October 14th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Volume 349, Tom Bukovac “Please Come To Cleveland (For The Springtime)

00:00 - Slow, down home playing
08:08 - Hey, friends! / Triple sessions is a lot of work / Break into song
09:35 - Fender kick
09:51 - Roland JC-120 / More than 1 amp setup and a great soundman
11:24 - Jim Croce / Tight bands and rehearsing
14:16 - Jamie French work / Fall weather
14:49 - Lesson: E to A interesting changes / Barring the A with 1 finger
18:06 - Making a loop out of it
19:51 - Lesson: Little finger hammer pulloff / Playing

Uncle Larry comin at ya on a Monday nite…after the big game…after the long ass day of triple sessions…a little bit toasty but still checkin in with his beloved Homeskoolers before bed.

Crystalline tone courtesy of Roland Incorporated Of Japan

October 13th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “BIG Bang For The Buck”

00:00 - 'TOP of clean sound' amp

You would be AMAZED if you knew how many of your favorite guitar parts were recorded with one of these legendary grossly underpriced beasts.

The Roland Jazz Chorus 120

There was a time in music history when basically EVERYONE was using one of these amps…
you know why? Cuz they sound fucking amazing

For what it costs to buy one of these , there is really no excuse not to have one

Certainly not the right amp for everything, but the stuff it IS right for? There ain’t nothing better

August 2nd, 2023

Homeskoolin' Volume 233, Tom Bukovac, "An Important Message From Corporate Regarding Your Vibrato"

00:00 - Premium tone
02:42 - Hello friends! / Peter Framton / Boys back
03:41 - Marshall Plexi Super PA head / Boss Chorus Ensemble (CE-1)
04:32 - Robert Keeley is incredible / Other incredibles
06:06 - Lesson: 10ths and 9ths
09:55 - Lesson: Vibrato and paying attention
11:43 - Lesson: Vibrato and how much shake
15:00 - Peter Frampton's studio tour

Uncle Larry gives it to ya straight on in this one...real talk...

i mean let's face it people.... vibrato is like the guitar players "fingerprint" if you will...if you must...

It is one of a very small number of key distinguishing factors that separates one guitar player from another in a police line up of guitar players...

It needs to be paid attention to VERY CLOSELY and, according to some recent NASA findings, most guitar players don't THINK about their vibrato nearly as much as they should...i tend to agree.

a LOT of people have asked me lately where they can go to buy a Homeskoolin t shirt or other sexy ass Homeskoolin' merch...well...this is where you go.

You can make PayPal donations to this address:
You can make Venmo donations to this address:

Believe it or not....i even have a new website where you can see all kinds of weird old photos, you can "ask Larry" whatever you want in an alternative VCB, and you can also purchase a download of the live concert i did last December if you like.

There are still a few more of the hand signed limited edition Uncle Larry prints that Ziggy O'Leary did left....if you wanna check one out go here:

A lot of these very same new viewers don't seem to know that Uncle Larry made a couple records that they could potentially listen to... one is an instrumental solo record called "Plexi Soul" that is available here:

another is an instrumental collaboration with his dear friend Dean Deleo (originally from the Stone Temple Pilots organization) that is available here:

August 23rd, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Volume 160, Tom Bukovac, “The Honey Man”

00:00 - The Pretenders - Kid play through
01:20 - Hello / Analog Man
02:52 - Genesis and challenge
03:50 - MXR Dyna Comp / Foam turns to glue tip
05:45 - The Pretenders history and talk / Lesson: Chord
08:38 - Lesson: The Kid bridge lesson
10:12 - Lesson: The Kid solo lesson
13:00 - VCB
13:20 - Amp-like pedals / Modeling
15:56 - Epiphone Casino / Choppers and modifying guitars / Tremolo vs. Vibrato
19:00 - David Gilmour / Variation of out of tune makes it real
21:33 - Apple products
22:04 - Musical memory and ear training
24:39 - Hanging out with Ann Wilson

A brief look at some genius shit from 1980…and a gaze into the vast crevasse (i like to say it like kruh-vaaaaahhhhzzzz) that is the VCB

Paypal tip jar is tombukovac@gmail.com
Venmo tip jar is @Tom-Bukovac-1

April 14th, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Play Along With “Plexiholic” Loop

00:00 - Loop going into a building wall of Marshalls

Thought i would give you guys a shot at this before i wiped it.

My god i wish you could hear what this sounds like in the actual room…this iphone mic is picking up about 10 percent of it….one of the sickest tones i have ever dialed up in my life. 67 marshall plexi pa 50 head into a 68 4x12 with original 30s with 55 hz bass cones on the left….68 plexi super bass 50 into an ‘87 2x12 silver jubilee cab on right.


F add 9 to G back and forth (four times)

Eb X6808X
Bb6 X,13,15,0,15,X

Last chord Bb6b5 X,13,14,0,15,X


Paypal tip jar is tombukovac@gmail.com
Venmo tip jar is @Tom-Bukovac-1

April 13th, 2022

Homeskoolin Volume 138, Tom Bukovac, “Plexiholic”

00:00 - Slow, beautiful, raunchy loop playing
03:36 - Hello, class! / Thanks / Nashville floods
04:45 - 1 year anniversary
05:19 - View Comment Bin - Trigger Hippy days
07:23 - Joan Osborne
09:03 - Favorite Twight Zone?  The Shelter
10:37 - Overcoming Red Light Fever?
12:39 - Guitar or amp you never had?
13:35 - Crazy prices of instruments
14:02 - "Uncle Larry" amp / Ebo Customs
15:00 - Recent addiction to Marshall Plexis

A brief look at the VCB and the wonders of the old MXR Stereo Chorus.

Thanks for watching people

Paypal tip jar is tombukovac@gmail.com
Venmo tip jar is @Tom-Bukovac-1

March 1st, 2022

Homeskoolin’ Volume 131, Tom Bukovac, “Hello?….hello???…hello????…hello????”

00:00 - Spacey, trippy playing
00:50 - Hello, friends! / 501chorusecho? / Roland Chorus Echo (RE-501)
14:00 - Opening it up

s this thing on???

Uncle Larry waxes rhapsodic about capstans and pinch rollers, and explores some of Japan’s proudest moments in great detail.

Not a SINGLE ONE of you out there realized that there were TWO volume 128’s of the Homeskoolin series…. even more proof that Larry needs a secretary…..secret-a-larry

Thank you guys for the kind words and kind donations….you guys really know how to make a gal feel welcome and loved.

Larry appreciates it


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