October 18th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “I’m Slovenian, I’m Nationwide”

00:00 - Black and white plugged in acoustic

Uncle Larry fingerpicks through dark waters, traversing the dangerous ocean waves of harmony and searching for familiar shore


October 17th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Day At The Office “Anything Else Jaime?”

00:00 - Working as a session / producer

Some days at work are just very relaxing…finishing up this record i am producing for Jaime French and I gotta say, sitting at the console listening to Wendy Moten sing backup vocals all day is not a bad way to make a living friends.

The hardest part of the day was deciding what to order for lunch

Trust me, this ain’t the way it goes every day…as much as I wish it was.

Surround yourself with extremely talented people and life is a hell of a lot more interesting

Check out Jaime French on YouTube …she is a well known comedian who also happens to be an amazing singer

Really enjoying this project …hope you enjoy as well friends

October 14th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Volume 349, Tom Bukovac “Please Come To Cleveland (For The Springtime)

00:00 - Slow, down home playing
08:08 - Hey, friends! / Triple sessions is a lot of work / Break into song
09:35 - Fender kick
09:51 - Roland JC-120 / More than 1 amp setup and a great soundman
11:24 - Jim Croce / Tight bands and rehearsing
14:16 - Jamie French work / Fall weather
14:49 - Lesson: E to A interesting changes / Barring the A with 1 finger
18:06 - Making a loop out of it
19:51 - Lesson: Little finger hammer pulloff / Playing

Uncle Larry comin at ya on a Monday nite…after the big game…after the long ass day of triple sessions…a little bit toasty but still checkin in with his beloved Homeskoolers before bed.

Crystalline tone courtesy of Roland Incorporated Of Japan

October 13th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “BIG Bang For The Buck”

00:00 - 'TOP of clean sound' amp

You would be AMAZED if you knew how many of your favorite guitar parts were recorded with one of these legendary grossly underpriced beasts.

The Roland Jazz Chorus 120

There was a time in music history when basically EVERYONE was using one of these amps…
you know why? Cuz they sound fucking amazing

For what it costs to buy one of these , there is really no excuse not to have one

Certainly not the right amp for everything, but the stuff it IS right for? There ain’t nothing better

October 13th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Bonus Jam…featuring Tom Bukovac…”Low Neck Sweater”

00:00 - Amazing jam on the Strat

The next installment in the ocean green Strat series …naturally

A little jazz blues direct from the mind of a converted yankee

October 12th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Saturday Night Bonus Jam “Slant 6”

00:00 - Pickin' those strings to a loop

Remember friends, if you don’t get called for fouls you ain’t playin basketball.

October 10th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Volume 348, Tom Bukovac, “The Age Of Guitar”

00:00 - Old Folk, Country type songs
04:27 - Hello, friends!
05:22 - Age of guitar / Jedd Hughes channeling Grady Martin
06:48 - Worst gig of life (Underdog) / Unprepared nervousness, shakiness
09:06 - No more experiemental gigs (phones)
10:37 - Rare cut
11:06 - Stage neurosis
11:33 - Great book - Fender the Sound Heard Around the World (book)
12:15 - Update / Grammy nomination for Album Engineering
13:00 - Smokestack (Paul Moak studio)
13:57 - '53 Blackguard Fender Telecaster / Compensated saddles / Lost saddles
15:45 - Lesson: Cool lick (Key A: V back to the I) / Playing and singing
19:42 - Lesson: Cool chords
20:50 - In studio drumming

Uncle Larry catches us up on his last week of internet delinquency

Let’s say a few prayers for the folks down in Florida ok friends?

October 9th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Collector’s Edition Bagels”

00:00 - Promotion for collector CD

Uncle Larry just signed 1000 new collector edition CD’s

they will be available any minute now at this site:

Thank you guys for supporting the channel and our music

October 7th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Bonus “Civil War Boogie”

00:00 - Patriotic loopin' and singin'
04:23 - PSA: Randall Bramlett & Riverside Revival / Underdog
05:45 - Gecko and music on the turntable

A quick PSA (preceded by some caterwaulin hillbilly from Cleveland)

…with apologies to Ry Cooder

October 7th, 2024

Homeskoolin’ Volume 347, Tom Bukovac, “Water Damage”

00:00 - Heavy strumming
02:17 - Hello, friends!
03:00 - Heartbroke message to those in the disaster
04:47 - Morgan Wallen work / How the sessions work
06:21 - Getting a demo copied live
08:36 - 2019 Martin acoustic
10:01 - Budget brand stuff?
11:10 - Thanks to the small, mighty community

Words can’t describe how much my heart goes out to anyone out there who is dealing with this colossal flooding nightmare …what a fucking mess.


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