April 18th, 2022

Homeskoolin’, Tom Bukovac, “Strat Fury Volume 2”

00:00 - Some fine tastey Blues licks and playing

A humble tribute to the Reverend Billy G….from one of my alltime favorite records….Tejas.

today's equipment choice....late '62 stratocaster/cable/'66 deluxe reverb

Paypal request line tip jar is tombukovac@gmail.com
Venmo beer fund is @Tom-Bukovac-1

April 13th, 2022

Homeskoolin Volume 138, Tom Bukovac, “Plexiholic”

00:00 - Slow, beautiful, raunchy loop playing
03:36 - Hello, class! / Thanks / Nashville floods
04:45 - 1 year anniversary
05:19 - View Comment Bin - Trigger Hippy days
07:23 - Joan Osborne
09:03 - Favorite Twight Zone?  The Shelter
10:37 - Overcoming Red Light Fever?
12:39 - Guitar or amp you never had?
13:35 - Crazy prices of instruments
14:02 - "Uncle Larry" amp / Ebo Customs
15:00 - Recent addiction to Marshall Plexis

A brief look at the VCB and the wonders of the old MXR Stereo Chorus.

Thanks for watching people

Paypal tip jar is tombukovac@gmail.com
Venmo tip jar is @Tom-Bukovac-1

April 12th, 2022

Tom Bukovac….Caveman

00:00 - Playing some rockin' riffs

I found an old 60’s 10” Oxford speaker out in my garage and decided to throw it in my old 58 Vibrolux…which of course led to all this juvenile behavior….gimme a break guys….im just happy to be alive.

This one goes out to my dear old friend Chris Nelson Gilman

March 8th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Volume 132, “Hard Lessons And Hard Hats”

00:00 - Wisdom from real musicians / Best advice
00:20 - Bryan Sutton - 1. Listening.  2. Less notes.
01:24 - Jerry Roe - 1. "It's just music, don't worry about it." - Jerry Reed  2. Ask about money first.
02:36 - Dave Cohen - Don't play 3rds.
03:40 - Paul Franklin - Bring your pencil and plan your escape.
04:38 - Ben Burgess - 1. Lyrics are everything.  2. Learn your shapes.
06:31 - Joey Moi - 1. Read a chart.  2. Don't spook the band.
08:00 - Reading a chart / Nickelback
09:12 - Talent in Nashville
10:00 - Little Tommy Bukovac - Everything you play should frame the vocal
13:13 - Clarify the money

As the late afternoon session rolls into the night session, post dinner, that’s usually when the REAL deep talks start happening.

It pains me to think about the combined total hours of studio experience the seven people interviewed in this video have accumulated in their lifetimes….hope there is something here you Homeskoolers can use.
Thanks for watching guys

From left to right:
Joey Moi: producer
Ben Burgess: artist
Dave Cohen: keyboards
Jerry Roe: drums
Paul Franklin: pedal steel
Bryan Sutton: acoustic guitar
Yours Truly: electric guitar
Jimmie Lee Sloas played bass today on this session but he is not in this video

Filmed at Blackbird studio D

February 16th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Volume 128, Tom Bukovac, “Get Your Wings Son”

00:00 - Slow, beautiful playing
02:26 - Thumb recovery
02:50 - Ann Wilson rehearsal
03:32 - "Dream On" discussion / Chord progression lesson
07:00 - Steven Tyler story

Two real truths of life:

1) The human body desperately WANTS to go back to the way it was before we mangled it.
2) No matter how skinny we ever get, the human body ALWAYS remembers how fat we once were

disclaimer: gross misinformation at
06:50....i meant #4 major, not #5 major

February 6th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Volume 126, Tom Bukovac, “A Hillbilly’s Approach To Major Tonality”

00:00 - Slow intro playing
02:45 - Deluxe Reverb / Covid / Thanks
04:29 - Bob Ezrin / Peter Gabriel / Tony Levin / Sting
08:40 - Sessions, voicing chords
09:54 - Chords and "bonus notes" (Tim Lauer - keyboards)
12:25 - Staying away from chords
13:29 - Piano voicings and extensions
18:46 - Gibson Les Paul setup
19:21 - Return to chords and voicings
20:20 - Internet at Bukovac house
20:45 - Expand your chords
21:10 - Guitar tuned
22:58 - Dean DeLeo signing CDs

Uncle Larry on day 4 of having Covid, gettin’ all deep and probably pissing some more people off, as usual

correction....Allan Schwartzberg played drums on the first PG solo album, not Jerry Marotta...
also, please note I named every song on that album from memory except..."Waiting For The Big One" hahaaaa

October 27th, 2021

Homeskoolin’ Hump Day Bonus “I’m In The Mood For A Heiny”

00:00 - Beautiful, soulful playing

Well, guys….after ALL the love i have given to my trusted brand for years, not a single soul from Latrobe has reached out to help your sad old uncle…no calls, no letters, no emails…crickets….

now, he is SERIOUSLY considering switching to another green bottle…the same one your old Uncle Eddie enjoyed….

Taking you back to 1983 here with one of the greatest guitar solos ever recorded in my humble opinion….Robbie Blunt’s brilliant contribution to the Robert Plant song called “In The Mood”….which also featured some fine drumming by another English bloke that your uncle holds dear to his heart…..

The super sparkly high end on the '60 Strat i bought at an estate sale is being provided by the Vertex Ultra Phonix Special Overdrive pedal that dear Mason was kind enough to send me....delay is Vahlbruch Space Time that Vahlbruch was kind enough to send me....reverb was a Boss RV-6 i bought at a music store going out of business sale...amp is a dead clean '65 Vibrolux Reverb with the factory Jensen 10's that you DEFINITELY want in your old Vibrolux that i bought off the craigslist.

Record is coming Friday folks on the website Bandcamp….Ill post a link as soon as i know it.

Paypal tip jar is tombukovac@gmail.com

October 9th, 2021

Homeskoolin’ Saturday Night Chill Out, Tom Bukovac

00:00 - Beautiful playing loop
02:40 - Same loop, off-melody playing
05:20 - Hello, class! / Jedd Hughes intro

Hello friends…this is the guy….Jedd Hughes…check him out…one of the very few members on my mount rushmore of extremely close friends…nothin’ but soul coming outta those hands.


Have a great weekend lads.

Thanks so much for the kind words lately about how much you guys are getting out of these weirdo lessons from your half crazy uncle…i feel the love…if you feel led to throw a little something in the jar for these lessons please do so. My paypal is tombukovac@gmail.com

September 22nd, 2021

Homeskoolin’ Bonus Edition Riff Giveaway, “Stream Of Unconsciousness”

00:00 - Soulful blues playing

Remember class…if you don’t get called for fouls, you ain’t playin’ basketball.

Fall is almost here….and I am SOOOOOO happy about it.

Today’s puzzle, a ‘58 Les Paul though an old bar whore ‘64 electric instruments Super Reverb my buddy Brett found me.

Paypal tip jar is tombukovac@gmail.com

August 21st, 2021

Homeskoolin’ Road Update “Double Down”

00:00 - Tour bus stories

Hello my dear Homeskoolers, just a quick update from day 11 of a 14 day run with Ann Wilson and the Amazing Dawgs. Admittedly, everyone is a little punch drunk and emotionally wrung out after our dear bass player Tony, who we all love to pieces, had a “temporary departure” from sanity on the casino floor in Atlantic City.

Quote of the tour so far, from the resident wise old owl Ebo….”Atlantic City was built on Tony Lucido’s”

Thank God everything ended peacefully.

Thanks for watching the show guys….
Your pal Uncle Larry

Homeskoolin merch available at www.guitarhouse.net
Paypal tip jar is tombukovac@gmail.com
Venmo tip jar is @Tom-Bukovac-1

August 8th, 2021

Homeskoolin’ Volume 109, Tom Bukovac, “Mr. Blackfinger”

00:00 - Amazing mixed jam
04:21 - Hello, friends!
04:40 - Open strings / Deblocking chords
07:20 - EHX Blackfinger

A brief chat on chords and a look at one of the most overlooked effects in pedal history…..

Todays sound courtesy of a 1960 Stratocaster and a 64 Vox AC40 top boost. Reverb courtesy of a Boss RV-6.

Homeskoolin merch available at www.guitarhouse.net
Paypal tip jar is tombukovac@gmail.com
Venmo tip jar is @Tom-Bukovac-1

July 27th, 2021

Homeskoolin’ Evel Kneivel Redux “Ouch!”

00:00 - Evel Kneivel Crash and Burn

Todays lesson kids? Wear a helmet!!!

July 27th, 2021

Homeskoolin’ Evel Kneivel Bonus

00:00 - The most daring jump a plastic man can have (Slo-Mo).

Well guys, when its 180 degrees outside and 100 pct humidity, you and your children have to find fun things to do INDOORS…..and let me tell you there is NOTHING LIKE the joy that an Evel Kneivel Stunt Cycle can bring.
Best 40 bucks a man can ever spend.

May 30th, 2021

Homeskoolin’ Memorial Day bonus, “The Meaning Of Life”

00:00 - Steve Marcantonio, Tom and kids living the most important part of life.

To all you sweet people out there.....guitar is great and all, but when you boil it ALL down, there’s only TWO THINGS in this life that REALLY matter....your health, and your relationships...relationships with your family and your friends. The rest of this shit.....money, fame, success, gear, your “web presence”, etc etc doesn’t mean a goddamned thing in the end.

This one goes out to you Steve Marcantonio....the guy who unknowingly inspired the creation of Homeskoolin’ with a suggestion that he made at the end of a depressing phone conversation back in march 2020 on the first day of forced quarantine.....in thick Italian accent.... "Hey Tom, you know what you should do? Go play some guitar and put it on youtube and cheer people up."

Love you buddy

March 28th, 2021

Homeskoolin’ Volume 99, Tom Bukovac, “Blues In Sea”

00:00 - Blues soloing
10:24 - Hello, class!
10:45 - Divorce / New house / Flood / Garage
13:31 - Blues in C
15:47 - PRS Cleveland Korina
16:32 - Sessions

Hello dear class, checkin’ in with some flood and divorce updates....thanks very much to everyone who sent sweet messages being concerned about the recent bad weather.

Homeskoolin merch available at www.guitarhouse.net
Paypal tip jar is tombukovac@gmail.com
Venmo tip jar is @Tom-Bukovac-1

I sincerely thank all of you sweet people for watching the show and being so supportive and encouraging over the last year or so of madness.

February 7th, 2021

Homeskoolin’ Volume 90, Tom Bukovac, “Play Date”

00:00 - John McLaughlin / Chevrolet intro
02:50 - Hello, class!
04:22 - Taj Mahal
05:04 - Guitar volume
05:41 - Fuzz pedals and volume sound
07:40 - Jazz chords & open voicings lessons
12:11 - Taj Mahal riff lesson

A brief discussion on the genius of John McLaughlin and the Mahavishnu Orchestra dovetailed into some old Taj Mahal.
Thanks to Brabley’s mom.

Tom Bukovac’s personal Rolling Rock tip jar  is tombukovac@gmail.com
Homeskoolin merch available at www.guitarhouse.net

If anyone wants to take a stab at learning that “Dance Of Maya” riff (maybe like if you’re not that into sports ball) go ahead and email your version to me at tombukovac@gmail.com

January 9th, 2021

Homeskoolin’ Volume 85, Tom Bukovac, “We All Get Replaced”

00:00 - Slow intro jam
03:01 - Hello, class!
04:29 - Viewer Comment Bin
04:40 - String bending / Lesson
08:05 - Sharp pointers on guitars
08:52 - Rolling Rock
09:40 - Internal crash cymbal, click track
10:03 - Framing the vocals / Steve Cox
11:11 - Regular day job?
12:09 - Bass playing
13:12 - Switch picking
14:23 - Dean DeLeo / Feelings hurt

A brief chat on bending, my brother Mike, and the sad truth of life that once we leave the studio, our poor tracks have no one to defend them.

PayPal tip jar is tombukovac@gmail.com
T shirts and mugs available at www.guitarhouse.net

December 30th, 2020

Homeskoolin’ Volume 83, Tom Bukovac, Trip The Witch

00:00 - Beautiful intro jam
01:53 - Hello, class! / Duesenberg Session Man Guitar
05:03 - "Trip the Witch"
05:59 - Leslie West loss
06:49 - Christmas Depression
07:57 - Chords with harmonics / Low voicings
09:55 - Steve Morse rabbit hole

Hello class, to find the the Steve Morse video I've been obsessing over, just search for "Steve Morse band live in 1984 Part 4" sorry I'm too computer illiterate to know how to actually "post a link"...i honestly don't even know what i was thinking... beyond that, this video shows unveiling of the new Duesenberg Session Man guitar, and a brief discussion on poly chords and Christmas depression for young folks in their 20's and 30's

PayPal tip jar is tombukovac@gmail.com
T shirts and mugs available at www.guitarhouse.net

September 21st, 2020

Homeskoolin’ Volume 70, Tom Bukovac, “Fall Is Here!!!!!”

00:00 - Beautiful, bluesy intro
03:17 - Hello, class!
04:13 - Rare edit (Pro-Reverb problem)
04:20 - Viewer Comment Bin / Busy
05:00 - Dirty Mary Crazy Larry movie
05:28 - Co-host w/ Michael Palmisano
06:06 - Musician and engineer relationtionship?
08:30 - Ron Ellis pickups / Gibson Les Paul
09:55 - Uncle Larry's Garage Sale (Echoplex)
11:18 - Fender Tweed Deluxe / E Blues lesson

https://youtu.be/wjDJL57ofY4 - Check out this cool table.

PayPal tip jar is tombukovac@gmail.com
T shirts and mugs available at www.guitarhouse.net

September 3rd, 2020

Homeskoolin Volume 67, Tom Bukovac “Rattlin’ Tube Blues”

00:00 - Long raunchy rock jam intro / "I'm in a mood today."
03:50 - Hello, class!
04:10 - Video / "Boys being boys" / Gambling
04:38 - Dave Stewart project / Sweet Dreams tracks
05:32 - 40,000 Subscribers / Thanks
06:02 - Viewer Comment Bin / Motorcycle?
06:50 - Go for it / Make mistakes
07:42 - Been to the Crossroads? No, Cleveland.
08:30 - Teach your parts to recording artist?
09:18 - Rob Thomas beat boxing
10:26 - Pick lesson / Major to minor blues lick
12:53 - How to get out of a rut?

A brief look through the VCB and a good illustration of why octal tubes suck.

PayPal tip jar is tombukovac@gmail.com
T shirts and mugs available at www.guitarhouse.net


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