June 26th, 2023

Homeskoolin' Update, "Birthday Gig Video Release and New Website News"

00:00 - Another day of slow, trippy playing (Police - Tea in the Sahara)
03:30 - Hey all! / About Tom / Thanks, Yuengling, working
05:30 - Live video of 3rd & Lindsley / Buy on new website
07:30 - "Guthrie Trapp and Tom Bukovac In Stereo" record
08:30 - VCB (Viewer Comment Bin)
08:45 - Lesson: vi -> iv7
09:30 - Take a minute to see if I like or not
10:35 - Playing in the moment / Police songs
11:45 - Lesson: Bending the strings
13:20 - Duke Levine talk
15:05 - Pete Townshend - All the Best Cowboys Have Chinese Eyes

Wait just a minute....Uncle Larry has a website now??? Whattttt????

Check it out kids:


The freshly re-mixed live video from the birthday gig at 3rd and Lindsley on December 20th 2022 is finally ALMOST ready to launch. Should be up in the next day or two. You can purchase a digital download of it from the new website for $14.99 if you like.

It features guest appearances by Guthrie Trapp, Jedd Hughes and Wendy Moten.  It also features a few clams and an occasional video glitch that was unfixable in post... but in the big picture these are only minor inconveniences...it's all in the spirit of live performance and it's many imminent dangers.

Most importantly, the original audio tracks from this show were beautifully remixed by the legendary engineer Steve Marcantonio,....Steve made a lot of big records in New York...J Geils, John Lennon etc

Special thanks to young David McLeod for putting the new website together.

Special thanks to Sting for writing the fucking amazing song I played at the beginning of the video...

"Tea In The Sahara"

"My sisters and I
Have one wish before we die

And it may sound strange
As if our minds are deranged
Please don't ask us why
Beneath the sheltering sky
We have this strange obsession
You have the means in your possession

Tea in the Sahara with you
Tea in the Sahara with you

The young man agreed
He would satisfy their need
So they danced for his pleasure
With a joy you could not measure
They would wait for him here
The same place every year
Beneath the sheltering sky
Across the desert he would fly

Tea in the Sahara with you
Tea in the Sahara with you

The sky turned to black
Would he ever come back?
They would climb a high dune
They would pray to the moon
But he'd never return
So the sisters would burn
As their eyes searched the land
With their cups full of sand"

Totally unrelated but still cool, here's that Duke Levine thing i mentioned in today's vid....absolutely transcendental shit.


Despite Dominic Hudson's best efforts to deter them, a lot of newer viewers have been asking "where is the tip jar?" lately...well, if you feel led to contribute a little something to the Homeskoolin' cause after well over 200 free guitar lessons, you can do that here.

For PayPal donations use this address:
For Venmo donations use this address:

There are still a few more of the hand signed limited edition Uncle Larry prints that Ziggy O'Leary did left....if you wanna check one out go here:

and a LOT of people don't seem to know that they can go here to purchase a myriad of Homeskoolin' related merchandise..including several different T-shirts and some beautifully constructed coffee mugs for those afflicted with thin lips...

You can also get some very cool Guthrie Trapp and Jedd Hughes merch at that same site.

Over the last couple years, Uncle Larry made a couple records that you could potentially listen to...
one is an instrumental solo record called "Plexi Soul" that is available here:

another is an instrumental collaboration with his dear friend Dean Deleo (originally from the Stone Temple Pilots organization) that is available here:

Thanks for watching the show friends..I hope you are learning how to find your own voice on the guitar.

June 12th, 2023

Homeskoolin’ Saturday Night Family Jams

00:00 - Covers by Uncle Larry's family

Uncle Larry and his two sweet sweet boys get their ya ya’s out on a Saturday night….

Leo (age 7) on the Hammond B3


Marshall (age 10) on the 1990 Gibson Flyin’ V he just got today at Rumbleseat Music

May 3rd, 2023

Homeskoolin' Volume 212, Tom Bukovac, "The Chord NO ONE Can Hear"

00:00 - Some Old-Country influence and singing
01:14 - Hi guys!  Beautiful to be back / Pool
02:20 - Willie Nelson gig thoughts / Working hard
03:47 - Living Legends / Band
04:45 - Willie Nelson great song writer
05:32 - Videos from gig / Volume and remaster
06:18 - 3rd & Lindsley remaster
07:09 - How was Keith Richards
07:55 - COVID restrictions / Separate tents
09:45 - Ann Wilson tour decline
10:58 - Highlights of the show / Sheryl, Beck, etc.
12:18 - Past shows with Willie
13:23 - Rental gear, how was it? / Missing personal guitars
14:35 - Quiz: Willie gig charts for prize
16:45 - Stevie Wonder - Sir Duke  (Can you hear this chord?)
18:22 - Guthrie record finishing / Band name / Fantasic material and arrangements

Larry reflects on some of the bizarre and mysterious things that have floated across his transom in the last week or so.

Oh...and don't you need some Homeskoolin' merch?


April 3rd, 2023

Homeskoolin' Volume 207, Tom Bukovac, "Uncle Larry Been....Steppin' Out"

00:00 - Steppin' Out looping
03:35 - Hello, lads! / Blake Shelton session
04:30 - Jackie Greene story
05:50 - Joe Jackson - Steppin' Out
06:14 - Lesson: Steppin' Out chords (F#Maj / Eb [x x 13 11 11 9])
08:00 - Thanks / Todd Sharp
08:44 - Complicated delays
09:00 - Cleveland music stores back in the day / Guild
11:30 - "Continue with pedal videos"
12:00 - Billy Sims / Beers / Kicking ass
13:03 - Date of the Fender neck?
13:29 - Nobels vs. Clones
13:57 - Jeff Senn Guitar


Tom discusses lounge piano chording and dips a toe in the VCB.

Thanks for watching guys.

If you are enjoying these videos the PayPal tip jar is

the venmo tip jar is @tom-bukovac-1

March 28th, 2023

Homeskoolin' Volume 204, Tom Bukovac, "A.I. Blues"

00:00 - Sweet, slow and dreamy tune
02:42 - Hello, Homeskoolers' / Sad school shooting in Nashville
03:38 - Cat Stevens - Trouble
04:36 - Harmony Soveriegn conversion guitar
05:50 - Originality, "reminds me of...", sounds like / All music is "stolen" vs. plagiarism vs. 100% original
10:00 - VCB (Viewer Comment Bin) / Pet peeves - "You're not wrong."
10:45 - Kemper, modeling, and loving amps
11:51 - Vinyl for Plexi Soul
12:30 - JHS and DigiTech Bad Monkey / Klon and lower gain setting
14:45 - ChatGPT and AI (Artificial Intelligence)
16:47 - "What session would you have loved to be present?" / Led Zeppelin - Black Dog / Dancing Days

Uncle Larry gets into the VCB and recent sad events in Nashville

March 4th, 2023

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Double Down”

00:00 - Little behind the scenes with some great players


Vegas baby…if anyone is bored today in Vegas come to the free show downtown….starts at noon.

We got Billy Gibbons, Vince Gill, Kevin Cronin, Kenny Wayne, Kenny Aronoff, Mikey Mills, Jimmy Irsay, Mikey Wanchic, Billy Branch on the harp, and some other crabby old guy who’s name I can’t remember.

We had to move the show time up because of approaching inclement weather.

Millsy and I have a lot of fun over on stage right….never stop laughing…or drinking. He’s a lovely guy and i appreciate the fact that he always puts up with me and my little camera.

January 12th, 2023

Homeskoolin’ Volume 186, Tom Bukovac, “13”

00:00 - Little mellow strumming
02:32 - What's up Homeskoolers / Greetings and Jeff Beck
05:09 - Game: Name tracks from an album / That's who you are (age: 13)
08:38 - VCB (Viewer Comment Bin) / Vince Gill and session knowledge
11:45 - Did you ever play football?
13:00 - Stolen guitars?
15:26 - Bring on the Night - Police / Cover songs
16:10 - Thanks and learning from lessons / Stealing knowledge and uniqueness
18:47 - Tinnitis
20:25 - Live stream setup?
20:55 - Amp mainly used? Princeton Reverb
21:38 - Yes - Fragile

Uncle Larry discusses the important formative years of the typical lifer musician...and more specifically the "magic age"....13

Thanks for watching dear Homeskoolers...

Donation links:
Paypal is tombukovac@gmail.com

Venmo is @Tom_Bukovac-1

and it's cold out there...getchya a hoodie

November 22nd, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Volume 175, Tom Bukovac, “Transition Logo Blues”

00:00 - Pickin' and a playin'
03:17 - Hello, friends! / '66 Tele
03:57 - Dorian Crozier jam
05:10 - Lesson: Standard Country progression
06:03 - Lesson: Nirvana meets Jerry Garcia chord progression
06:42 - Lesson: Circle of 5ths (Steve Morse)
07:50 - Steve Morse story
09:00 - Allan Holdsworth

Uncle Larry goes a few rounds with a tricky little progression before going completely off the rails…this was his 2nd and final take…you gotta know when to walk away kids.

here is the link for tomorrow's twitch madness......

October 31st, 2022

Homeskoolin Bonus “Larry Schmarry”

00:00 - Without You rendition

All alone by the fireplace after my sweet sweet boys have gone to bed and after winning a pile on the ravens minus 1…

This one goes out to the big cat’s dad….and pete ham…
much love

Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary,
Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore—
While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,
As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.
“’Tis some visitor,” I muttered, “tapping at my chamber door—
Only this and nothing more.”

October 6th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Music City Motor Club”

00:00 - Some hot rods

This one is strictly for the motor heads out there.

October 6th 2022, Blackbird Studios in Nashville TN.

Day two of a Morgan Wallen session…which turned into a bit of an old car show on this beautiful fall day

Jimmie Lee Sloas
Joey Moi
Bryan Sutton
Little Davey Cohen
Josh Diddy
Jerry Lee Roe
Richard Healey
Ryan Yount
Joey Stanca

September 30th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Uncle Larry's Spooky Fall Garage Sale”

00:00 - Beautiful playing
04:11 - Hello, Homeskoolers! / Greetings / Folkway Music
05:18 - '64 Firebird III / Chopper bridge
06:00 - Tour / Football / Gear / '63 Gibson 335
08:11 - Garage Sale

Many ideas went through my head about what to name this video……

“Evidence Of Autumn” (maybe a little too inside)
“Desert Sand Man” (cuz i can never resist any Pre-CBS related pun.....)

but anyhoo, email me at tombukovac@gmail.com if you want any of this stuff. this is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg.....i have got WAY too much gear. Every few years I do a massive purge in an attempt to simplify my life...i'm sure some of you out there know the feeling and can relate.

PRS Cleveland one of a kind guitar...to my knowledge the only single pickup PRS ever made...constructed of super lightweight Korina, with an old Dimarzio Super Distortion humbucker $5000.00

1978 BC Rich Super Eagle, you already know how hard these original ones are to find

1964 Vox AC30 JMI grey panel factory top boost with original trannies and silver dogs...the classic AC30 sound in spades $3500.00

1962 Fender Brown Deluxe recovered and regrilled…original trannies and a high dollar brand new Celestion Gold speaker ....this thing sounds really really good

1960 Fender Duo Sonic in desert sand finish

1966 Fender Duo Sonic II in dakota red

1957 Supro Ozark with sandwich pickup

1960’s Teisco TG-1 with built in amp

1) Buyer pays actual shipping
2) Sorry to all my beloved international Homeskoolers, but I'm only doing domestic U.S. shipping on these guitars

September 28th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Pedal Board Cam”

00:00 - Footage: Pedalboard cam
04:30 - Guitar playing / Heart - Even It Up
10:12 - Ann Wilson greetings / Ann Wilson - Black Wing
17:00 - Ann Wilson - Greed
20:30 - Heart - Magic Man
26:45 - Tom solo / Heart - Crazy On You
33:25 - The Who - Rain On Me
39:15 - Band intro / Heart - Barracuda
44:30 - Heart - Straight On
50:10 - Led Zeppelin - Black Dog

Ann Wilson live, Sunday September 25th in Houston Texas….opening for Jeff Beck and The ZZ Tops…

In case you were ever wondering what pedal changes Larry makes on what songs, here ya go As my dear friend Joe Vitale once said watching me on a session….”Buko, it looks like you’re trying to put out a fire”

Hope you enjoy

September 12th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “The Choogler”

00:00 - The work that goes into a show

I’ve got hours of this crazy rehearsal shit on my phone….there are some gems hidden within i ain’t gonna lie.

September 6th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Volume 162, Tom Bukovac, “You Guys In A Band??”

00:00 - Beautiful playing
01:43 - Hello, lads and lasses / Back home / Thanks
02:29 - Acoustic guitar Martin D-28
03:00 - Maton acoustic guitar
04:45 - Amazing Dawgs, bandmates, and being in a band
08:40 - Gambling / Spam and YouTube filters
09:54 - Bonus footage

Television's own Uncle Larry, absolutely exuberant about finally being home and being reunited with his trusty old '38 bone…waxes rhapsodic about that one thing we have ALL thought about since we were little kids….what it's like to really be in a band.

(and now, shift to "first person")

Now that touring is finally calming down and fall is on the way (praise God) it's time to put some focus on some projects that i started on a while back, such as this little instrumental EP that dear Guthrie Trapp and myself are putting together…it's so much fun.....here’s a little snippet from one of the three tracks we already have "in the can"....gonna go back in soon and do some more.

Also, I couldn’t help but add in a few other crazy things at the end of this vid...a dumb meme that cracks me up... " I AM THE JUAN PERCENT"....oh and my alltime favorite thing that my sweet little boy Leo ever drew for his dear old dad….a totally random partial list he made at school one day of some of our favorite songs we like to jam in the car…precious keepsake.

"you got another thing comin"
"black sabbath"
"hot rod lincoln"
"iron man"
"rock and roll music"
"yellow submarine"
"starship trooper"
"hard day's nite"
"breakin' the law"
"don't stand so close to me"
"behind my camel" (instrumental by the police off zenyatta mondatta)
and one more i could never read

Thanks again for supporting the channel folks….i am doing everything legally allowed to show you guys whatever i can…absolutely free of charge of course. Why am i doing it? Because music has been really good to me in this life, and i feel like it’s the right thing to do to give it all back to a bunch of total strangers...

i hope you guys know how much i sincerely appreciate the little community we have built here …. ya’ know, except for a few kids in the back of the room that get a little too excited at times (like Brock Thomas....man what a tool) we got something very real going here….i for one do not take it for granted.

Rock on cats

September 4th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Dust Storm”

00:00 - Soundcheck

As a wild rain and dust storm rolls in right before our gig tonite in Laughlin NV…you get a little slice of the usual backstage/soundcheck madness that accompanies the Amazing Dawgs gigs.

Dear Rob Olsen of Maton guitars was kind enough to furnish us with this lovely Maton Messiah acoustic guitar to use on this tour….definitely a step up from what we WERE doing….the pickup sounds wonderful.

More than anything, this captures the gigantic soul of our dear band photographer Criss Cain, who is kind enough to stand in for Ann and sing for her at soundchecks….one of the coolest, most genuine people i have ever known.

September 4th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Desert Vignette”

00:00 - Montage of pics from tour

Today is one of those days…you know the ones…those days when you question your entire existence? Take me home….country roads….to the place….i belong….

September 1st, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Pike’s Peak”

00:00 - Deep melodic plucking
02:08 - Hello, class! / Seattle hello
02:44 - Coasta Mesa, CA show / Pat Benatar & Neil Geraldo (Timeless Guitars)
03:50 - BC Rich Eagle / Neil brings guitar out
04:39 - Puyallop, WA show
05:18 - Lesson: Chord voicing concept

Larry….he just woke up in a weird hotel…but thank The Lord he’s got his cheapo martin to plunk on….

August 26th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Volume 161, Tom Bukovac, “Rainbow Blues”

00:00 - Song playthrough
03:25 - Hello, class! / Uncle Larry
04:00 - VCB (Viewer Comment Bin) / Thanks
05:15 - James Honeyman Scott & episode
06:02 - "Good tone is heavy and hard to carry."  -Tom Bukovac (Amps)
06:24 - Stringing guitar
07:29 - What was your first pedal? DOD Flanger
08:01 - Chrissy Hines and James Honeyman Scott appreciation
08:25 - Any advice? Don't end up in jail or killing yourself, you're good
09:30 - Steve Hackett - The Battle of Epping Forest (echo)
12:05 - Pet peeves / Gruhn's Guitars / Original guitars (Beato & Rhett)

This one goes out to one of the baddest motherfuckers that ever roamed this earth….Joey D

RIP brother

and...the echo guitar that kicks in at :51 on this....come on man

and....if i ever heard a pedal that can create the effect that happens at
3:16 of my pitiful video today when both guitars play the same thing. that would be cool

June 21st, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Suddenly Time Is So Elastic…”

00:00 - Funky playing

A brief example of how time can be mutated and fucked with as long as its got that swing.

June 8th, 2022

Homeskoolin Bonus, “The Guy Who Does Heart Covers”

00:00 - Heart - Little Queen cover practice
03:14 - Riff discussion / Rehearsal
03:46 - Fill notation
04:38 - "The Trip Out Section"
05:27 - Heart songs and compositions
06:13 - Gigs insight
07:25 - Kicking some sweet licks / "The guy that does Heart covers"

Hi guys, just checkin in.


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