Mouth all dry eyes, blood shot Data stored in microdot Kicking the cloud with my moccasin shoes T.v. Dinner, T.V. News Ah 'cause fear Fear, she's the mother of violence Don't make any sense to watch the way she breed Fear, she's the mother of violence Making me tense to watch the way she feed The only way you know she's there Is the subtle flavor in the air Getting hard to breathe Hard to believe in anything at all But fear”
February 6th, 2022
Homeskoolin’ Volume 126, Tom Bukovac, “A Hillbilly’s Approach To Major Tonality

00:00 - Slow intro playing
02:45 - Deluxe Reverb / Covid / Thanks
04:29 - Bob Ezrin / Peter Gabriel / Tony Levin / Sting
08:40 - Sessions, voicing chords
09:54 - Chords and "bonus notes" (Tim Lauer - keyboards)
12:25 - Staying away from chords
13:29 - Piano voicings and extensions
18:46 - Gibson Les Paul setup
19:21 - Return to chords and voicings
20:20 - Internet at Bukovac house
20:45 - Expand your chords
21:10 - Guitar tuned
22:58 - Dean DeLeo signing CDs
Uncle Larry on day 4 of having Covid, gettin’ all deep and probably pissing some more people off, as usual
correction....Allan Schwartzberg played drums on the first PG solo album, not Jerry Marotta...
also, please note I named every song on that album from memory except..."Waiting For The Big One" hahaaaa
August 6th, 2020
Homeskoolin’ Volume 61, Tom Bukovac, “The Smuggler”

00:00 - Rocking intro jam
02:23 - Hello, class!
03:12 - '67 Smuggler's Tele
03:51 - Vivid memories of songs played
04:57 - Few hours with living player?
06:37 - COTCS
07:47 - Guitar and women?
08:39 - Homeskoolin' merch / Design
09:20 - Christine / Darnell's Garage
09:55 - Guitar lesson
See I’m writing stuff in here again....just to see if you guys read it.
PayPal tip jar is
T shirts and mugs available at
May 11th, 2020
Homeskoolin’ Volume 26, Tom Bukovac, “Regatta De Summer Breeze”

00:00 - Police bass loop jam
04:19 - Greatest concert
05:33 - Walking on the Moon lesson
06:50 - Common traits of the Greats
10:36 - Muting / Bouncing trick lesson
A brief explanation of string muting and a declaration of my lifelong obsession with The Police. Homeskoolin' T shirts available at if you like the show, PayPal tip jar: