February 26th, 2025

Homeskoolin’ Session Update “Bad Investment”

00:00 - Starstruck Studios and "the Pond" tour

A quick tour of “the Pond” at Starstruck studio in downtown Nashville

It turns out that an SSL console wasn’t a great investment in 1994

Brandon Hood producing a record for Emily Ann Robert’s

Starring my dear old pal Chris Ashburn

February 26th, 2025

Homeskoolin’ Volume 402, Tom Bukovac, “The Burst Killer?”

00:00 - Rocking on the Burst
01:06 - Good morning dear friends / Thank you
02:18 - '72 Chevelle
03:03 - VCB (Viewer Comment Bin) / Pentatonic scales
03:30 - "Who are you playing for?"
04:45 - "Not a Jazz-er" / Play for the world
06:06 - Epiphone 335 / '61 dot neck sold
07:00 - ES-345 or ES-355 / Stereo varitone bullshit
08:02 - Gretsch White Falcon / Mono system without bullshit
09:35 - Brett Papa classes
11:42 - '59 Gibson ES-335 "Burst Killer" vs. '58 Gibson Les Paul "Burst"
12:39 - '58 Burst bridge
14:09 - '59 ES-335 bridge
15:30 - '58 Burst neck
17:20 - '59 ES-335 neck
19:30 - '58 Burst neck / Sustain for days vs feedback
20:32 - Conclusion / Burst one more time
21:19 - ES-335 one more time

Uncle Larry shoots out two iconic chunks of golden age Kalamazoo through a tweed deluxe and answers some hot chunks of VCB

If you like these videos please tell a friend

February 25th, 2025

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Dot Neck Believer Fever”

00:00 - '59 Gibson ES-335
03:39 - Playing
06:38 - Brdige clean
07:01 - Middle clean
07:48 - Volume of PAFs

Since he was a young man, Uncle Larry has always been one to trade several realllllllllly great guitars for one total showstopper….and this is one of those times…

a no excuses 59 dotneck has been on my bucket list for a good while now. …

This one will do the trick

February 23rd, 2025

Homeskoolin’ Volume 401, Tom Bukovac, “Up With Antigua”

00:00 - Hello, friends! / Fender Stratocaster Antigua
03:30 - Playing acoustically
03:53 - Being sick
06:33 - Movie called "Boyhood"
13:55 - Ethan Hawk
24:42 - Van Zant Brothers gigs

Gather around and behold perhaps the only man on earth that doesn’t hate the Antigua finish from Fender’s darkest years…

February 22nd, 2025

Homeskoolin’ Bonus Jam/Garage Sale

00:00 - Sweet ole Country?
04:16 - Hello, friends! / Christmas song / Schools closing
05:30 - Thank yous
06:23 - Gretsch 6120 White Falcon for sale (Uncle Larry's Garage Sale)

Hope you all enjoy the tones of this tasty old 62 first year double cut white falcon

Email Tombukovac@gmail.com

February 21st, 2025

Homeskoolin PSA…”Subscription Course Is Coming!!”

00:00 - Uplifting musical beauty oozing out into Blues
06:37 - What's up, friends! / Subscription service

Brett Papa and I have been BUSTING OUR FUCKING ASSES trying to put together the most kick ass comprehensive lesson course you can ever imagine
It’s gonna be done by the end of April kids….licks and concepts than any man could ever shake a stick at

I am VERY excited that the end zone is in plain sight.

February 20th, 2025

Homeskoolin’ Bonus Jam, “Blooze On A Bird” (Lossless….Headless)

00:00 - Continued bonus material

A family style serving of the swirling overtones and dangerous midrange that the Gibson Firebird model has been delivering to the world of rock and roll since mid 1963, brought to you by your Uncle Larry

February 19th, 2025

Homeskoolin’ Volume 400, Tom Bukovac “Super 400”

00:00 - Bonus material

After a nearly two week recuperation from the Chicago bio lab flu, Larry is back on the fretboard

Ain’t nothin like a slab of Brazilian on a snow day friends.

February 13th, 2025

Homeskoolin’ Volume 399, Tom Bukovac, “Signs Of Life”

00:00 - Somber playing
03:12 - What's up, friends! / Bad sickness
04:19 - Watched every history documentary (Dust Bowl, Vietnam)
07:04 - Bending in tune
08:24 - Bending in 440 Hz and muscle memory
09:40 - Lesson: Locking the bend
10:38 - Lesson: Shake off the bend
14:04 - '60 Tele Custom wiring converted to modern

Uncle Larry’s first moments of feeling human again after being all beat to hell from a three day bout of some kind of virus…classic “road sickness” that tried like hell to stop me from ever making it to “episode 400”

Whatever it was, it felt like Covid but I tested negative ….body aches, low grade fever, cough etc

Anyway, after watching every history documentary on PBS over the last three days, something that I already knew became even clearer to me…

there has never been a time in human history where a typical person has it any easier than they do right now…..

You guys have heard me talk about this before….as much as I absolutely romanticize the past and often live in a self made world of beautiful nostalgia…i CLEARLY understand that we are VERY VERY lucky to be here now, at this point in history….

all I’m saying here friends is this…enjoy every moment, every second….because there were sooooo many generations before us that had to STRUGGLE with aspects of life that not only do we take for granted, we don’t even THINK about

Things are so easy for us now that we spend the energy that generations before us had to spend fighting for survival tearing each other apart….and this extends all the way from criticizing and judging cultures thousands of miles away from us, to husbands and wives tearing each other apart because they can’t “get what they need” out of the relationship

If you ever start feeling that your life is shit, there’s so much stuff out there on your very own streaming service that puts everything you could ever want to watch at your fingertips that can give you PLENTY of perspective…park your ass in your favorite recliner sometime and watch the “Dust Bowl” documentary by Ken Burns and then tell me how shitty your life is

February 10th, 2025

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Little Red Snapper”

00:00 - Light strumming Beatles-esque tunes
03:21 - What's up friends / Thank you for Chicago show
07:03 - Ricky Skaggs and Tony Rice (Skaggs & Rice)

Uncle Larry back to work after a whirlwind trip up to the great City Of Wind…great sounding room and two nights of the most amazing crowd I have ever performed in front of

Thank YOU Chicago!!

Thank you to my dear friends and band mates…there are no words to express the respect I have for you all

If you have never heard this recording, you are welcome

February 10th, 2025

Homeskoolin’ Bonus Jam “9 Volt Blues”

00:00 - Rockin' on a small amp...no gear needed

and a one…and a two…and a one, two, three, four..

February 10th, 2025

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Fill Up On Pump 942 Please”

00:00 - Visiting a huge gas station

A merry band of hillbillies with instruments traverse the Land Of Plenty in search of good food, good music and clean bathrooms.

February 5th, 2025

Homeskoolin’ Bonus Jam “Sustainable Guitar”

00:00 - Feedbacking genius

Uncle Larry is going green…recycling notes for a brighter eco-friendly tomorrow…

February 5th, 2025

Homeskoolin’ Volume 398, Tom Bukovac, “Banner Head Believer Fever”

00:00 - Acoustic creamyness
03:03 - Hello, it's just Larry / Guitar phases
06:38 - Morgan Wallen / Dean Z guitar / Lana Del Rey
08:00 - Session blocks
09:43 - Country Band covers Stevie Wonder - Isn't She Lovely -> "Isn't She Country"
10:41 - Gruhn and Eric Ernest Thanks / Doubleneck
12:00 - Spanish playing
12:34 - Lesson: Cat Stevens song
14:30 - Guthrie and acoustic guitar
16:45 - Son Marshall instructional video
19:00 - Bluegrass music / Different genres of music and making money
20:04 - Acoustic buying
20:37 - Lesson: [x x 5 4 2 2] over E; Pho-Jazz
22:31 - Lesson: Millisecond mute with picking technique
23:10 - Lesson: Playing down by the bridge / Stevie Wonder sound

Uncle Larry rolls out a new twist on some familiar chords, and also reflects a bit on the many "phases” of a typical guitar player's life…

One very important phase I left out was the “fuck pedals, i’m just gonna plug straight into the amp” phase…which is then usually followed by the “I want to build a giant rack to house all my vintage pedals that I can run off a looper” phase…

it never ends my friends...
well, at some point it actually does end i suppose.

anyhoo, if you guys dig these videos please support the cause

there is a tip jar that you could potentially get involved with....the proceeds go towards the imaginary "Uncle Larry foundation" that exists only in my head...it's sole purpose is to pay for the endless supply of groceries that must be purchased to feed these growing boys.

PayPal is tombukovac@gmail.com
Venmo is @Tom-Bukovac-1

February 5th, 2025

Homeskoolin’ “The Definitive Guide To The Elusive 1958-1963 Gibson Hollowbody Doubleneck”

00:00 - Going to Gruhn's to talk doublenecks
06:55 - Eric's story of doubleneck obsession
18:13 - Gibson factory workers
19:40 - Neck sets / Dovetail / Horrendous guitar work
23:34 - Doubleneck carve / Wide fret wire
27:40 - '58 Gibson Doubleneck (white)
32:01 - 4 and 8 string mandolin Gibson Doubleneck
37:32 - 1938 Gibson Doubleneck
40:00 - Comparing with old Gibson bass of similar construction
41:09 - Photo of original owner
43:20 - Hollowbody / Closing conversation

Uncle Larry is joined by two dear friends who both happen to be heavy hitters in the business of buying and selling old guitars.

Eric Ernest, owner and proprietor of Abalone Vintage Guitars


and George Gruhn, owner and proprietor of Gruhn Guitars in Nashville TN


Eric Ernest is without question the world’s leading authority on one of the rarest models of Gibson guitars…the hollowbody doublenecks that were produced between 1958-1963

He has had a lifelong obsession with these impossibly rare instruments and has personally owned a large percentage of all the ones that were ever built…which weren’t many…(some accounts say roughly 100)

I personally believe that these hand carved spruce top hollowbody wonders occupy the most criminally underrated and least talked about corner of the entire vintage guitar culture…in fact there is no doubt in my mind about that.

George wanted to make one addendum to something he said in this video…at one point he commented that these guitars have traditional dovetail neck joints but he clearly knows they actually employ the mortise and tenon style joint

Hope you enjoy friends…I have been wanting to make this video for a long time

Special thank you’s to Eric and George for donating a Tuesday afternoon to this cause.

Thank you guys for watching this channel...i clearly realize you have plenty of other shit you could be watching on Youtube.

If you guys are getting some kicks out of these videos you can keep the party going by donating to the tip jar

my PayPal is
my venmo is

February 4th, 2025

Homeskoolin’ Bonus Jam “Black Country Ham”

00:00 - Some sullen acoustic playing

Just got home from a lovely evening celebrating GT’s birthday
So nice to see some dear old friends and play some music.
Of course I saddled up and wrote some acoustic shit when i got home.

and totally unrelated, i like this guy, he's got a cool vibe...


February 3rd, 2025

Homeskoolin’ Volume 397, Tom Bukovac, “Trappy Birthday”

00:00 - Trying out an acoustic and talking about birthday party / Shows
05:11 - George Gruhn enters the picture and a cool bass (George Harrison) / Tons of knowledge coming through
13:45 - Guthrie comparing acoustics

A little morning visit to Gruhn Guitars in Nashville TN…starring our birthday boy Guthrie Trapp, George Gruhn, Tony Nagy and a pair of ebony rod 43 D-28’s….
hard to beat the sound of that old wood friends

February 2nd, 2025

Homeskoolin’ Bonus Jam “A Touch Of Velvet”

00:00 - Exquisite playing

Uncle Larry explores the deep somber luxurious sustain of an exquisite hand made set neck solidbody guitar recently purchased from the Ricardo Montalban collection…the meticulously crafted velvet lined case smells of rich Corinthian leather with hints of Lilac, aged mahogany and shag carpet…

Dean Z

February 1st, 2025

Homeskoolin’ Bonus Jam “Take Off Your Covers”

00:00 - Rockin' some tunes on the Dean

My dear boy Marshall and I both absolutely FELL IN LOVE with this fantastic old 1980 Dean Z Standard in the fairly rare and exceedingly beautiful “Braziliaburst” today…..

We just couldn’t stop gawking at the thing, so we decided to adopt it and give it a good home

Now the fight is on between who gets to play it here at the crib.

This one is a classic example of that “no covers tone”, or “covers off tone” that I have always been a fan of…
You know, that unmistakable airy bite that you get from a good humbucker with no pickup covers on it…as popularized by every guitar player with a soldering iron in the 70’s.

This guitar also REALLY gives up that “sweetened thirds” thing that EVH made popular…where the thirds on the G and B string are so perfectly squared off in tune that it makes your hair stand up.

The best part is that this fine old instrument was previously owned by one of our favorite people on this entire planet….Mr Greg Voros.

Dean Z

January 30th, 2025

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Evolution Of An Electronic Drummer”

00:00 - Teaching son to play drums

Well friends, it’s been exactly 2 months since I taught Leo how to cross his hands and play his very first drum beat....that was right before he turned 9 years old…now look at the boy go.

Like I said before, these boys have so much music in their DNA, it’s not really like “teaching”…it’s more like “releasing a fish into water”